Dante Emma stood up, her pupils dilated in an instant, but at the same time she quickly regained her composure. In front of her, this man is not like Satan at all. Besides, Satan is dead, which is known to all of Stewart Island and TSL. There is no Satan in the world.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma sat down calmly and said with a smile to dromus, "is he Satan?"

Dromus shrugged, "believe it or not!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said, "are you Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "believe it or not!"

Dante Emma immediately snorted, "Satan is dead! You want to fool me with Satan? Think I'll be scared? "

Then Dante Emma lit a cigar, took a leisurely puff, and then said, "don't say he's dead, even if he's really standing in front of me, I'll be afraid of him?"

But dromus said to Dante Emma, "you may have lost your head in the fight for power. There is a talented researcher in TSL technology department who has been engaged in a research on brain wave reorganization for so many years, don't you know?"

Dante Emma looked at dromus with a blank face. Obviously she didn't know, but she said, "so what? Does it have anything to do with whether he is Satan or not? "

Dromus said to Dante Emma, "this study can collect brain waves of a dead person and inject them into another body!"

But Dante Emma showed a disdainful smile, "it's just impossible!"

However, dromus smiles, picks up a cigar on the table, and says, "a lot of studies are fables at the beginning, but I'm sorry, this fable you said has become a reality!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with a slight movement on her face, but said to dromus, "you mean that he is the so-called genius researcher named Cao Yihai, who collects Satan's brain waves and injects them into another body to revive Satan!"

Dromus shrugged. "As far as I know, that's the case!"

Dante Emma immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "well, since you are Satan, you must know something about our childhood, right?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course I remember!"

Dante Emma said at once, "tell me something that only Satan and I know. Let me hear it!"

But Ye Feng said, "there is almost no secret between you and me?"

Dante Emma immediately said with a smile, "I can't tell, can I?"

Ye Feng sighed, "I only remember one thing. When you were a child, you hurt a very important part in the competition. Since then, your character has changed!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly changed. She looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way, and her face was unbelievable.

Zhuomus was surprised, "injured a very important part? Why don't I know about it? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "at that time, after the game, everyone went back to their dormitory, only Dante Emma disappeared!"

Dromus frowned, then suddenly said, "I remember when you said that. He was really missing at that time. It seems that he was found in a pile of stones on the beach ten days later, right? I remember when I was brought back, I was a little dying! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "in fact, I knew he was there long ago. I gave him water and food, and I knew why he was hiding!"

Dromus frowned and said, "why? Why? "

Ye Feng then looked at Dante Emma and said, "do you want me to say it?"

Dante Emma immediately stood up, hands do not know when more than a pistol, pointing to Ye Feng scolded, "you can't be Satan!"

Ye Feng stared at Dante Emma and said, "do you have the answer in your heart at this time? I remember that at that time, when I found you hiding there by accident, you immediately wanted to run after seeing me. You also fell down and knocked to your forehead. You always kept the head of Qi bangs, just because you wanted to block the scar on your forehead?"

Dante Emma didn't listen any more. She immediately shot Ye Feng, and said angrily, "stop talking!"

Ye Feng immediately jumped to avoid Dante Emma's shot, then stood on one side and said to Dante Emma, "who am I? Don't you know? "

Dante Emma, holding a gun in her hand, pointed to Ye Feng. Her eyes were full of hate, but her mouth said, "are you really alive?"

At this time, the people outside the door heard the gunshot, immediately came and knocked on the door, Dante Emma immediately took a pistol to the door, even fired a few shots, "get away from me!"

Hearing Dante Emma's voice, the men breathed a sigh of relief, then stood on both sides of the door, waiting.

Dromus then stood up and said to Dante Emma, "I'm not interested in knowing what happened, but what I want to know is, do you really hate me so much? Want to replace me? "

Dante Emma immediately pointed the gun at dromus and sneered, "you ask so many people under your command, how many of them don't hate you? What am I? " Then he immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun at Ye Feng, "you say, don't you hate him?"Ye Feng is noncommittal, just says to Dante Emma, "you put down your gun, I will protect you from death!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately laughed and said, "will you keep me alive? Why should I ask you to protect me from death? You really think I can't kill you? Let me tell you, the whole Stuart island is under martial law now. Don't say you don't have much chance to kill me. Even if you can kill me, can you escape? "

Then he looked at dromus and sneered, "are you so old and naive? You think if Satan comes out with you to see me, you'll have a chance? I tell you, I've killed almost all the people loyal to you on the island. Do you think you can get to this door? Even if Satan leaves again, can he be alone against the whole island? "

Dromus looked at Dante and Emma frowned. "You just want me to die. There's no need to kill so many people!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with disgust and said, "put away your compassionate face. In your eyes, what is human life? Do you know compassion now? What hypocrisy! Don't you decide to be sick? " Say again toward leaf maple way, "also you believe him!"

Dromus then said to Dante Emma, "it's no use saying anything now. You're looking for me everywhere. Now I'm standing in front of you. What do you want to do?"

Dante Emma immediately pointed the gun at dromus and said, "of course I want to kill you. Do I want to invite you to dinner?"

Dromus sneered at Dante Emma and said, "then I'm in front of you. What are you hesitating about? Just pull the trigger in your hand and you'll get it! "

Dante Emma eyebrows can't help but move, yes, I want to kill zhuomus, now zhuomus is standing in front of me, as long as I move my finger, I can achieve my wish immediately, but why don't I dare to pull the trigger?

Thinking of this, Dante Emma subconsciously takes a look at Ye Feng. He knows that Satan's deterrent power to himself is still there. It's easy to kill dromus, but Ye Feng may kill himself the moment he shoots.

In the past, Satan spared his life, even in many tasks, for his own performance, he didn't take his life seriously, in order to surpass Ye Feng.

However, after so many years of life-fighting career, zhuomus didn't treat him differently. On the contrary, he often blamed him for making his own decisions and not following the original plan.

Ye Feng, who also often changes his battle plan, has never been complained by zhuomus. This is the main reason why he hates zhuomus so much.

But now all the enmity is in front of me. On the contrary, because I am in power, I have become so cherish my life. In the past, I would not hesitate to exchange my life for dromus, but now Dante Emma thinks it is not worth it at all.

Dante Emma's muzzle is in front of zhuomus, but she still doesn't dare to pull the trigger. The remaining light of her eyes glances at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng stands there looking at herself calmly.

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