That group of people, you look at me, I look at you, just at this time, Tom suddenly appeared in the crowd, pushed away the crowd, looked at Ye Feng, and then went to him to look at Zhuo wanqiu in Ye Feng's arms.

After Tom had a look, he said to the crowd, "you stay here. I'll take them to the medical building!" Say to take leaf maple to walk toward the crowd.

Those people hesitated to look at Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu, then looked at Tom, and finally let go.

Soon Tom took the rain to drive the car to the door of the investigation department building. When Ye Feng got on the car, he drove to the medical building.

Tom on the road to see Ye Feng silent, can not help but take the initiative to Ye Feng said, "zhuomus and Dante are dead?"

Ye Feng looked up at Tom and said, "so, you are the final winners?"

Tom sighed, "the influence of dromus is so great that it almost penetrates into the whole New Zealand society. He thinks that he is threatening the whole New Zealand Society and that he can really run wild? I don't know that when he is calculating others, others are also calculating him! "

Ye Feng doesn't speak. He's worried about Scarlett besides Zhuo wanqiu. Jack said before he died that if he had an accident, let Hendry kill Scarlett immediately.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Tom, "you will send Zhuo wanqiu to the medical building first. I have to go to the villa."

But Tom said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, we've gone there. Those people should be controlled!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just nodded a way, "that Scarlett is all right?"

Tom was shocked and said, "Scarlett? You mean Juliet? " See Ye Feng nodded, this just said, "she's OK, don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded happily and wanted to ask Tom many questions in his heart, but the car had already driven into the downstairs of the medical building.

After waiting for the car to drive to the door, Ye Feng immediately gets off the car and goes to the emergency room with Zhuo wanqiu in his arms. He gives Zhuo wanqiu to the doctor for rescue.

After Zhuo wanqiu is sent into the consulting room, Tom and Ye Feng sit on the bench beside the wall. Ye Feng takes out a cigarette to light it.

It's not a regular hospital. There's no smoking ban, so it's the same for nurses passing by.

Tom also points on a, while smoking, while toward Ye Feng way, "you must have a lot of questions in mind?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there were a lot of them, but now think about it, there's nothing to ask!"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "if you don't ask, I'll give you a brief introduction."

Tom took a cigarette and then continued to say to Ye Feng, "in fact, the New Zealand government has been deploying this operation for a long time. Because dromus has been operating on Stewart Island for so many years, the forces have indeed begun to infiltrate all walks of life in New Zealand, but this kind of infiltration is illegal, and lawlessness means unfairness and oppression. Do you think it's a good idea Do government organizations endure such oppression and unfairness for a long time? This is just to satisfy the self-interest of some people. It's only a matter of time before the blow is done! "

Speaking of this, Tom smoked a cigarette and said, "but Stuart island has been operated by dromus for so many years, and we know that a strong attack will not work, so we have come up with a way to treat people in their own way. Now that he has a way to infiltrate us, we can also infiltrate into the island, plus the so-called attack of dromus We need to cooperate in the clean-up operation. Of course, we cooperate. What's more, we have been waiting for a key figure to appear, which finally made us wait. That's why we made great efforts to promote this Skynet operation! "

Ye Feng knew that the key person Tom said must be himself, so he didn't ask much. At this time, he looked at the door of the emergency room and didn't know what happened to Zhuo wanqiu.

Tom continued to say to Ye Feng on one side, "we all try our best to cooperate with every step of dromus' request, but at the same time, we also take this opportunity to organize some of our people to come in and deploy. On the surface, we help him deal with Dante Emma at the critical time, but in fact, we have our own use!"

Ye Feng looked at Tom and said, "do you know that I will kill them?"

Tom shrugged and said, "of course not for sure, but we know that dromus will want you to die and Dante Emma to die, and Dante Emma will also want you and dromus to die, so if you don't want to die, they must die!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a sneer way, "so say, I also just is a chess piece in your whole plan!"

When Tom heard this, he said to Ye Feng, "there's no way. Although I think it's uncomfortable for you to say that, in fact, it's true. In the face of national interests, everyone is a pawn, and you are a pawn, but I'm not? So the mind must be peaceful! "

Ye Feng can't help but sneer at Tom, and then he says, "it's not you who are being used. Of course, you are peaceful!"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "I will ask my superior to give you a new identity, so that you can completely retire and live your own life!"Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Tom. After a while, he nodded to Tom and said thank you. To tell the truth, if the New Zealand government is unwilling to let him go, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compete with the whole new zealand national machine.

If Tom can do it, he will save a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Tom and said, "so in the whole thing, is the matter of general aigohua fake? He wasn't actually charged by a military court, was he

Tom was stunned and said with a smile, "general Edgar, not only has he not been accused, but also is one of the chief planners of this matter!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately a ground to look at Tom, "this matter he also has to participate in?"

Tom nodded at once and said, "I only know about it. After all, it's a high-level secret. I don't know much about it. Even if I do, I'm afraid it's not convenient to talk to you more. You'd better wait until you leave Stewart Island, meet general AI and ask him in person!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, this time the doctor suddenly came out from the emergency room, toward Ye Feng and Tom way, "the injured person's condition some deterioration, estimated to be unable to hold up!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said to the doctor, "we must save her. She is only in her early twenties and still young..."

Doctor Wen Yan said, "we will try our best, but we can't guarantee what the specific results will be. Now we have to push her to do the operation!"

Several nurses pushed Zhuo wanqiu's bed out of the emergency room and rushed to the elevator.

Ye Feng quickly followed him. As soon as he left, Tom also stood up and looked at Ye Feng's back. At this time, Scarlett appeared in the corridor of the hospital, looking around as if looking for Ye Feng. When she saw Tom, she immediately trotted over and asked him, "where is he?"

Tom shrugged. "Out of the operating room, right?"

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately ran to the elevator. When she saw that the elevator was on another floor, she immediately ran to the safe passage on one side.

Seeing this, Tom took a puff of smoke, and then realized that he had something wrong with his expression. He immediately yelled to the other side, "I mean, he's going to the operating room to wait for someone else's operation!"

But at this time, Scarlett had already run to the building and couldn't hear Tom at all.

When Scarlett got upstairs, she saw the doctor and asked where the operating room was. All the way she asked the door of the operating room, she saw Ye Feng sitting on the stool at the door of the operating room. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ye Feng with a happy smile at the corner of her mouth.

At this time, Ye Feng looked up and saw that Scarlett was smiling at herself and nodded to her with a smile.

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