Hendry saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. Then he came over, put one hand on Ye Feng's shoulder, pushed Ye Feng into the hall and said, "master, so it's not just tonight. You stay here these days. Don't go out. After these days, everything will be back to normal, and then you won't be restricted!"

Kaili also came over and stood on Ye Feng's side and said, "so master, whatever you hear tonight, don't leave this villa. You are safe here. As long as you leave this villa, no one can guarantee your safety."

Ye Feng didn't say anything. She went upstairs. As soon as she entered the room, Scarlett came anxiously and said, "what's the matter? Just now I stood at the window and saw that people were still killing outside!"

After Ye Feng locked the door, he went to the window and looked outside. It seemed that there was no movement nearby, but there was still gunfire in the distance.

He said to Scarlett, "there's a clean-up operation on the island!"

Scarlett can't help but wonder, "clean up action? What clean-up operation? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not clear for the moment, but the only thing that can be determined now is that a cleaning operation is in progress on the island. After the cleaning operation is over, no one can say what the name of the island is!"

Scarlett could not help but be silent, and did not speak for a long time.

Ye Feng saw that Scarlett didn't speak. She looked at Scarlett in surprise and said, "what are you thinking?"

Scarlett then said to Ye Feng, "I don't know what's the situation of the friend in the wheelchair in the investigation department?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved and nodded to Scarlett. "That's what I'm worried about!"

Scarlett then said to Yefeng, "what shall we do now?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, standing in front of the landing window, a hair does not hair, just quietly smoking cigarettes.

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and knew that he must be thinking about what to do, so she didn't disturb him.

After Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng snuffed out the cigarette and then said to Scarlett, "I have to go out!"

Scarlett's face changed when she heard this. "Are you going out? How can this work? Your body injury is not good, and even if you want to go out, Hendry and they stay downstairs and will never let you go. Of course, if you insist on going out, they may not be able to stop you, but your identity will be completely exposed! "

Ye Feng nodded to Scarlett and said, "what you said is all right, so I won't go out from the main door, and I need you to cover for me here tonight!"

Scarlett can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what? Don't you take me with you? Are you alone? "

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "now the situation outside is more complicated. It's easier for two people to get people's attention when they go out. It's better for me to act alone, and I need someone to take care of them here to prevent Hendry from finding them!"

Scarlett smell speech and looked at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng is looking at the landing window, immediately understand Ye Feng is ready to go out from the window.

Ye Feng then hugs Scarlett into her arms and kisses her on the forehead. "Here you are!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately opened the window. As soon as the window was opened, the sea breeze and rainstorm poured into the window.

Ye Feng did not want to, immediately climbed out of the window, stood outside the window, all wet for a moment, he looked at the situation below, nodded to Scarlett and jumped down.

Seeing this, Scarlett immediately went to the window, put her head out of the window and looked down, but saw that Ye Feng rolled on the ground and disappeared immediately.

At this time, Scarlett's upper body is also wet. She immediately closes the window and walks back and forth in front of the landing window, fearing for Ye Feng and completely forgetting that she is completely wet.

At this time, Ye Feng had already walked along the roadside towards the front. On the road, he also saw that there were several corpses on the ground, which had already been motionless. The rain on the ground mixed with blood was flowing down the slope.

Ye Feng didn't have time to take a close look. He continued to walk forward. Occasionally, he saw someone passing by. He immediately hid in the green belt on the side of the road and waited for the man to walk away. Then he continued to walk forward.

Originally, there was a security check between the VIP villa area and other areas, but today there seems to be no one. After observing for a long time, Ye Feng made sure that there was no one around, he rushed over immediately and continued to walk along the roadside towards the detection building.

At this time, suddenly behind a burst of footwork sound, Ye Feng looked back, but saw not far away a crowd is running towards this side, Ye Feng immediately disappeared in the side of the tree trunk, waiting for the crowd to run past, Ye Feng suddenly appeared, immediately put his arms around the last person, put his hand over his mouth, directly dragged him to the green belt, facing his head It's a punch that directly knocks the man unconscious. Then he takes off his poncho and puts on his rain boots and goes on along the green belt.

Soon saw the investigation building appeared in front of him. Ye Feng stood nearby for a long time and saw that there was no one at the door of the investigation building. Then he rushed past and entered the door of the investigation building in an instant.As soon as I entered the door, I came face to face with a man in security service. When I saw Ye Feng, I immediately yelled at him, "who?"

Ye Feng's heart moved and said nothing. He quickly walked towards the man. The man's face suddenly changed. When he wanted to turn back and run away, Ye Feng had already arrived at his side. He went up directly to knock him unconscious and dragged his body into one side of the door.

This is a storage room, Ye Feng immediately put on the man's security uniform, and then put the man into a storage box, which was out of the storage room.

Just go out to see a few security came over, toward Ye Feng said, "still Leng in this do what, quickly lock the door! Don't you know what's going on tonight? "

Ye Feng immediately Oh a, turn back to the door walked past, pretending to lock the door, behind two people see, one of them immediately said, lock the door to the second floor report!

Ye Feng answered again. After listening to the two people's leaving, he turned and walked towards the elevator. He pressed the button of the elevator, then went in and quickly pressed the button on the ground floor.

The elevator goes down quickly. When it reaches the first floor underground, Ye Feng immediately goes along the corridor. He knows that Jack's office is on the first floor underground.

Don't know to have a few steps, listen to after death again the person called leaf Feng, "you are a ground guard, come underground to do what?"

Ye Feng immediately faltered and said, "Minister Jack asked me to come..." As he spoke, he turned slowly.

At this time, the man behind has come to the front of Ye Feng, staring at the certificate pinned on Ye Feng's chest. Then he says to Ye Feng, "look up, I'll take a look!"

As soon as Ye Feng looked up, the man recognized that it was different from the photo on the certificate. Suddenly, his face changed and he was about to pull out the pistol at his waist.

Don't want to Ye Feng hand faster, he didn't react to come over, immediately feel in front of a black, head a Meng, what don't know.

Ye Feng immediately pulled out the gun from the man's waist, held it in his hand, stuffed it in his trouser pocket and continued to face the front. When he got here, he had to fight for every minute. There was no need to hide the man who was knocked out by himself. It was sooner or later that they were found. He had to find Jack before they were found.

Soon Ye Feng saw that Jack's office door was in front of him. He immediately quickened his pace and walked towards that side. He didn't meet anyone on the road.

After a while, he arrives at the door of Jack's office. As soon as Ye Feng twists the doorknob, the door opens. He immediately flashes in and finds that the office is dark and there is no one.

Ye Feng immediately fumbles along the wall and finally touches the switch. As soon as he turns it on, he hears footsteps coming from outside. He immediately turns off the switch again. Then a Luna dodges and hides behind the back of the sofa in the reception area of Jack's office and lies on the ground.

Ye Feng just lay down, the door of the office was opened, then Ye Feng felt a light in front of him, obviously a familiar person here, because he turned on the light faster than himself.

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