In the past few days, Ye Feng and Scarlett have lived in the VIP villa area on Stewart Island. If they have nothing to do, they go to the medical building to see Zhuo wanqiu.

At the same time, Ye Feng also found out that the whole Stewart Island had already been infiltrated by the New Zealand government. After all, the two term leaders of the island, zhuomus and Dante Emma, had died, which did not cause much trouble. In fact, Tom was the leader.

The rainstorm on the island continued for almost a long time. Moreover, in many places where the drainage system on the island is aging, the water on the road surface is very serious.

Ye Feng estimated the time in his heart. According to the practice of so many years in the past, the extreme weather on Stewart Island usually lasts about two weeks at most, and less than ten days at the shortest time.

He knew that even if the longest time was used, there would be about a week left. If the shortest time was used, it would be two or three days in the future.

This kind of weather on the island makes the people on the island feel very depressed. First, it is due to the weather. Second, the island has just experienced the clean-up operation. Many people died on the first night of thunderstorm.

Although the task is over, but Ye Feng's mood is also more depressed, the task is over, but his things are far from over.

During this period, Tom never met Ye Feng and Scarlett again. He only went to the inpatient department of the medical building once to see Zhuo wanqiu, but also in the absence of Ye Feng and Scarlett.

This kind of feeling makes Ye Feng have some bottom in his heart. Tom is deliberately hiding from them. As for the reason, it's very obvious. It's likely that he and Ye Feng have talked about the terms before. It's estimated that all of them have been rejected. Tom has no face to see ye Feng and Scarlett again, so he just hides from them.

Coupled with the Extreme Rainstorm Weather on the island, everyone's mood is not very good, even if you don't see it, you will be lazy to find him.

Ye Feng can know it in his heart, and he never went to Tom again, but he went to the technology department to find Tacla on the way.

But Ye Feng didn't find Tacla, and all the equipment in the previous laboratory had been removed. Ye Feng didn't ask Tom, although he knew that Tom must know where Tacla had gone.

After another two days, the rain on the island gradually reduced a lot, and began to be similar to normal rainy days.

Another day later, Ye Feng is looking at Zhuo wanqiu in the ward. Suddenly, he sees a ray of sunshine coming in outside the window. Ye Feng immediately goes to the window to have a look.

There are still dark clouds in the sky, but the sun is not blocked by dark clouds. Ye Feng knows that this is the end of extreme weather.

Ye Feng immediately sits back to Zhuo wanqiu's side. In fact, a few days ago, Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu said that she wanted her to leave the island with Scarlett and then go to find them.

At first, Zhuo wanqiu didn't agree. After all, she rejected Scarlett in her heart. But these days, she spent the most time in hospital except Ye Feng.

After a few days together, Zhuo wanqiu also found that Scarlett was not as annoying as she thought. Moreover, in the conversation with Scarlett intentionally or unintentionally, Zhuo wanqiu found that in fact, Scarlett's early years were just like Ye Feng's.

When she was a child, Zhuo wanqiu didn't know what the orphan was. Her earliest impression of Ye Feng was that her father, zhuomus, had found her a playmate.

But as time goes by and she gets older, she gradually knows what Ye Feng, Dante Emma and their father are looking for.

What shocked Zhuo wanqiu most was that when they came to the island, there were hundreds and thousands of them. In the end, how did they survive.

And Scarlett's life experience is almost the same as that of Ye Feng, so sometimes when she lies alone in the hospital, she thinks that maybe it is because of this kind of empathy that Ye Feng and Scarlett have a good feeling for each other.

So sometimes Zhuo wanqiu sees Scarlett as if she saw Ye Feng. To be more precise, it's like seeing Dixie. She has a feeling of innate pity. Before Zhuo wanqiu knew Ye Feng's life experience unintentionally, when she saw Ye Feng, she always had this feeling. How many years has it taken to get rid of this feeling? Now she's here Carrie seems to have found this feeling again.

That night, Ye Feng stood at the landing window and saw the night sky outside. Although there was occasional light rain, the moon in the sky could occasionally appear from the dark clouds.

Ye Feng knows that tomorrow should be sunny, which means that Stewart Island and the outside world have been linked up again. That is to say, the government coalition forces against Stewart Island will soon land on the island. Maybe tomorrow morning, the port of Stewart Island will be full of New Zealand naval ships, and the wharf will be full of New Zealand naval land Team members.

Scarlett saw Ye Feng standing at the window and didn't sleep. She immediately went over, hugged Ye Feng from behind and asked him, "what are you thinking?"

Ye Feng then turned around, hugged Scarlett and gave her a kiss. Then he said, "there may be something big tomorrow. Don't forget what I said to you!"Scarlett and Ye Feng have been living on Stewart Island these days, sleeping and eating together every day, and going to the hospital to see Zhuo wanqiu,

she feels that this kind of day is their life after retirement, and they can help each other with their husband, and the hospital has a sick sister-in-law.

The most important thing is that her unruly and willful sister-in-law is gradually accepting her. Sometimes she even thinks about whether she can stay here forever, and even forgets what will happen in the future.

But now Ye Feng's words wake Scarlett from her fairy tale dream. No matter how beautiful the fairy tale is, she will wake up.

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and said, "tomorrow? So fast? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "the people outside have already been deployed. They are waiting for the weather. There should be no rain tomorrow. The extreme weather on Stewart Island should be over. Even this evening, New Zealand navy ships are advancing towards this side."

As soon as Scarlett heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "I think the rain is obviously less today, and the waves on the sea are obviously smaller, or shall we take Angela with us tonight?"

But Ye Feng said on Scarlett's forehead, "if we leave tonight, let alone the island is heavily guarded. Even if we go out of the sea, there may be patrol forces at sea. If we go out of the sea, we may meet the navy of New Zealand."

On hearing this, Scarlett frowned and said, "if that's the case, won't there be no chance to leave tomorrow in the daytime?"

But Ye Feng said to Scarlett, "it doesn't matter. You can go with little angel tomorrow! There's no need to be so furtive! "

Scarlett smell speech, can't help a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "go aboveboard?"

With that, my heart suddenly moved, "have you reached any agreement with Tom?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I haven't seen him these days. How can I reach an agreement?"

Scarlett thought about it, but she still looked at Ye Feng curiously and said, "that's what agreement you are going to reach with him!"

Ye Feng patted Scarlett on the shoulder and said, "don't think about it, and don't ask. Tomorrow you will take little Anji away first! Then go to Amy. You three leave New Zealand first, and then I'll go to you! "

Scarlett looked at Ye Feng in silence for a while, and she knew that she had promised Ye Feng before, but after living these days, Scarlett once happily forgot about it.

Now the feeling of separation is in front of her. Scarlett's heart is sour, and she immediately hugs Ye Feng tightly. This kind of separation is hard for Scarlett to accept, and she has to accept the sense of loss.

Ye Feng knows what a woman needs. At this time, she picks up Scarlett and goes to the bedside. She puts Scarlett on the bed and then lies down.

After a burst of lingering love, Scarlett hugs Ye Feng's body tightly and says nothing. At this time, her heart is calm. Even if she dies for Ye Feng at this time, she has no regrets, let alone a short parting.

But Scarlett looked at Ye Feng and said, "after I leave, you must be careful!"

Ye Feng kisses Scarlett's forehead and says, "don't worry, I haven't enough. How can I die?"

Scarlett smell speech suddenly face a red, of course know Ye Feng said not enough is what, immediately turn over climb in Ye Feng's body, ear stick Ye Feng's ear way, "that tonight first let you enough?"

Ye Feng immediately turns over with Scarlett in her arms and presses her under he

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