Scarlett then walked toward Ye Feng, sat beside Ye Feng and asked Ye Feng, "are you ok?"

Then he saw that there were blood stains on Ye Feng's arm. He immediately put out his hand to see that there was a bullet hole in his clothes. Suddenly, his face moved and said, "are you shot?"

Ye Feng says it's nothing, just a shot in the shoulder, which doesn't matter. But Scarlett immediately stands up and goes to the medical room not far away. She takes out the disinfectant, scissors and shelves, returns to Ye Feng's side, puts things on the stool and says, "I'll get the bullets for you!"

Ye Feng took a look at Scarlett, but she didn't object. However, she saw that Scarlett had already picked up the scissors and began to cut off Ye Feng's shoulder clothes. Then she poured the disinfectant water on his shoulder and wiped the blood clean with a cotton ball. Then she said to Ye Feng to bear it.

After Ye Feng gave a hum, Scarlett immediately put the clip into the bullet hole of Ye Feng's shoulder, poked his flesh, found the bullet, and used the clip to prop up the flesh. Then the pincers clamped the bullet, pulled it out and threw it aside. Then she poured disinfectant on Ye Feng's shoulder, and then helped Ye Feng sew the flesh together Gauze helps Ye Feng to wrap his shoulder.

And the whole leaf maple didn't hum a, but has been staring at the light at the door of the operating room.

Scarlett saw it in her eyes, but she didn't ask much. She packed everything up and sent it back to the doctor's room. Then she sat on Ye Feng's side.

Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "by the way, are you ok? Aren't you being held by Hendry? "

Scarlett see Ye Feng from see oneself to now just ask oneself this matter, although in the heart some uncomfortable, but think Ye Feng also just life and death line swim some time, so don't blame Ye Feng.

She then said to Ye Feng, "how can Hendry's skill hurt me? I was knocked unconscious by him on purpose. I want to see what he wants to do!"

Ye Feng was shocked and nodded with a smile. That's right. Scarlett is also a professional killer. She can't be caught so easily.

But thinking that Tom said someone was going to save Scarlett, she asked again, "didn't you go to help you?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "when they go, I've settled everything. I've killed Hendry. I'll give them Kelly and Wenya!"

Ye Feng nodded and said it was ok, but Scarlett just looked at the operating room and said, "can I ask who is in the operating room?"

Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "it's zhuomus' only daughter, Zhuo wanqiu! She was shot in the abdomen and lost a lot of blood. It may be a little late, so it's very dangerous now. Maybe she hasn't passed the dangerous period yet! "

Scarlett smell speech this just nodded, secret way originally is Zhuo Mu Si's only daughter, but see Ye Feng that face worried appearance, can't help but ask Ye Feng way again, "you and she very familiar?"? I think you look worried! "

Ye Feng said, "she and I grew up together, he has been called my brother, I also see her as a sister."

On hearing this, Scarlett suddenly relaxed, "Oh, it's my sister!"

Think of Scarlett want to ask Ye Feng the other side of the situation, but this time the light out of the operating room, Ye Feng immediately stood up at this time.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened, and the chief surgeon came out. Ye Feng immediately said, "how about it?"

The doctor shook his head, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, and a punch hit the wall on one side.

The doctor said to Ye Feng, "I mean, there is no danger for the time being, but after all, the injured lost too much blood and need to rest for a period of time!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the sad face instantly disappeared, immediately took the doctor's hand way, "thank you, when can I go to see her?"

But the doctor said to Ye Feng, "now she's suturing the wound inside, and the anesthetic on her body is estimated to return for a while. You can go to see her after she comes out and goes to the ward!"

Ye Feng and toward the doctor said a few thanks, it was completely relaxed to sit on the bench waiting for Zhuo wanqiu out.

Scarlett see Ye Feng so, can't help but also for Ye Feng Song a airway, "nothing is the best!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Scarlett and said, "by the way, you didn't get hurt in the confrontation with Hendry, did you?"

Scarlett shook her head and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry!" See Ye Feng's mood relaxed, she just asked Ye Feng, "what's the situation over there? I was listening to Hendry's phone ringing all the time! Have you finished your task? "

Ye Feng looked at Scarlett and said, "don't mention the past. After the rainstorm season, we will leave here!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Scarlett can't help nodding, this time saw Zhuo wanqiu was pushed out, Ye Feng and Scarlett stand up, followed the bed has been to the ward.

After everything is settled, Zhuo wanqiu is carried to the sickbed in the ward. Ye Feng moves a stool and sits on one side.Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "why don't you have a rest, and I'll accompany you here. After all, you're injured, and you also have a wound in your abdomen!"

Ye Feng said nothing. At this time, the door of the ward was opened, but Tom came in and stood in Zhuo wanqiu's bed. After watching for a while, he said to Ye Feng, "it shouldn't be a big problem, is it?"

Ye Feng shook his head, and Tom sighed, "it's evil to involve such a little girl in such a big dispute."

Scarlett then said to Tom, "now that we've finished our task, you won't go back on what you promised us, will you?"

Tom shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, I won't go back. But now Stewart Island is in the rainstorm season. For the time being, people on the island can't get out and people outside can't get in. We can only wait until the rainstorm season is over."

Scarlett nodded, but Tom said to Ye Feng, "but Zhuo wanqiu, I think it's going to be a little bit of trouble!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, facial expression immediately a ground looking at Tom way, "what meaning? What's wrong with her? "

Tom immediately said to Ye Feng, "she is zhuomus' daughter after all. We have to wait for her to wake up and ask her for confirmation about many things..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "she doesn't know anything. She has been studying abroad all the time. This time, she was cheated by Dante Emma. She can't help you."

Tom looked at Ye Feng Road. "This is not what you said has the final say. It is the meaning above. All the people on the island can not leave the island without permission, and wait until the last time they arrive."

Scarlett said to Tom, "including that we can't leave?"

Tom said to Scarlett, "you can leave, but you have to wait until the censorship is over!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, but Scarlett scolded, "at the beginning, you didn't say that. Now you have to review it. I ask you, if there is any problem in the review, don't you plan to let us go?"

But Tom looked at Ye Feng and Scarlett and said, "what can I find out?"

Scarlett immediately scolded again. She was so angry that she had to fight Tom. But Ye Feng grabbed her and said to Tom, "is our foundation clean or not? It seems that you are going to tear down the bridge? "

Tom took a deep breath and then said to them, "it's not that I want to cross the river for demolition. It's the order of the superior. At present, we can only follow the order of the superior, and then I will explain the special situation with the superior. It should not be a big problem."

Scarlett smell speech but a sneer way, "start to say so sure, now and we say should not be a problem?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to Tom, "you go first. I don't think about it now. I'll wait until Xiao Anji wakes up. But I can tell you in advance that I must take her away. As for whether to let go or not, it's your business. I have no right to interfere in anything. But if someone organizes me to take Xiao Anji away at that time, my men will not be merciful !”

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