Ye Feng is lying on the back of the sofa, listening to the footsteps and walking towards the office area. As soon as he hears the footsteps, Ye Feng knows it's definitely not Jack. Jack drives an electric wheelchair.

At this time, he glanced at the office area from the top of his head, only to see that there was a woman's back, wearing a black shirt and skirt, and also wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, with black stockings pulled out from a pair of slender legs, which made the legs more straight.

And this woman seems to be rummaging around her desk, a little confused.

When the woman came to the back of the desk and turned around, Ye Feng couldn't help but move. However, she saw that the woman had a pair of slender eyes, a high nose and a plump lips. At first glance, it was a combination of Chinese and Western products.

And this woman Ye Feng knows. She is Zhuo wanqiu, the daughter of her master Zhuo musi. However, the last time Ye Feng saw her, it was five or six years ago. Zhuo wanqiu had just graduated from university. She went to Zhuo wanqiu's graduation ceremony instead of Zhuo musi.

Zhuo wanqiu has grown from a girl next door to a mature woman in five or six years. However, her facial features have not changed much. She just looks a little more mature.

However, Ye Feng saw another face from Zhuo wanqiu's face. Frankly speaking, it was not another face, but he felt that in addition to Zhuo wanqiu, there should be a woman with this face, calling another name.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was a sound of footwork outside the office. Hearing the sound, Zhuo wanting immediately moved her face and was ready to hide under the desk. But as soon as she saw that it was hollowed out under the desk, she quickly walked to the back of the sofa in the reception area, only to find that there was still a person hiding here. Her face suddenly moved and she looked at Ye Feng lying on the ground in surprise.

Ye Feng smiles and beckons to Zhuo wanting. At this moment, she has heard the sound of opening the door. Zhuo wanting's face suddenly changes, and instinctively climbs down. She just lies on one side of Ye Feng and looks at Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng immediately makes a silent gesture towards Zhuo wanting, but at the same time, the door of the office is opened again. Then Ye Feng hears the familiar sound of Jack's electric wheelchair.

Ye Feng a listen to this voice, heart suddenly move, this shows that Jack has nothing to do, but he can't go out, after all, he still heard other footsteps.

Sure enough, at this time, someone said coldly, "you stay here and don't go anywhere. After the operation, Dante will meet you naturally!"

Jack sneered, "if he wants to see me, should I?"

The other man still sneered, "don't be hard mouthed. Don't think that if you hide dromus, we can't find him. I tell you, Dante has ordered. If you can't take any more photos, you can just tie up the building of the investigation department. I think he can still hide there!"

Lie on the leaf maple side of Zhuo wanqiu smell speech face slightly move, obviously because the other party mentioned Zhuo Mu Si, so her heart some fluctuation.

But Zhuo wanqiu took a look at Ye Feng, who was staring at him, and immediately glared at him, as if to say what you were looking at.

Ye Feng slightly shrugged, but then the brain read a flash, suddenly the brain flashed a name, Yu wanqiu.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's mind suddenly moves. Yes, Yu wanqiu is Yu wanqiu. This Zhuo wanqiu is 90% similar to Yu wanqiu in the virtual world set up by Cao Yihai, but Zhuo wanqiu has a little bit of Western characteristics. Yu wanqiu's design is pure Oriental, and now it seems that even his name is almost the same and he doesn't know Cao Yi Does Hai create Yu wanqiu based on Zhuo wanqiu.

Zhuo wanqiu was a little angry when he saw Ye Feng staring at him. At this time, when he saw that he was still in a trance, he couldn't help getting more angry.

At this time, Jack's sneer came from the door and said, "if you want to blow it up, I've already looked like a ghost. What's more to be afraid of!"

The other man snorted and said nothing. He turned to go out and closed the door heavily. Jack sighed.

Zhuo wanting is still staring at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng suddenly stands up and walks towards Jack.

Jack heard the footsteps behind him, and his face suddenly moved. He immediately turned to see that it was Ye Feng, and his face moved again. He immediately started the wheelchair in front of Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Ye Feng said to Jack in a low voice, "how many days have there been no news since we met in the hospital last time? I'm still waiting for you. I thought something happened to you! "

Jack sighed and glanced at the door from time to time. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Dante is cleaning up his dissidents. The whole island is in a panic. At this time, you'd better not show up!"

But Ye Feng says to Jack, "where's zhuomus?"

Before Jack could answer, Zhuo wanqiu stood up behind the sofa and said to Jack, "where's my daddy?"

Jack can't help but move when he sees this. He looks at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise and says, "are you Angela? "Autumn?"Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "yes, it's me!"

Jack said anxiously to Zhuo wanqiu, "how did you get into the island? Who asked you to come? "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "I heard that something happened to my father. Of course, I'll come and have a look..."

Jack looked at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise and said, "how do you know that the whole island is blocked? Who told you that? "

Zhuo wanqiu shrugged and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I received SMS and e-mail saying that something happened to my dad. Let me come back as soon as possible!"

Jack said, "no way, no one will send you messages and e-mails..." He said, looking at Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu with a change of face, "it must be Dante Emma. He wants to take advantage of this matter to catch everyone! Root out the grass

Ye Feng then looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "are you swaggering on the island?"

Zhuo wanqiu snorted, "who are you? Why should I tell you? "

But Jack said to Zhuo wanqiu, "did you enter the island directly? No, in that case, I should get the message! "

Zhuo wanqiu snorted again, "do you think I'm stupid? I know my dad had an accident. Of course, I came to the island secretly. I've been on the island for two or three days, and I happened to have a rainstorm tonight. I thought it might be more convenient to find my dad, so I came out to have a look! "

After hearing this, Ye Feng looks at Zhuo wanqiu and says to Jack, "it's very likely that the other party intentionally let her in, trying to let you tell Zhuo Mu Si's hiding place through her, and then she takes Dante and they find Zhuo Mu Si!"

Jack can't help nodding when he hears the words, but before he speaks, Zhuo wanqiu immediately hums coldly and says to Ye Feng, "what do you mean? You mean I'm going to hurt my dad? "

Hearing what Zhuo wanqiu said, Jack immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "Satan doesn't mean that. His worry is very reasonable. Although you have some skills, your father has found a lot of Kungfu coaches for you since you were young, but after all, you are different from the secret service staff on the island. It's really strange that you can come in so easily!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu said angrily, "you are doubting my ability..." He said that he was about to get angry, and then his face moved. He took a look at Ye Feng. After looking up and down, he said to Jack, "what did you just call him?"

Jack came back and said, "Oh, he's Satan!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu could not help but look at Ye Feng again, and then said with a sneer, "how can my brother Satan be like this

Jack said to Zhuo wanqiu, "but he is really Satan Well, your brother Satan

Zhuo wanqiu sees that Jack doesn't seem to be joking. He stares at Ye Feng for a long time, but still doesn't believe him. "I heard that brother Satan is dead. Don't joke with me!"

Ye Feng sighed, "little Anji, I'm Satan!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu was shocked. In this world, everyone calls her Chinese name wanqiu or her English name Angela. Only Satan can call himself little Anji.

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