As soon as dromus heard this, his face suddenly moved. Yes, now the whole island of srturt is out of his control. Now he has no meaning to say this again. It's no different from empty promise.

Ye Feng then said to dromus, "forget it. I'm not interested in Stewart Island. Now I just want to catch Dante Emma and take him away. My task is finished. I won't come back to Stewart Island from now on!"

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "brother Satan, won't you come to Stewart Island in the future? How can I find you in the future? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the end of the world is home, the world is mattress, isn't it better?" Then, without waiting for Zhuo wanqiu to speak again, he immediately said to Zhuo Musi, "are you ready? When we're ready, we'll go up? "

Zhuo Musi took a deep breath, and Zhuo wanqiu said to Zhuo Musi, "Daddy, I advise you to think about it again!"

Dromus then stood up and said, "don't think about it. I've been hiding here for several days, and I've been locked up in the investigation building for a long time. Now I just want to go out for a breath of fresh air!"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo Mu Si, then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "little Anji, don't worry, I will try my best to protect your daddy's safety!"

Zhuo wanqiu was a little grouchy, "just try your best?"

However, zhuomus said to Zhuo wanqiu, "there are risks. Angela, don't fool around. It's enough to have your brother Satan. What else do you want?"

As soon as Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she sighed slightly. In fact, she knew that she could not change anything at present. Just as Ye Feng and Zhuo Musi said, she could only sit here and wait for death, and there might be a ray of life when she went out.

Thinking of this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately went to zhuomus, helped zhuomus tidy up his clothes and said, "Daddy, even if you go out, you can't let Dante Emma look down on you!"

Zhuo Mu Si nodded slightly and let Zhuo Wan Qiu help him to tidy his clothes. At this time, he looked at Ye Feng and saw the blood stains outside his shirt. He couldn't help asking him, "Satan, is your injury OK?"

Ye Feng shakes his head and says it's OK. He doesn't talk much. Instead, he lights a cigarette and walks towards the elevator entrance. Standing at the elevator entrance, he smokes a cigarette while waiting for zhuomus and Zhuo wanqiu.

After waiting for Zhuo wanqiu to help Zhuo Musi tidy up his clothes, Zhuo Musi suddenly looks to Ye Feng, "what do you want to do?"

Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved, and immediately turned to look at Ye Feng. However, she saw that Ye Feng was just standing there smoking. When she heard Zhuo Musi's cry, she also looked at Zhuo Musi in surprise.

Zhuo wanqiu just wanted to ask Zhuo Mu Si what he saw when he suddenly saw that Zhuo Mu Si's hand had been patted down towards her. Before he could react, he felt a moment of darkness and immediately fainted.

Ye Feng stood in the same place, only to see a slight frown, and Zhuo Mu Si then supported Zhuo wanqiu, let her lie on the bed, this toward Ye Feng said, "don't let Angela also follow the risk!"

Ye Feng has already guessed, otherwise Zhuo Mu Si has always loved Zhuo wanqiu so much, how could he suddenly attack his beloved daughter?

After putting Zhuo wanqiu in place, Zhuo Mu Si walked towards Ye Feng, stood at the elevator entrance, took another deep breath and said, "OK!"

Ye Feng nodded and pressed the elevator button, but he was thinking that zhuomus was old in the end. In the past, he was domineering, but now he had a feeling of old age, which made Ye Feng feel sad.

After entering the elevator, dromus did not speak, just adjusting his breathing.

Ye Feng looked at zhuomus and said, "don't be nervous!"

Dromus nodded and said, "I'm not nervous!" Although the mouth said so, but the face is still a little nervous.

At this time, the elevator door is open, but the bookshelf in front of it is still blocked. You need to move the bookshelf to get out.

But just as Ye Feng put his hand on the bookshelf, he heard a "bang" outside, which was obviously a gunshot.

Ye Feng and Zhuo Mu Si's heart is a move, Jack will not shoot in his office for no reason, it is obvious that someone has come to find Jack.

At this time, Ye Feng looks out from the gap of the bookshelf, but sees Jack lying on the ground at this time. The electric wheelchair falls to one side, and a man is squatting on the ground with a gun, pushing the pistol against Jack's back pocket.

On the sofa of the reception room, a man was sitting with his back to this side, holding a cigar in his hand and a glass of red wine in his other hand.

While drinking red wine and smoking a cigar, there was a soft voice saying, "Jack, I've been studying in our martial brothers, and I grew up together. Besides, you don't have a pair of legs now. I won't kill you, but my patience is limited. Where's dromus?"

When Ye Feng and zhuomus listen to this voice, they all move. This voice is clearly Dante Emma's. unexpectedly, did Dante Emma come out in person this time?

Jack was pressed on the ground, motionless. He had no legs. Now his hands were trampled on his feet, his head was pointed at with a gun, he couldn't move, and he didn't say a word.Dante Emma listened to her own words and heard no reply at all. Then she sneered, "Jack, I treat you as my brother. Don't test my patience, OK? Although I am a good talker, I also have a temper. I don't get angry because I have good self-control, but don't take my self-control as cowardice! "

Jack then sneered and said, "Dante, you are treacherous and betray your school. You have to die!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately stood up, but still didn't turn around, just said, "Jack, you've been kind to dromus, but has he ever been kind to you? Yes, he raised us, but he didn't raise us for nothing. We need to work hard for him to earn money. We don't owe him, but he owes us. How did we grow up? Don't you remember or don't you want to remember? We can live to the present people, not because of the gift of dromus, do not want to kill us, but we use the blood and life of our companions in exchange for their own survival! Do you remember Rutgers? Your best friend when you were a child, if it wasn't because we lived in this environment, would you kill him yourself? "

Jack pondered for a while, but didn't say a word for a long time. At this time, zhuomus hid behind the bookshelf, looked at the situation outside, and glanced at Ye Feng from time to time.

Ye Feng is looking at the crevice of bookshelf at this time, there is no expression on his face, just quietly looking at the outside.

Dante then put down his glass, snuffed out his cigar, turned and walked towards Jack.

Ye Feng saw Dante's face clearly, which was no different from before. He had a natural gray hair. His face looked very cold, and his eyes looked erratic. He couldn't see clearly what he was thinking, and even couldn't see happiness, anger and sadness on his face.

Although there is no difference between Dante Emma and before, Ye Feng still sees that Dante Emma's feminine spirit seems to be heavier.

When Dante Emma comes up to Jack, she tells the man who stepped on Jack's hand to walk away. She squats down and pats the hand holding the gun in the back of his head.

The man holding the gun immediately drew back his hand. Dante Emma then put out a hand, gently picked Jack's chin, raised his head, looked at his face and said, "Jack, I'm talking to you. Can't you hear me?"

Jack then sneered at Dante Emma and said, "maybe there is something wrong with dromus, but look at you now. Where are you better than him? Look at you. You are not as good as dromus. At least dromus is more than your man

As soon as Dante Emma hears this, her eyes suddenly become very cold. Ye Feng thinks that Jack will suffer, but she just slaps Jack in the mouth.

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. At this time, he winks at dromus, indicating that he should stay back for the time being. He is ready to go out. He can't see Jack die in Dante Emma's hands.

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