Zhuomus held Zhuo wanqiu's hand and said, "Daddy is not locked up here, but hiding here!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at zhuomus in surprise and said, "Why are you hiding here? Why did Dante Emma betray you? "

Zhuomus patted Zhuo wanqiu on the back of his hand. Instead of saying anything to her, he looked at Ye Feng and said in a deep voice, "Satan, you are back at last! I thought I would never see you again in my life! "

Ye Feng just nodded to zhuomus and said, "not dead, let you down!"

As soon as zhuomus heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "Brazil's helicopter, isn't you order to blow up?"

Zhuo Mu Si hears a speech to be stunned, immediately surprised a way, "why? Why am I doing this? What's in it for me? "

Ye Feng said, "at that time, I disclosed to you that I wanted to leave Stewart Island and TSL, which should disappoint you?"

Dromus immediately nodded and said, "yes, I was very disappointed when I heard the news, and you told me it yourself! Shouldn't I be disappointed? "

Then zhuomus got up from the bed and continued to say to Ye Feng, "I have trained you for so many years and made you the king of the industry, but you are at your peak. If you want to quit, don't you think I should be disappointed?"

As Ye Feng was about to speak, zhuomus interrupted, "but I'm disappointed. I never wanted to kill you. Yes, I'm very angry and disappointed, but I never wanted to kill you!"

Zhuo wanqiu also stood up and said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, you must have misunderstood. How could my father want to kill you? There must be some misunderstanding! Don't listen to other people's slander

Zhuomus reached out to hold Zhuo wanqiu's hand and patted it gently. Then he said to Ye Feng, "although you and I are masters and apprentices, we are in love with father and son. You should know what I have done to you for so many years. To tell you the truth, why Dante Emma betrayed me? Don't you know that he is angry with me and gives you the best for everything, and is arrogant to you I've even thought about entrusting Angela to you! But I never thought that you would think of me like this. I'm really sad... "

As he spoke, dromus let go of his hand and sat on the edge of the bed feebly, shaking his head. His face was sad, just like an old man of an ordinary family who received stimulation.

When Zhuo wanqiu heard her father zhuomus say this, her face suddenly moved. Why did she never hear her father say that her father wanted to entrust her to brother Satan?

However, seeing that her father was so sad, Zhuo wanqiu didn't have the heart to ask others. Instead, she went to squat on the ground, held zhuomus's hands, and said to him, "don't be sad, daddy. Brother Satan must have heard what others said, so she misunderstood you. Brother Satan was brought up by you. You are like father and son sometimes I even doubt that you are the one who raised me, and brother Satan is your own

Speaking of this, zhuomus sighed, and Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, have you heard what others have said? Don't you know what my father is doing to you? Yes, over the years, daddy has been very strict with you, but every time you are punished, I will send you something. Do you think Daddy doesn't know? He just opened and closed his eyes! He is strict with you because you are the best of his disciples. He hates iron but not steel! "

Jack also said to Ye Feng at this time, "yes, we are all martial brothers, but don't you know how different the treatment is? The first time other disciples go on a mission, they are led by other old people. But the first time you go on a mission, you are the team leader. Up to now, no one has been treated like you any more. How unfair is this? Our other martial brothers all see it in their eyes. But what can we do? Who can make the master value you the most, and you are really excellent! "

Jack took a look at Ye Feng and said, "every time you perform a task, because of your personal reasons, there will always be more irrelevant incidents. But when you come back, the master has punished you? All the honors are yours. Isn't the master good enough for you? "

Dromus then stopped and said, "needless to say, everyone has their own aspirations. If you want to retire, I don't ask. Today, this is between me and Dante Emma. It has nothing to do with you. I will face it myself!"

Can smell speech immediately say, "do you have a chance to face master?"? Now with you, how many loyal people are left? All of them have been eradicated by Dante Emma. In the past two years, Dante Emma has sent all the people you trusted to carry out the mission in your name, but after each mission, there will be some accidents. This time, it seems that there is something wrong with Dixie! "

As soon as dromus heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "what's wrong with Dixie, too?"

Zhuo wanqiu was also surprised and said, "what happened to my sister Dixie?"

Jack immediately said, "like Satan last time, after the mission was completed, there was an explosion on the way back from the helicopter, and there was no body left. So far, we have not found the body of Dixie!"Zhuo wanqiu immediately covered her mouth and her eyes began to turn red. Although he knew that Satan and Dixie were recognized as a couple on the island, and even he once ate Dixie's vinegar, Dixie was good to her. When she lived on the island before, she did not make a lot of trouble. Most of the time, Dixie took the initiative to help her carry the pot, and then she was killed by her father zhuomus Punishment.

Now Dixie finally came to this end, which made Zhuo wanting very uncomfortable.

But dromus clenched his fist and thumped heavily on the bedside. "This Dante Emma is really capable of killing. He killed all his former martial brothers. They were all comrades in arms climbing out of the dead together!"

Jack said at this time, "if he has this idea, he won't betray you!"

At this time, zhuomus immediately stood up and walked towards the door, "he just wants to control Stuart island. I'll go to him now, and I'll give him my position..."

Jack immediately drives the automatic wheelchair to block at the door and says to dromus, "you can't go out now. If you agreed before, the fight outside has become white hot. The boy has already killed his eyes. It's impossible to stop. After all, the revenge has come down. Judging from his ruthlessness, he won't give up so well Yes, and the young men he supports are already in the top position. Even if Dante Emma agrees, his subordinates will not agree. So go out and talk to him now. I'm afraid you will die if you don't see Dante Emma at all! "

Zhuo wanqiu also took Zhuo Musi's arm and said, "Daddy, what he said is right. It's too dangerous for you to go out at this time. Don't be impulsive. You'd better sit down and have a long-term discussion. Besides, you said that brother Satan is back. What else is brother Satan's injustice?"

Zhuomus could not help but look at Ye Feng, who was standing there silent all the time. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, zhuomus didn't say much. He sat by the bed and sighed a little,

Zhuo wanqiu then went to take Ye Feng's arm and said, "brother Satan, won't you help us?"

Then he and zhuomus all looked at Ye Feng. After a while of meditation, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "how? If I don't help you, I won't risk coming here! "

As soon as Jack and zhuomus heard this, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Zhuo wanqiu held Ye Feng's arm and put her head on Ye Feng's arm. She said, "I knew my brother Satan was the best!"

Jack said immediately, "Angela is right. It's not the time to be impulsive. Let's take a long-term view of everything. Let's see how to do it first and then deploy it!"

Ye Feng said to Jack at this time, "I think you'd better go up. After a while, those people will come to you. If you can't see your people, it's dangerous!"

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