Scarlett can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, then nodded, "it seems that this period of time, we have been too peaceful! I've long forgotten that I'm still in the wolf's nest! "

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, after a long sigh of relief, he walked toward the bed and said, "you can't wait to die. You have to rest early tonight. You have to go out tomorrow to see what's going on!"

Scarlett smell speech immediately come to help Ye Feng go to bed, after Ye Feng lay well, she just lay on Ye Feng's side, looking at Ye Feng way, "your body doesn't matter? Why don't you take advantage of this time to rest here and wait until you are completely well? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said to Scarlett, "if it's too late, it will change. The earlier the better!" Said to turn off the light, lying down, it said, "you also go to bed early, this time you hard!"

Scarlett is lying on one side of Ye Feng, looking at the profile of Ye Feng's side face and looking at Ye Feng without saying a word.

Ye Feng saw that Scarlett didn't speak. At this time, she turned her head and saw that Scarlett was staring at herself. She couldn't help asking what was wrong?

Scarlett shakes her head and says it's OK to Ye Feng, "go to sleep!"

Ye Feng feels that Scarlett has a mind, and immediately asks what happened?

Scarlett still shook her head. Ye Feng leaned over and held her in her arms. "If you have something to say, don't hold it in your heart!"

Although so many days, Scarlett and Ye Feng sleep in the same bed, but almost all sleep in their own, never too much intimate contact.

It was the first time that she was held in her arms by Ye Feng, which made Scarlett's heart beat faster. She even felt the warmth of Ye Feng's chest and the smell of male hormones.

Scarlett can't help feeling that she has some difficulty in breathing. She just looks at Ye Feng and says nothing.

Ye Fenggang wanted to ask what happened to Scarlett again. She didn't want to open her mouth. Scarlett put her finger on Ye Feng's mouth and said in a soft voice, "I'm ok. Don't talk. It's good like this!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Scarlett, but her affectionate eyes are looking at her, and what she smells is the fragrance of Scarlett's body.

Ye Feng is not a gentleman, but men and women's affairs have always been your love I would like, now the beauty of the current, and so beautiful and moving, there is no idea in the heart, it must be cheating.

At this time, Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and approached him until her nose touched Ye Feng's.

It seems that both of them can feel the heat from each other's nostrils spraying on their faces, and the smell from each other is also diffused in the air.

Two people just look at each other, also don't know how long, Scarlett or take the initiative to kiss Ye Feng.

Ye Feng did not refuse, allowing Scarlett to kiss himself, and he reached out to touch Scarlett's devil like body.

Soon the two bodies blended together, but because ye Feng's abdomen was still injured, they did not dare to move too much. Even for a time, Scarlett was guiding Ye Feng, trying not to move Ye Feng's body. It was her who fully cooperated with Ye Feng's current situation.

The rain outside the window is getting heavier and heavier. It seems that it doesn't mean to stop for a while and a half. The fierce fighting inside the house is also continuing. It is not affected by the bad weather outside.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning outside lit up the whole Stewart Island. From the window, they also came into Ye Feng's room and saw that they were shaking the dragon and toppling the Phoenix.

After a flash of lightning and thunder, the two people in the room gradually separated. Both of them were satisfied. Scarlett lay in Ye Feng's arms with a red face and scratched her fingers around her chest.

Ye Feng is a point after the smoke, limited smoking, this period of time collapse is too tight, tonight after the appropriate release, suddenly feel relaxed a lot.

Scarlett looks at Ye Feng with satisfaction. It's just that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now she feels that she is the most handsome when she looks at Ye Feng.

Just after Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, Scarlett took the initiative to come up and kiss Ye Feng, ready to open Mei twice, but she heard a sudden "bang" outside.

At first, both of them were already thundering. Then there was another sound. Ye Feng immediately pushed away Scarlett and said harshly, "gunshot!"

As soon as Scarlett heard this, her face also moved. She immediately got out of bed, put on her pajamas and went to the landing window.

Ye Feng at this time also followed to come over, just stood in the window, see not far away on the road, under a street lamp, several people are holding machine gun, toward a person who fell to the ground.

Scarlett saw this and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng did not speak, and see another dark place, suddenly lit up a flashing light, it is obvious that the machine gun is shooting.

At this time, the sky rumbled, completely unable to hear the sound of those machine gun fire, Ye Feng immediately put on his clothes and said to Scarlett, "you're here, don't go, I'll go down and have a look!"But Scarlett said to Yefeng, "do you know what happened?"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Scarlett to finish, he had put on his clothes, opened the door and went out. As soon as he got to the stairs, he saw Hendry, Kelly and Wenya pacing back and forth in the living room, looking a little restless.

Three people see Ye Feng come down, face suddenly all a change, all quickly went to the stairs, toward Ye Feng a nod, "master!"

Ye Feng walked down and asked three people, "Why are there gunshots outside? What happened? "

Hendry smell speech immediately toward leaf maple way, "is there a gunshot outside?"? Master, did you hear me wrong? I was thundering all the time just now... " There was another roar outside, and Hendry said immediately, "listen, it's thunder!"

But Ye Feng hummed coldly, "the sound of thunder and the sound of shooting, I think I can still distinguish it!"

Hendry turned to Kelly and Wenya and said, "did you hear the gunshot just now?"

Kelly and Wen Yan both shook their heads and said no, but as soon as they finished, there was a sound of machine guns outside. They both heard their faces move slightly.

Ye Feng has already walked downstairs at this time, looked at three humanitarians, "is this still the sound of thunder?"

All three of them stopped talking. Ye Feng walked towards the gate of the villa. Seeing this, Hendry immediately ran after Ye Feng and stopped him. "Master, you can't go out..."

Ye Feng stares at Hendry and says, "why can't you go out?"

Hendry said immediately, "it's still raining outside!"

Regardless of Hendry, Ye Feng went directly to open the door. Suddenly, a crackling rainstorm came from the outside, and there was rain splashing after it fell to the ground. Looking at the rain, it was as if the sky had collapsed. It was completely like a waterfall slanting over the sky. Moreover, it was dark outside, and there was nothing more than a meter away.

Hendry immediately pulled Ye Feng back, then closed the door, suddenly the rain also followed the small.

Hendry then said to Yefeng, "master, don't go anywhere tonight!"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, "I'll ask you again, is there a gunshot outside?"

when Hendry hesitated for a while, Ye Feng immediately went to open the door again. Hendry immediately blocked the door, his back was tightly attached to the door, and said to Ye Feng, "yes, there's a gunshot outside!"

After seeing Hendry say so, Ye Feng didn't open the door. Instead, he asked Hendry, "what's the matter?"

Hendry immediately began to hesitate again. Seeing that Ye Feng was coming towards the door again, he immediately said, "there's a killing action on the whole island tonight!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move a way, "exterminate an action?"

Hendry nodded and said, "that's right. We're going to execute some people who are suspected to have defected tonight. We're going to clean them all! So you can't go out to avoid being hurt by mistake! "

Ye Feng suddenly looked at Hendry in silence for a while. He didn't speak for a long time. This is what Ye Feng didn't think of. However, he didn't know whether Dante Emma or dromus was responsible for the killing.

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