Zhuomus smell speech face move, but see Zhuo wanqiu suddenly rushed toward the table, want to use the head to hit the corner of the table, zhuomus see immediately hand want to pull, but did not pull.

Seeing that Zhuo wanqiu is about to bump into the corner of the table, Ye Feng has been blocked between Zhuo wanqiu and the corner of the table. Zhuo wanqiu is directly installed on Ye Feng's stomach.

Unfortunately, Zhuo wanqiu bumps into Ye Feng's wound. Ye Feng hums and frowns.

When Zhuo wanqiu looks up and wants to hit the wall again, she finds that Ye Feng's face is wrong. At this time, she looks down and sees that blood has been printed on the outside of Ye Feng's shirt. It's obvious that the wound has been torn by her own collision.

Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved. She quickly reached for Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, I didn't mean to hurt you. I really didn't want to hurt you..."

Ye Feng is a hand holding the table to sit down, this just toward Zhuo wanqiu said nothing.

Zhuomus then looked at Ye Feng and said, "I know you hate me, but these are facts that can't be changed. Besides, you are not abducted by me. I bought you from a human dealer!"

At this point, zhuomus continued, "if you want to trace the information of your biological parents in the future, I can give you the information of the trafficker for you to check!"

After the pain of the wound eased a little, Ye Feng sat up straight and looked at zhuomus and said, "these are all afterwords. Now the problem comes. Are you willing to support my suggestion just now when you know I hate you?"

As soon as dromus heard this, he was silent. After a long time, he nodded and said, "I support it! I will cooperate with you all the time! "

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved and said to Zhuo Musi, "Daddy!"

Zhuomus, however, reached out his hand and motioned Zhuo wanqiu not to speak. He continued to say to Ye Feng, "although our organization is cruel and bloody, I still firmly believe that we have been together for so many years with emotional foundation. I believe you will not harm me! But I don't know if you believe I've done you any harm! "

But Ye Feng hummed coldly, "if you haven't harmed me, what do you worry about me harming you?"

Zhuo wanqiu squatted in front of Ye Feng and said to Ye Feng in an almost pleading tone, "brother Satan, I beg you. Over the years, you will agree to any request I have made. This time, I want to beg you not to let my father die. I'm just a relative of him!"

But Ye Feng looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "you at least have his family. What about me?"

Zhuo wanqiu can't help but be stunned when hearing the speech. Then she reaches for Ye Feng's hand and looks at Ye Feng affectionately. "In my heart, you've always been my family. I don't know if you think so, but I've never treated you as an outsider all the time!"

Then Zhuo wanqiu stood up again, looked at Zhuo Musi and said, "Dad, didn't you just say that you wanted to entrust me to brother Satan, now I promise!"

As soon as zhuomus heard this, his face suddenly looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "what did you say?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately repeated, "I said, I want to marry brother Satan!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother bold, if you marry me, then we will really be a family. You will not be lonely from now on, because no matter what happens to you or where you want to go, I will fully support you! Be the woman behind you

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised. To tell you the truth, Zhuo wanqiu is now graceful and graceful, and her unique mixed blood temperament makes her look more bright and moving.

But Ye Feng has grown up with Zhuo wanqiu since she was a child. She has always been the follower behind herself and Dixie. If it wasn't for her being the daughter of Zhuo Musi, maybe Ye Feng and Dixie would often take Zhuo wanqiu with them. After more than ten years of getting along, Ye Feng just has a little bit of male and female feelings for Dixie, and has always been a follower for Zhuo wanqiu Just a little girl.

Although Zhuo wanqiu has grown up from a young girl with little AI feelings to a woman like a blooming rose, her feelings for Zhuo wanqiu are still the same as those of her brother and sister.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "no, I haven't thought about these problems at all now!"

Zhuo wanqiu was disappointed when she heard what Ye Feng said. She told Ye Feng that it was not only a woman's confession to him, but also a proposal. Unexpectedly, the answer was Ye Feng's refusal, which was unbearable for any woman.

Zhuo wanqiu's eyes were red at this time. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "why? Don't you like me? Do you feel like I don't deserve you? "

Ye Feng sighed, "of course I like you, but I grew up with you and always treat you as my sister. How can I marry you?"

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "but I don't need my brother. I just want you to be my husband, and you have promised me that when I grow up, you will marry me! Are you going to go back now? "

Ye Feng shrugged helplessly and said, "don't be naive, little Anji. It's all a child's baby wine game. Who will take those words seriously?"But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't stop her tears. She sobbed and muttered, "but How can you do that? What I said is not a word. I always take it seriously. Do you know how many boys chased me when I was in college? But I refused. I not only refused, but also told them with pride that I had someone I liked, and that he would marry me after that! "

Ye Feng can't help sighing when he sees Zhuo wanqiu like this. He can't see women's tears most. Seeing that Zhuo wanqiu is crying like a tearful man, his heart is a little soft.

At this time, zhuomus said to Zhuo wanqiu, "Angie, don't cry!"

Zhuo wanqiu, on the other side of zhuomus, took zhuomus by the arm and cried, "brother Satan doesn't want me anymore. I don't want to live anymore!"

Zhuo Mu Si also is a long sigh, immediately fierce voice way, "this has what good cry, you are still a child?"

Ye Feng then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "yes, that's right. I promised to marry you when you grow up. But look at your current performance, it's just something that a young child will do. Are you growing up?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately wiped away her tears and said, "if I don't cry, will you marry me?"

Ye Feng sighed a little, "wait until you don't cry in the future!"

Zhuo Mu Si also toward Zhuo Wan Qiu way, "don't give me shame, also don't think enough shame?"

Zhuo wanqiu then burst into tears and said with a smile, "brother Satan just said that as long as I don't cry any more, he will marry me. Daddy, you also heard that, at that time, you can't allow him to cheat like this again!"

Zhuo Mu Si sighs a little, the secret way really takes this daughter to have no way, but he thinks of Ye Feng to refuse Zhuo Wan Qiu, in the heart is still really some some some displeasure, own Angela how, Satan this boy unexpectedly don't look up to.

At this time, he said to Ye Feng, "Satan, if you marry Angela, the whole Stewart Island will be yours. Are you a little hasty in answering?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you know, I'm not here! I'm not interested in Stuart island or TSL! "

Zhuomus said to Ye Feng, "I know you are dissatisfied with many rules of TSL before, but have you ever thought that once the whole TSL is under your control, you can transform TSL and Stewart Island into your ideal shape at will!"

At this time, Ye Feng still said that he was not interested. Then he looked at zhuomus and said, "besides, you have forgotten a reality. Is Stewart Island and TSL still yours now?"

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