Dante Emma knows that once she shoots, Ye Feng will shoot immediately, even if her hand doesn't pull the trigger. Just before she has the intention to pull the trigger, Ye Feng can shoot, that is to say, even if she shoots, she even has a chance not to hit dromus.

Although Dante Emma is not willing to admit it, he has such a strong impression of Satan, which can even be called an allergic reaction. This is also the reason why Dante Emma is extremely afraid of Ye Feng.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the whole office was a little depressed. In addition, it was originally the basement, and the air circulation was not as good as the ground. Moreover, the ground was still in thunderstorm weather, so I felt a little out of breath at this time.

Three people looking at each other, Dante Emma looking at zhuomus, rare can kill zhuomus opportunity, he will never give up.

Zhuomus looks at Ye Feng. He knows that his life is on the line now. Dante Emma will not let him go easily. Once he shoots, whether he is dead or alive depends entirely on Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is also staring at Dante Emma. He knows that Dante Emma is the best secret agent on Stewart Island besides herself.

To be honest, in some ways, Dante Emma's strength is not much worse than that of herself. It's only because of some things in his childhood that he twisted his character and became what he is now.

In addition, Ye Feng knows that although he has revived with the help of Cao Yihai's superb skills and his body, all his consciousness is very strong, but his skills are barely there. After all, Cao Yihai's body is Cao Yihai's, and Cao Yihai is a technical house. It's hard to say whether he exercises or not, let alone some of his difficult movements.

But now it seems to be a little bit better than in the virtual world, and a lot of actions can barely be done. But after all, Ye Feng's opponents, who he met after returning to the real world, have not made him feel particularly difficult to deal with so far.

If ye Feng had to choose a few opponents he didn't want to meet in his life, Dante Emma would definitely be on the list.

Although he also knows that Dante Emma is also afraid of himself, he says that he is sure to win Dante Emma, which is just the self-confidence he gives himself by force. In fact, there is no full assurance at all.

As time goes by, Dante Emma's men outside the office also stand at the door in a hurry. There is no movement inside, and they don't know what's going on.

At this time, dromus broke the deadlock and said, "Dante, in fact, now you don't have a full grasp of killing me. You know Satan's ability. Besides, although my skill is not as good as you two, I'm not an old man who can't do it. It's not difficult for me to join hands with Satan to kill you!"

Dante Emma frowned slightly at this time. He knew that what dromus said was not a lie. After all, dromus was their master. Their skills were mainly learned from dromus. What's more, when dromus was young, he was also one of the top 10 special-purpose workers. Although he was old and hadn't worked for so many years, how many of them would retire But after all, the foundation is still there. Generally speaking, we still have the ability to protect ourselves.

If ye Feng really joined hands with zhuomus, he really didn't have much chance to win. Thinking of this, he couldn't help saying to zhuomus, "even if you two can kill me, you can't leave Stewart Island!"

Dromus hummed coldly at this time, "that's what happened later, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Dante Emma then said with a smile, "no matter now or later, you two are not just people in front of you, or you two just appear, you can start on me, why wait until now? That means you still have some scruples! "

Zhuomus did not speak any more, and Ye Feng, who was standing on one side, was calm.

Dante Emma said at this time, "well, we might as well sit down and have a good chat!"

But dromus sneered, "what else to talk about?"

Dante Emma said, "for example, I can get you out of Stuart Island alive!"

Dromus sneered and said, "if I come to you, I can't expect to live!"

Dante Emma nodded and said, "yes, you may not be afraid of death, but what about Angela?"

As soon as dromus heard this, he looked at Dante Emma and said, "what Angela? Angela is in England! "

Dante Emma said with a smile, "do you think I'll believe you? Why do you think Angela went back to the island? It's all my arrangement, otherwise I won't know if she comes back to the island? I'm just buying insurance for this situation! "

At this point, Dante Emma immediately said, "besides, even if Angela didn't go back to the island and was still in England, couldn't she be found?"

Dante Emma said, glancing at the bookcase in the office area and laughing, "if I'm right, there should be a dark box. Angela should be hiding in it?"

Zhuo Mu Si's face suddenly moved. Although he had guessed that Zhuo wanqiu's return to the island might be the conspiracy of Dante Emma, his heart still fluctuated when he heard that from Dante Emma.Dante Emma then looked at dromus and said, "you may not be afraid of death, but have you ever thought that Angela, your only blood, your dearest baby daughter, is in her prime. Do you want her to stay here and be buried with us?"

Hearing what Dante Emma said, zhuomuston felt a little moved and unconsciously looked at Ye Feng.

Dante Emma also looked at Ye Feng and said, "Angela has always been closest to you. She's your little follower. She's called you by Satan's brother. Do you have the heart to let Angela die?"

Dromus said to Dante Emma, "if anything happens to Angela, I won't let you go!"

Hearing that dromus was cruel to herself, Dante Emma laughed instead. After all, only when there was no way, could she be cruel.

Zhuo Mu Si so use words to coerce oneself, explain that he is to oneself take Zhuo Wan Qiu to coerce him, have no way.

as like as two peas, Ye Feng said to Dante Elmar, "I heard that once you went to Miami to perform your duties seven or eight years ago, you met a man who was almost the same as you in the street." is there such a thing?

Zhuo Mu Si can't help but be stunned when hearing speech, what does Ye Feng say this thing does at this time?

Dante Emma's face is greatly changed, looking at Ye Feng. How does Ye Feng know about this?

Ye Feng said at this time, "I think it's easy to find someone in Miami because it's not small or big."

Zhuomus this time will come over, obviously Ye Feng said that and Dante Emma long similar person, should be Dante Emma's twin brother?

It was just a guess, but after seeing Dante Emma's look, you can be sure that it is absolutely so. So what Ye Feng actually means by saying this is to coerce Dante Emma not to involve his family, otherwise the twin brother he found will not survive.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "OK, don't mention Angela, just talk about us. What do you want to do?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you don't need to do anything. Just leave the island with me. I can guarantee your safety."

Dante Emma laughs. "Leave the island with you? What are you talking about? Do you think I'll agree? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you must come with me if you answer or not!"

Dante Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "it seems that this matter is very important to you. It's easy to do. I don't say it to Angela, but I just won't go with you. It seems that the reason why you don't do it is that you have to take me away from here alive. It's easy to do. I'll answer you now. I won't leave Stewart Island when I die!"

Ye Feng and Zhuo Mu Si smell speech to look at each other, Ye Feng shrugs a way, "that has nothing to talk about!"

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