At night, Scarlett fell asleep with a smile on her lips. At this time, Ye Feng took a bath, put on a suit of clothes and went out of the door.

It's still drizzling on Stewart Island at night. There are only occasional inspectors passing by on the road. However, seeing Ye Feng is just a glance.

Ye Feng walks towards the investigation building, lights a cigarette and smokes. What he thinks is that when Zhuo wanqiu is just admitted to the hospital, he leaves Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu in the ward. He just meets Tom in the corridor. He is standing at the end of the corridor, looking out of the window and answering the phone.

Ye Feng hears that Tom is fighting for something for himself on the phone, but the other end of the phone seems not to agree. He insists that he is not allowed to leave Stewart Island, waiting for all personnel to enter Stewart Island.

Tom helplessly hung up the phone, a look back just to see Ye Feng standing not far away looking at himself, he immediately shrugged his shoulders sorry.

Ye Feng took the initiative to walk over and said to Tom, "I have no other requirements. Scarlett and little Angie must leave New Zealand safely!"

Tom looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's hard to estimate!"

Ye Feng sneered, "I don't care if it's hard for you to estimate, or it's really hard. Here I am, this is the bottom line! If I can't do this, I may not be able to do anything about you. After all, you are from the government, but it should be very easy for me to find you and your boss who is not human! "

Tom's face suddenly moved, he naturally knew the weight of Ye Feng's words, and he would do what he said.

Ye Feng continued to say to Tom in a cold voice, "if you want to trap me on the island, then I can't help you. Then you are wrong. I can tell you that if you ask me to protect a person, I may not be able to do it, but if I want to kill a person, I won't miss it. Even if I want to be second, you are surrounded by experts, and I can't get close to you, But what about the family around you? Even if you hide your family, I believe I can find them with my ability and experience. And even if you protect them, can you protect them for a lifetime? Even if we protect them for a lifetime, will there be no time for negligence? "

Speaking of the end, Ye Feng lowered his voice, deliberately hoarse voice, said to Tom, "so if you don't follow what I said, I will pester you like a ghost in my life, and you can't expect to sleep safely one day in the future!"

Tom listened to the cold sweat on his forehead. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. I'll fight for it for you. I'll give you a reply later!"

Then Ye Feng sees Scarlett taking the doctor to Zhuo wanqiu's ward. He worries about Zhuo wanqiu's accident, so he doesn't say anything to Tom any more, and immediately goes after her.

And Tom's later reply to Ye Feng, Ye Feng has been waiting until now, Tom did not give himself a reply, even so many days, has been hiding from himself, several days to see Ye Feng back, as if afraid to talk with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has not taken the initiative to find Tom, but tonight is the deadline. Ye Feng knows that Tom will not take the initiative to find himself again, so he must take the initiative to find him.

Standing under the interrogation building, Ye Feng looked up at the top floor and walked towards the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

Several security personnel at the door can't help but change their faces when they see Ye Feng. In recent days, it has been spread on the island that Satan has resurrected and killed zhuomus and Dante Emma at one time. Therefore, when they see Ye Feng, these people can't help feeling guilty.

Ye Feng stood at the door and looked at the two security personnel who were blocking the door. They were a little embarrassed, but Ye Feng didn't embarrass them. He just looked at them like this. Until they got out of the way, Ye Feng said thank you and entered the door immediately.

Ye Feng goes straight to the top floor, Tom's office is here, but Ye Feng also knows that Tom may not be in the office at this time, but Ye Feng also wants to go up and have a look.

After arriving at the top floor, Ye Feng goes straight to Tom's office. Just as the light of Tom's office is still on, Ye Feng goes over immediately.

After arriving at the door, Ye Feng hears Tom's voice coming from the office, but he is the only one. He should be on the phone, but the voice is not very clear outside the door. He can vaguely hear Tom saying, "don't worry, the personnel are basically under control, and no one will be able to leave the island without permission..."

Ye Feng heard here, then knocked on the door, originally he can continue to listen, but there is no need, he is to face and Tom showdown.

When Tom heard the knock, he came in immediately. When he saw that Ye Feng was coming in, his face suddenly changed. He immediately hung up the phone and stood up and said, "Why are you here?"

With his cigarette in his mouth, Ye Feng went directly to Tom's desk. After sitting down, he leaned forward and flicked the ash into the ashtray. Then he said, "Tom, do you remember that you said you would give me an answer later? I've been waiting for you for more than a week! "

Tom sat down and stared at Ye Feng for a moment. He didn't know when Ye Feng was standing outside when he was talking on the phone. He didn't know how much he heard on the phone.Ye Feng looked at Tom leisurely while smoking, as if nothing had happened.

Tom forced his mind again, and then he said with a smile to Ye Feng, "Oh, I'm just going to find you! As you know, there are too many affairs on this island, and I've just started to take over. I can't do many things by myself, so I'm sorry! "

But Ye Feng shrugged with a smile, "it's OK, I know that your new official takes office, and you can't get away with it. I'll come to you myself!"

Tom saw that a cigarette of Ye Feng's had been burned and left behind. He immediately took out another cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng, saying, "I've already reflected your business to my superior!"

Ye Feng took the cigarette, put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then lit another cigarette. Then he said, "what's the result?"

Tom said quickly at this time, "the superior said, let you rest assured, tomorrow my upgrade will come to the island in person, and then I will help you deal with this matter in person!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "still have to wait for tomorrow?"

Tom said immediately, "it's all small things. There won't be any problem!"

Ye Feng stared at Tom for a long time, then sneered, "are you trying to delay me?"

Tom smell speech facial expression slightly move, embarrassed toward Ye Feng way, "no, no, I tell the truth!"

Ye Feng was still staring at Tom and said in a deep voice, "then I will believe you once? But I will remember what you said to me now. If there is any problem tomorrow, I won't find anyone else, I will find you! "

Tom's face changed as soon as he heard this. He looked at Ye Feng for a long time. For a while, he didn't know how to reply.

Ye Feng saw that Tom didn't speak, and immediately said with a sneer, "what? No more words? "

After taking a deep breath, Tom said to Ye Feng, "forget it, I'll tell you the truth. I've really reflected the problem you said, but the plan of the superior now is that you and Scarlett can go, but Zhuo wanqiu may not leave for the time being!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly changed, which was completely beyond Ye Feng's expectation. He thought that what they cared about most was himself, but what they cared most was Zhuo wanqiu, which Ye Feng had never thought of before.

Then he asked Tom, "why? Why do you insist on keeping little Angie? "

Tom can't help but say to Ye Feng, "to tell you the truth, although zhuomus is dead, there are many problems left after his death, and Zhuo wanqiu is the only legal successor of zhuomus now, so we have many problems, we need Zhuo wanqiu to cooperate with us, so she can't leave for the moment, but we can guarantee her safety. You can absolutely let go of this Heart

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears what Tom said. In fact, the problems Tom said are true. These problems do exist. If they do, they won't let Zhuo wanqiu go so easily.

Tom saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, then he immediately said, "don't worry, I don't have to guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee this, absolutely guarantee the safety of Zhuo wanqiu!"

Ye Feng is staring at Tom to see, "how do you guarantee?"

Tom can't help but be stunned, but listen to Ye Feng continue to say, "can you control your superior's idea or how? At that time, little Angie will still be in your hands. You can't guarantee it anywhere. Now you tell me you can guarantee it? What is the guarantee? "

Tom could not help but move when he heard what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng for a while, but he couldn't say a word.

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