Dante Emma was staring at Ye Feng and walking towards zhuomus and Zhuo wanting to see if they were dead.

But after all, Dante Emma has a gunshot wound in her leg. She has been walking a little bit, and every few steps, she has to stop to have a rest. At the same time, it is also to prevent Ye Feng from suddenly appearing.

But when Dante Emma came to zhuomus and Zhuo wanqiu's body less than one meter, Ye Feng didn't appear again. Dante Emma couldn't help but wonder. Was Ye Feng really hit by himself just now, and now hiding in a corner to die?

Dante Emma is always afraid of Ye Feng. As long as he doesn't find his body, he must be considered alive. Besides, Ye Feng was once a man who came back from hell. Who can guarantee that he won't die even if he is shot.

However, since there is no Ye Feng's whereabouts for a moment, Dante Emma immediately glances at zhuomus with Yu Guang, and then goes to kick the gun in zhuomus' hand with her foot.

But just as he stepped out, dromus suddenly sat up, hugged Dante Emma's leg, clasped the wound on Dante Emma's leg with his fingers, and yelled, "Satan, shoot..."

Dante Emma was shocked and immediately fired two shots at the back of dromus. At the same time, a shadow flashed out before the meeting. Before Dante Emma could react, just as she was about to raise the muzzle of the gun, she heard a bang.

Dante Emma felt chest pain, looked down at his chest, but saw the white shirt, instantly dyed red, his head was dizzy, in front of Ye Feng almost can't see clearly, but still pulled the trigger, fired two shots towards it, directly fell to the ground.

Ye Feng just walked to the side of Dante Emma, kicked the gun in his hand, then opened Dante Emma's body, and saw that the ground was full of blood stains. He couldn't help but tut tut tongue. Originally, he could take advantage of dromus's exposure to change his ways, but at the last moment, his ambition was exposed, which led to his failure to return.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng shook his head, and then went to see Zhuo wanqiu lying on the ground. He first checked Zhuo wanqiu's pulse and heartbeat, and found that he still had body temperature. He immediately picked up Zhuo wanqiu and walked out of the office.

At this time, he heard a cough behind him. Ye Feng immediately looked back, but saw that zhuomus, who had been lying on the ground, stood up and pointed his gun at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that zhuomus was covered with blood, but his face was still ferocious. He immediately said to zhuomus, "little Anji is not dead, but if you shoot, she may lose the last chance of rescue!"

Zhuo Mu Si listens to Ye Feng to say so, suddenly facial expression a change way, "Angela has not died?"

Ye Feng walked directly to the door, but said, "you can bet on it! I'll take her to the doctor now. You can shoot in the back. I won't stop her! "

Zhuomus shook his gun and watched Ye Feng step by step toward the door. He knew that as long as Ye Feng walked out of the door, he would miss the last chance to kill him.

But thinking of his daughter, Zhuo wanqiu, Zhuo Mu Si pulled the trigger several times. His fingers had already started to pull, but he didn't pull it down in the end. Then he threw the gun aside and couldn't hold it any longer. He knelt down on the ground and gasped.

Zhuomus gradually felt that he was about to be out of breath. After all, he was shot so many times that it was not easy for him to survive until now.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking that he was going to die soon. Originally, he wanted to find a younger body through Cao Yihai's technology. Now it seems that it is impossible to come to this point.

At this time, he found that Dante Emma, lying on one side, also opened her eyes. She was looking at the gun she had just dropped on the ground, and her body was turning, trying to get the gun.

Dromus knew that Dante Emma had to shoot at him with a gun. In fact, the gun was closer to him. He only had to bend down a little to pick up the gun, but at this time, his body seemed completely disobeyed.

At this time, Dante Emma had turned over and climbed towards the gun. After a short distance of more than two minutes, she finally grasped the handle of the gun. Then she stood up and walked to dromus and put the muzzle of the gun on his head.

Dromus took a deep breath, even felt that he had no strength to speak, and his eyelids began to nail, but he still looked up at Dante Emma.

Dante Emma was coughing, and the corners of her mouth began to bleed, but he looked at dromus with a smile and said, "still fighting? What did you get at the end of the fight? "

Dromus immediately closed his eyes and didn't say anything. At this time, Dante Emma tried her best to pull the trigger. After a "bang", dromus had a hole in his head and fell to the ground. This time, he died completely.

But Dante Emma is holding a gun, staggering, aimless, limping along, he actually felt that he was going to die, went to the sofa, sat on the broken sofa, picked up a cigar on the ground and put it in his mouth, then muttered, "Satan, you can never win me, I'm going on my own!"With that, Dante Emma took the cigar away, then put the muzzle of the gun in her mouth and tried to pull the trigger.

But because Dante Emma lost so much blood and had gone so far, she didn't even feel strong to bend her fingers, let alone pull the trigger.

Dante Emma had a gun in her mouth, but she felt that she didn't even have the strength to commit suicide. She immediately grunted twice. He felt that he was going to die, and he couldn't make up another shot before he died.

In other words, if he can commit suicide successfully, it means that he did not die in the hands of Satan, but ended his own life, so he was not killed by Satan, let alone won by Satan himself.

But if he can't commit suicide, he can only let his life run out, so he was killed by Ye Feng, so he finally died at Ye Feng's gunpoint.

Think of here, Dante Emma a burst of chagrin, just when he had strength, should shoot himself, dromus in so many shots, even if he does not make up that shot, he will die.

Now I don't have the strength to make up another shot. I can only watch my eyes become more and more blurred, and my breath become smaller and shorter.

Until Dante Emma suddenly felt a tinnitus, and then it was dark, as if she would stay in the tinnitus forever.

There was a dead silence in the whole office, and there was no sound any more. At this time, I heard Hendry's voice coming from Jack's cell phone on the ground, "Jack? Jack? Are you still there? Am I going to take action? Hear me

The gun in Dante Emma's mouth fell to the ground and went off with a bang. The bullet hit Jack's head, which was already dead.

Hendry in the mobile phone heard a gunshot, and he couldn't help shouting, "Jack, Jack, are you still there?"

Then no one will answer Hendry's question any more. There are only countless bodies lying in the whole office.

At this time, Ye Feng has entered the elevator with Zhuo wanqiu in his arms, and is going to the ground. He also heard the two shots in the office just now, but he has no interest to know. Instead, it is zhuomus who made up for Dante Emma, Dante Emma who made up for zhuomus, or both of them made up for each other. Now he just wants to take Zhuo wanqiu Go to the medical building.

But when the elevator door opened, there were more than a dozen people holding guns outside, aiming at the elevator.

Ye Feng see this heart next move, standing in situ did not move, the people outside immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "slowly come out, don't play tricks!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng came out slowly with Zhuo wanqiu in his arms. But he said, "she is Zhuo wanqiu, the daughter of Zhuo musi. She was shot and needs to be rescued immediately!"

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