Jack nodded and said, "then I won't stay here. Those guys can't tell when they'll come! You and master, discuss with him! "

Ye Feng nodded to Jack, put his hand on his shoulder and said, "be careful!"

Jack put his hand on the back of Ye Feng's hand and patted, "don't worry, I'm a waste without legs in Dante Emma's eyes. He won't do anything to me!"

Ye Feng pointed at Jack, and zhuomus said to him, "Jack, be careful!"

Jack also said reassurance to zhuomus, immediately turned out of the room, and then entered the elevator upstairs.

Zhuo wanqiu moved a stool to Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, sit down!"

After Ye Feng sat down, zhuomus said to Ye Feng, "originally you have nothing to do with here. I didn't expect that you were still involved!"

Ye Feng shrugged to zhuomus and said, "now it's meaningless to say that. I just want to go. The whole island is strictly forbidden. In addition to this ghost weather, where can I go?"

Dromus looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "it seems that you still don't believe it. Brazil has nothing to do with me!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately squatted in front of Ye Feng, held Ye Feng's hand and said, "brother Satan, I believe my father is not like this. You should be the same as me. We grew up together!"

Ye Feng touched Zhuo wanqiu's head, pinched Zhuo wanqiu's face and said, "grown up to be a big girl!"

Zhuo wanqiu's face changed. He snorted to Ye Feng, "what's a big girl? I'm 22 now. If I'm 18, I've been a woman for four years! Woman, woman, not girl, understand

Ye Feng could not help but smile and nodded. Then he looked at the slightly haggard dromus sitting on the edge of the bed and said, "we don't know how many old people died outside in Dante Emma's purge operation, and now the whole Stewart Island is under his control. It's almost impossible to turn defeat into victory!"

Zhuo Mu Si's face moved, but he didn't speak. Zhuo wanqiu held Ye Feng's hand and said, "brother Satan, you must have a way. I know you can save my dad!"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo wanqiu, then looked at Zhuo Musi and said, "if you believe me, I'll handle the whole process. There's only one chance! It depends on whether you like it or not! "

Zhuo Mu Si hears speech to immediately toward leaf Feng way, "you say to have a look!"

Ye Feng then said to zhuomus, "it's only a matter of time before you are found here, so you can't hide here for a few days!"

Dromus nodded and said, "that's right. Dante kept me in the underground cell of the investigation department. He knew that I must still be in the investigation building this time, but he didn't know the exact location for a moment!"

Ye Feng can't help but ask zhuomus, "since he can imprison you before, why don't he kill you directly? Isn't that the end? Why wait until now? "

But dromus said, "how dare he let me die in the beginning? What is he in TSL, on Stewart Island? If he doesn't blackmail me, how can he become a member of the Senate from a team leader of the secret service? Step by step, he forced me to lay a good foundation for him when he imprisoned me. Now almost all the people he can promote have been promoted, and I don't need to be promoted. Of course, now you have to kill me completely, so that you can completely control Stuart island. "

Yefeng listen to zhuomus said, Yefeng can't help nodding, "if this is the case, it shows that the situation outside is not optimistic! If everything was not ready, would he start to attack you now? "

Dromus nodded and said, "that's why Jack realized there was a problem, so he hid me here ahead of time!"

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, did you just say that you still have the only chance? In the end what is it? You said it

Ye Feng then took a look at Zhuo wanqiu, then looked at Zhuo Musi and said, "now you want to go out, it's basically impossible. If I organized this clean-up operation, I would have said that you are dead. It's those old people who have imprisoned you and killed you, so he's acting under the banner of revenge for you, so Dante at this time Emma's prestige in TSL and on the whole Stewart Island should also reach the peak. Maybe many people in the dark will support him unprecedentedly! "

Zhuomus nodded and said, "I'm thinking about it too. Since he dares to go this far, he must have been fully deployed!"

Ye Feng nodded, "even now your life and death, for Dante Emma, is not very important! So... " Here, Ye Feng said to zhuomus, "if I want to change all this, I must see Dante Emma, and if I want to see Dante Emma, I can only give you to him!"

On hearing this, zhuomus's face suddenly moved, but he didn't speak. Zhuo wanqiu immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "are you wrong, brother Satan, you are going to give my daddy to Dante Emma. You know he will kill my daddy. Don't you send my daddy to die like this? Thanks to my trust in you and my father's trust in you, you've been holding on for a long time to come up with such an idea. Aren't you sent by Dante Emma? "However, zhuomus said to Zhuo wanqiu, "Angela, don't talk. Satan must have his reason to say so!"

Ye Feng said to zhuomus, "as long as I see you, Dante Emma must feel that her heart is about to be solved. At that time, I can help you solve Dante Emma. As long as Dante Emma is solved by me, what should I do? You should know how to win back people's hearts by virtue of your years in power on Stewart Island!"

Zhuomus couldn't help pondering when he heard the speech. He didn't speak for a long time. He needed time to digest and think about the feasibility of Ye Feng's method.

Zhuo wanqiu asked Ye Feng, "what if Dante Emma forces you to kill my dad? Are you going to kill my daddy? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I never said that this method has no risk. On the contrary, the risk of this method is very high, but there is no other choice! Either you just sit here and wait for death, or you just let go. Maybe you can turn defeat into victory, but if you stay here, it's hard to say! "

Zhuo wanqiu said to Zhuo Musi, "Daddy, we can't do it. We'll kill our father and daughter!"

Without waiting for zhuomus to speak, Ye Feng immediately hummed, "Angie, you grew up on Stewart Island, too. In the thunderstorm season every year, do you know how terrible it is? Where do you go? Why does Dante Emma choose this time period to clean up, just for fear that someone will run away, so even if you can kill all the betrayers, can you still get out of Stewart Island? "

Zhuo wanqiu immediately heard that Ye Feng was right. She had grown up on Stewart Island since she was a child. She couldn't be more clear about the thunderstorm weather here. It's the same as what Ye Feng said. Even if they can escape to the seaside, they can't leave Stuart island by boat.

Dromus then pondered, "it seems that this is really the only way! What's more, this is the land I laid down and the TSL I founded. Even if I die, I will die on Stewart Island. I will never slip out of here

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she wanted to persuade Zhuo Musi to think twice, but in fact, there was nothing to persuade him, because there was no better plan.

Ye Feng looked at Zhuo's father and daughter, then lit a flue, "opportunity is not always here, the island is now treacherous, the next second anything can happen, do or dare not, full screen you a word, I listen to you!"

Zhuomus pondered again. At last, he patted the bedside and said to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "Satan, I believe you, just do what you say!"

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