And just when Ye Feng's hand touched the bookshelf, the bookshelf made a squeaky sound, and everyone's eyes looked at the bookshelf.

Dante Emma also stood up and looked at the office area with her head tilted. Jack's face also changed. She said that they would not come up at this time, would they?

At this time, Dante Emma's men came to the office area one after another, holding pistols. They crept and looked around. Although it was the sound of bookshelves, they could only hear it in the reception area. They didn't know the sound of bookshelves.

Dante Emma walked slowly towards the office area and sneered at Jack. "I don't think so. Jack, you can hide people around you. Even I have to admire you!"

Jack was crawling on the ground towards Dante Emma, but he said, "there's nothing there!"

Dante Emma looks back at Jack and says, "I just asked you to say that you didn't say a word, but now you're so excited?"

Then he let out two sounds, but he didn't see any smile on his face, but he didn't stop at his feet, and continued to walk towards the office area.

When Dante Emma arrived at the office area, she immediately began to rummage and look back at Jack crawling on the ground before going to any place.

Ye Feng and zhuomus stay at the back of the bookcase. Ye Feng takes a deep breath and immediately opens the bookcase. After going out, he closes the bookcase again.

All the people are on the other side, when they suddenly hear a noise behind them, they can't help but come back and look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately raised his hands. When Dante Emma looked back at Ye Feng, her brow could not help frowning. Originally, she thought it was zhuomus, but she didn't know him.

Everyone's muzzle is ready for Ye Feng, but Dante Emma waved to everyone not to shoot. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he asked, "who are you?"

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, Jack immediately said, "he's Dr. Li Tian who just landed on the Island recently!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she frowned at Jack again and looked at Ye Feng again. "Dr. Li Tian?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to answer, he immediately said to Jack, "do you think I'm stupid? Why is Dr. Li Tian hiding here? "

Jack said immediately, "he's Dr. Li Tian. You can check it!"

Dante Emma immediately turned to a man behind him and said, "check it out!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Dr. Li Tian! Why are you here? "

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "don't check. I'm not Li Tian!"

Dante Emma's face didn't change much, as if everything had been expected.

The man behind was supposed to take the mobile phone for people to check. After listening to Ye Feng's words, he put away his mobile phone and stopped calling.

Dante Emma nodded and said to Ye Feng, "I appreciate your honesty, so here's the problem! who are you? Why are you hiding here? What's your relationship with Jack? "

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you don't care who I am. I want to talk to you alone!"

Dante Emma can't help but look at Ye Feng. After looking at Ye Feng up and down, she walks towards the reception room. After sitting on the sofa, she reaches out to Ye Feng and says, "sit down and talk!"

When Ye Feng walks past and passes by Jack, he directly holds him up and puts him on the electric wheelchair.

Seeing this, Dante Emma's men want to stop him. Dante Emma waves and says let him go.

Ye Feng then went to the sofa and sat down. Looking at Dante Emma opposite, he said, "I'm talking alone!"

Dante Emma immediately revealed his trademark skin and didn't smile. "You may not understand the situation at the scene, or even the rules on Stewart Island. No one can negotiate with me!"

But Ye Feng leans forward, full of provocation, looks at Dante Emma and says, "are you afraid?"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "scared? Do you want to use provocation? "

Say but let those under hand take Jack to go out to wait, on the mouth but toward leaf Feng way, "it seems that you know my character very well, I am not afraid of others to stir me up!"

When Dante Emma said this, she saw the men pushing jack out and closing the door. Then she said to Ye Feng, "well, as you wish, go ahead, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma. Then he gets up and goes to the door. He opens the door and has a look. All his men are standing at the door. Ye Feng opens the door and immediately points his guns at the door.

But Ye Feng immediately closed the door. When he turned his back, he locked the door.

But none of this escaped Dante Emma's eyes. He couldn't help laughing and said, "what? You don't think you can do anything to me if you're here alone and lock the door

Just then, Ye Feng walked directly to the office area, opened the bookcase, and another person came out. Dante Emma was still curious, but when he saw zhuomus, his face suddenly moved, and immediately stood up, "zhuomus? You are hiding hereDromus walked towards Dante Emma and said coldly, "Dante Emma, aren't you looking for me? I'm here now. Why can't you see that I'm a little happy? "

Dante Emma stared at zhuomus and Ye Feng for a long time, then said, "zhuomus, don't think I'm here alone, you two can control me here, you know what I can do best!"

At this time, zhuomus had come to the opposite of Dante Emma. After looking at him, he sat down and said, "of course I know what you can do. If I fight with you, I will never be your opponent. If I don't have ten moves, I may be either a quilt or killed!"

Dante Emma immediately sat down and said, "you know that I will catch you or kill you when you come out, but you still come out, which means that..."

While speaking, Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng sitting on one side, but said, "it seems that your self-confidence should all come from this friend around you?"

Zhuomus sniffed at Dante Emma and then looked at Ye Feng. He said with a smile, "what you said is right. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have come out to see you!"

When Dante Emma heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng again. However, Ye Feng kept rubbing her face. From time to time, she was really rubbed down by him.

Dante Emma can't help but eyebrow move, but see Ye Feng immediately pull the piece of skin force began to pull, soon a circle of skin on the face are pulled away from the face by him.

Dante Emma naturally knows that Ye Feng's face must have changed. After a while, she takes off the silicone mask on her whole head.

Originally, Dante Emma had been waiting for Ye Feng to take off her mask, and she would show a familiar face. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng took off her mask, and she still didn't know her face.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said to dromus, "who is your confident friend? I'm sorry I don't know you! "

Zhuo Mu Si at this time but saw a leaf maple way, "can say?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's time to show the cards face to face. What else can't be said?"

Dante Emma frowned and looked at them. "You two sing this double reed, as if to say it, I will be scared!"

Dromus said to Dante Emma, "I don't know if you're scared, but you'll be surprised!"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "I can't wait to know!"

Dromus then said, word for word, to Dante Emma, "he Just It's Sa Dan

Dante Emma wanted to wait for dromus to say a name, but he didn't expect that what he heard was such a name. He suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Feng.

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