Zhuo wanqiu stares at Ye Feng and looks up and down again and again. She still feels that the man in front of her is not like her brother Satan at all. Besides, Satan calls himself little Anji. Many of them know it, and it's not surprising that this man knows it.

Ye Feng knew what Zhuo wanqiu thought at this time, and immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "when you said that you would marry me when you grew up, I've been waiting for so many years in vain!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved. He did say this, and he only said it with Ye Feng. There would never be a second one to know.

Because this sentence, at that time, Ye Feng promised himself that no one would say it was a secret between them. Over the years, as long as he didn't let Ye Feng say it, Ye Feng would not reveal a word even if he met his father zhuomus. Therefore, only himself and Ye Feng knew about it, that is to say, this person could only be Satan.

Thinking of this, Zhuo wanqiu can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. She says in her heart, why does her brother Satan become like this? It's just different from before. Even if she hasn't seen him for several years, it won't change so much?

Jack then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "Angela, you don't have to doubt that he is Satan!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately came forward and hugged Ye Feng. She kept beating Ye Feng on the back and said, "brother Satan, how can you become such a ghost now? It's so ugly!"

Ye Feng smell speech a shrug a way, "some choose of words, I also don't want this appearance!"

Zhuo wanqiu hugged Ye Feng tightly at this time, tears were lying down, mouth also said, "I heard you died before, I almost cry to death, I want to come back to attend your funeral, but my father won't let me come back!"

Said Zhuo wanqiu slowly pushed away Ye Feng way, "he said you have been bombed can't find the body, so you didn't die? Are you having plastic surgery? "

Ye Feng heard Zhuo wanqiu say so, can't help nodding, "you think I'm plastic surgery!" Then he said to Zhuo wanqiu, "aren't you studying for a doctorate in England?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately nodded and said, "yes, but something happened to my father. I can't help coming back, can I?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then said to Jack, "you immediately find a way to help little Anji leave the island. This kind of dispute should not involve her. Zhuomus knows that she will not agree!"

Zhuo wanqiu said immediately, "this time I come back, I don't plan to go any more. I want to stay and save daddy with you! Besides, I've gone through a life and death parting with brother Satan. I'll say nothing this time. I'm here! "

Ye Feng wants to persuade Zhuo wanqiu a few more words when he hears the words, but he doesn't want Jack to say at this time, "I can't go now if I want to. What's the situation now? You don't know that the island is full of Dante Emma's people. Even if it's not cleaned up, it's also the annual rainstorm season on the island. The cruise ships have stopped, let alone the small motorboats. They can't leave the island! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech, but Zhuo wanqiu says happily, "that's great. I'll stay here!"

Ye Feng sighs a little. In fact, Jack is right. In the thunderstorm season of Stewart Island every year, the sea is basically forbidden, and it is impossible to escape from Stewart Island.

Besides, if he is in this situation, he can take a risk, but he will never let Zhuo wanqiu take the risk. After all, he is doomed.

Thinking of Ye Feng chaozhuo wanqiu, "then you will hide here for the time being, and don't go anywhere!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "no, I'm going to save my Dad together. Don't look down on me. I've been exercising since I was a child, and I learned judo and martial arts in college. I won't let you worry!"

Jack said at this time, "now Angela is hiding in my side is not the way, Dante's people may come at any time, if it's not good to be found!"

Then Jack pondered for a moment and said, "well, I'll take you to see dromus first."

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu was excited again. After all, she could stay with her brother Satan. What could make her more excited? Secondly, it also showed that her father zhuomus was not dead.

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "at this time, the investigation department should have been controlled by Dante Emma's people. How can we leave this office?"

Jack didn't say anything. He immediately started his electric wheelchair and headed for the office area. Soon he arrived at the bookcase on the back wall. He moved the position of a Bible on the bookcase. Suddenly, the bookcase separated on both sides and an elevator door appeared behind.

Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu can't help but be surprised. Last time Ye Feng had seen a dark grid leading to the underwater tunnel. Now there is a hidden elevator. I don't know how many dark grid passages are hidden in Jack's office.

Jack pressed the elevator at this time, and the elevator door opened quickly. Jack immediately started the electric wheelchair and drove in. He said to Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu, "come in!"

Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu immediately walk into the elevator. Jack immediately presses a button, and the elevator starts to sink, and it stops after a while.After the elevator door is opened, he finds that there is not much space. Jack immediately starts the electric wheelchair to get out of the elevator. Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu follow behind.

Soon to a door, Jack stopped, turned back and said to Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu, "Zhuo Musi is here!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately went to the door and wanted to open it. But the door was locked and couldn't be opened. Zhuo wanqiu immediately knocked on the door, "Daddy, it's me, I'm Angela!"

With that, Zhuo wanqiu didn't hear the voice of Zhuo Musi in the room. She immediately looked back at Jack in surprise and said, "what's the matter? Didn't you say my daddy was in there? Why didn't he answer me? "

Jack then said, "dromus is very sick..." He immediately took out a key and opened the door.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately opened the door and pushed it in. However, she saw that the space inside was even narrower. There was only one bed and one table, and there was one person lying on the bed, one of whom didn't understand.

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately went over and pushed humanity on the bed, "Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Feng then walked over and looked at the man lying on the bed, but he saw that he was thin, with a white beard, some gray hair, but his face was sallow, but he didn't look dead. He just fell asleep. Although he was different from before, he could still recognize zhuomus.

Zhuo wanqiu also recognized her father, but when she saw that her father, zhuomus, had become what he is now, her eyes were moist and she sobbed, "Dad, I'm Angela. Wake up!"

Zhuo Mu Si then slightly moved, looked up at Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu sitting by the bed, his face suddenly moved and said, "Angela, how can you be here? Aren't you in England? "

Zhuo wanqiu said with tears in her eyes, "Daddy, I don't trust you, so I came back to save you!"

Zhuomus didn't say a word. He sat up from the bed and looked at Ye Feng who didn't speak. "Who are you?" Then he said to Zhuo wanqiu, "do you know your boyfriend in England?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately shook her head and said, "no, daddy, he's brother Satan!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Zhuo Mu Si sees Jack nodding. Then he looks at Ye Feng and says, "Satan?"

Ye Feng nodded to zhuomus and said, "yes, it's me!"

Dromus couldn't help but take a cold breath. "It's unbelievable. Is there such a thing in the world?"

Jack then said to dromus, "president, now Dante Emma is looking for you everywhere, and has told me that if he doesn't hand you over, he will blow up the investigation department!"

After pondering for a while, dromus sneered and said, "this Dante Emma, do you think you can take the whole Stewart Island from me? What a dream! As long as I go out, I will kill this ungrateful boy myself

Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "fortunately, my Satan has come back, so I'm not afraid of this boy any more!"

Zhuo wanqiu asked Zhuo Musi, "Daddy, why are you locked up here?"

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