After listening to Ye Feng's words, Tom didn't speak for a moment. He stood in the ward and looked at Zhuo wanqiu for a while. He found an excuse to leave first.

After Tom left, Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "none of these government personnel is honest!"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "in fact, Tom is not to blame. After all, he is not in power. Sometimes he can't keep his word!"

Scarlett smell speech nodded, she of course also understand Ye Feng this meaning, but the heart is still not happy.

Seeing that Ye Feng is always looking at Zhuo wanqiu on the hospital bed, Scarlett can't help asking Ye Feng, "she and you should not only be the relationship between brother and sister, right?"

Ye Feng understood what Scarlett meant and didn't intend to hide anything from her. She said, "she likes me and depends on me, but I just treat her as my sister!"

Scarlett smelled speech staring at Zhuo wanqiu on the bed for a long time, then asked Ye Feng, "now zhuomus is dead, Dante Emma is also dead, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Ye Feng shook her head and said, "I don't know. I haven't thought about it. Maybe I'll go to Huaxia!"? Why? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no reason. I should be Chinese. It should be my motherland. Of course I want to go back and have a look!"

Scarlett could not help nodding and said, "I'll go with you. Anyway, I have no place to go!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked back at Scarlett, but see Scarlett is looking at himself, immediately reached out to hold Scarlett's hand, nodded and said, "you are not afraid of fatigue, of course you can!"

Scarlett a listen to this, immediately happy smile, soft voice toward Ye Feng way, "as long as can follow in your side, where I go! If only you didn't dislike it! "

Ye Feng nodded. After a while of pondering, he said, "if you want to go, you have to wait until Xiao Anji wakes up. Besides, I have to pick up Amy. Besides, whether you can leave Stewart Island depends on the attitude of the New Zealand government."

When Scarlett heard this, she couldn't help feeling melancholy. In addition to whether she could leave Stewart Island, Ye Feng also had to take Zhuo wanqiu and Amy with her.

Zhuo wanqiu doesn't care. After all, Ye Feng just treats her as her sister, but Scarlett knows that Ye Feng's feelings for Amy are absolutely different from those for Zhuo wanqiu,

thinking of this, Scarlett has a sour feeling in her heart. She knows that she is eating Amy's vinegar, but it's hard to say anything to Ye Feng.

After all, Scarlett also knows that Ye Feng should be with AI Meihao first, and she is the third party involved. She is not good enough to ask Ye Feng not to take Ai Mei, and she also has self-knowledge that Ye Feng will not do so even if she asks for it, so she will not say anything.

Staying in the ward until the next morning, Scarlett saw that Ye Feng was still sleepless. She didn't say much, so she went out to bring breakfast to Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng simply took a few mouthfuls, Zhuo wanqiu on the bed snorted. Ye Feng immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks, went to the bed, looked at Zhuo wanqiu on the bed, and cried, "little Anji, are you awake?"

Zhuo wanqiu frowned tightly, then turned over, turned his back to Ye Feng, as if he had awakened, but he didn't want to face Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I know you don't want to see me. Just see you wake up. You should take good care of yourself first. Let's talk about it when you are completely well!"

Zhuo wanqiu still turned her back to Ye Feng and didn't say a word. Ye Feng sighed, "then I'll go out first. If you have something, please let the people in the medical building look for me!"

See Zhuo wanqiu still did not speak, Ye Feng is a little sigh, this just walked out of the ward.

Scarlett originally wanted to chase out, but she still stayed and moved a stool to sit on Zhuo wanqiu's side.

Zhuo wanqiu opened her eyes and looked at Scarlett. She thought she was a medical worker in the medical building. Then she closed her eyes and didn't speak.

Scarlett then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "do you know that Satan brought you to the hospital after you were injured? Do you know that when you were critically ill, he was waiting outside the operating room, and didn't even care about his injury, but he was just worried about your situation? Do you know he's been at your bedside since last night? "

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu opened her eyes and stared at Scarlett. Then she was surprised and said, "who are you? Do you need to talk more about me and him? "

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm no one. I just want to tell you that your willfulness is hurting the heart of someone who really cares about you!"

Zhuo wanqiu snorted coldly and said to Scarlett, "can you please go out? I don't want to talk now, and I don't want to listen to anyone. I just want to be alone!"

Scarlett didn't mean to leave, but continued to say to Zhuo wanqiu, "your father's death has nothing to do with him, your father was killed by Dante Emma, and you know, your father has killed Satan once! This is the second time he wants to kill Satan

Zhuo wanqiu then stretched out her hand to cover her ears, but she could not help muttering, "I don't want to listen!"Scarlett took Zhuo wanqiu's arm, took her hand off her ear and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I tell you, you are in your twenties. Satan takes you as his sister and child, but you can't take yourself as a child. You are an adult. You should learn to face reality and accept reality!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Scarlett in a dazed way, and then hummed coldly, "I've said that this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Before Zhuo wanqiu finished, Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "why doesn't it matter? You upset him, you know? I love him, I can't see him unhappy! If you make him unhappy, I won't be. Do you think it has anything to do with me? "

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help looking at Scarlett and said, "you are his..."

Scarlett released Zhuo wanqiu's hand and sat back on the chair. Then she shrugged to Zhuo wanqiu and said, "I'm his woman!"

Zhuo wanqiu's face suddenly moved, and then said, "it's impossible. My brother Satan won't like other women. He said he would marry me!"

Scarlett was shocked and then said with a smile, "if I'm right, it should be your childhood!"

Zhuo wanqiu refuted Scarlett and said, "what happened when I was a child? What I said when I was a child can not be counted as words? You haven't experienced it. What do you know? "

But Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "how do you know I haven't experienced it? Who didn't come from childhood? Which girl doesn't have spring?"

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help but look at Scarlett. She didn't speak again for a long time. After a long time, she snorted to Scarlett coldly, "I know that you are afraid that I will rob my brother Satan. I tell you that brother Satan is not sincere to anyone except me. Do you know how many women he has outside? Every time he goes out on a mission, he'll have sex with different women. I don't mind at all. Can you do that? "

Then she took a look at Scarlett and said, "aren't you one of those women?"

But Scarlett said with a smile, "you said that before, you didn't know your brother Satan very well. Now he's not what you said. Now he's full of love!"

Scarlett talks with a little sour, she originally wanted to stay to persuade Zhuo wanqiu a few words, but Zhuo wanqiu talks about herself everywhere, so that she seems to be taken away by Zhuo wanqiu's atmosphere, and unconsciously she will deliberately count Zhuo wanqiu a few words.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately stares at Scarlett when she hears this. Of course, she understands Scarlett's special feeling. Maybe she just wants to tell herself that Ye Feng is only special about Scarlett now.

Thinking of this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "I don't believe it. When did my brother Satan's vision become so bad?"

Scarlett immediately said with a smile, "yes, your brother Satan's vision has obviously improved now. Those children who are not fully developed can't see them now!"

As soon as Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she immediately wanted to sit up, but the edge of her abdomen suddenly hurt and she immediately snorted.

It didn't hurt too much, but when Zhuo wanqiu saw Scarlett's face move, she seemed to be worried about her own injury. She immediately pretended to be in agony.

Scarlett was just a little worried, but seeing Zhuo wanqiu like this, she couldn't help but get worried and quickly got up to call the doctor.

Seeing that Scarlett is in a hurry to go out and call a doctor, Zhuo wanqiu recovers her calm and hums coldly, "fight with me, you can't be killed!"

But think of Scarlett will not say so casually, once Ye Feng came, it is likely to help, so what Scarlett said may be true, Zhuo wanqiu heart suddenly began to sour.

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