Ye Feng saw that Tom didn't say a word, and immediately sneered at him, "I don't know if it's your IQ or if you think it's my IQ. You can't figure out such a simple thing? Or do you think I can't figure it out? "

Tom immediately explained to Ye Feng, "I really don't mean it. Listen to me!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Tom, "don't explain. What you said is very obvious. It fully shows that what you said to me before is nonsense. In fact, you are just a messenger here. You can't be the master yourself. In this case, I feel that it's a waste of time to say one more word with you. Wait for your officer to talk about everything!"

Ye Feng immediately stood up, turned around and was ready to leave. At this time, Tom also stood up and called, "Satan!"

Ye Feng looked back at Tom and said, "what else

Tom then looked at Ye Feng with sincere eyes and said, "I'm sorry!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry. For me, there's no sense at all! Because it's better to make up for it than to apologize, but you can't make up for it, so it's meaningless to apologize! "

Tom immediately said to Ye Feng, "what I should help you fight for has already been fought for, but as you said, I am at most a microphone in this process. If I can make the decision, I will help you solve it, but I'm really sorry. Although it's meaningless for you, I still have to say sorry to you."

Ye Feng shrugged and waved. He didn't say much and went straight to the door.

Tom stared at Ye Feng's back for a moment, then immediately said, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at Tom, "what else?"

Tom said to Ye Feng immediately, "you and Scarlett had better leave tonight!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression can't help but slightly move to look at Tom way, "you mean, I and Scarlett can leave, this is also false?"

Tom sighed, "yes, I don't want to cheat you, but I can't help it. I hope you can understand me! I can't be the master

Ye Feng didn't get angry, but looked at Tom in surprise and said, "then why did you finally tell me?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "maybe you don't remember, but you saved me once!"

Ye Feng frowned and looked at Tom. He didn't remember when he had saved Tom.

Tom continued to say to Ye Feng, "at that time, you were not dead. Once I was about to expose my identity, but I escaped because of your sudden appearance!"

Ye Feng frowned more tightly. He couldn't even remember what Tom said. However, Tom's expression seemed to have saved his life by his appearance.

Tom then sighed, "such a small thing, such a big man as you, must have been ignored at that time, and at that time you just appeared by accident, indirectly saved me, you can't remember, but for me, that day was the only time I nearly exposed in so many years here, because your appearance saved me, for me, no matter what Intentionally or unintentionally, you have saved me. You are my benefactor. I always keep this feeling in mind! "

Ye Feng said to Tom, "just for such a small matter, so you decided to save me?"

Tom nodded at once and said, "you don't know, the people on Stewart Island have been graded. Some of them are to be sentenced to death, some are to be sentenced to life imprisonment, some are to be sentenced to more than ten or twenty years And you're in the top row! "

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help a wrinkly way, "death penalty?"

Tom sighed, "I've reflected with my superiors many times, and they've already started to get angry with me. If it wasn't for the extreme weather on Stewart Island, I would have been dismissed. And after tomorrow morning, I would be transferred. I can't manage anything here!"

Ye Feng looked at Tom and said, "so you want to help me get out of here today?"

Tom nodded and said, "I'll pay you back for saving your life!"

At this time, Ye Feng came over again, sat opposite Tom's desk, lit a cigarette again, looked at Tom for a long time, and then said to Tom, "if you must repay me, you can do something for me, and find a way to let Scarlett and little Angie go, I can stay, even if you are executed, I will not resent you!"

Tom said, "that's no good. I can only help you and Scarlett. Zhuo wanqiu certainly can't. The medical building has been closely monitored now. She can't leave that building at all. You may not notice. Every time you go to see Zhuo wanqiu with Scarlett, it's recorded!"

Ye Feng listen to Tom say so, has been smoking cigarettes do not speak, staring at Tom.

Tom also slowly sat down at this time, and then said to Ye Feng, "don't think about Zhuo wanqiu. I can tell you the truth about this. They won't do anything to Zhuo wanqiu. They just want to control her and get some useful information from her mouth..."Ye Feng said to Tom, "what about the information? What are you going to do with Zhuo wanqiu? Did you let it go? I don't think you're so kind? "

Tom was stunned and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. He couldn't say a word because he really didn't know how to deal with Zhuo wanqiu.

Ye Feng see Tom silent, immediately toward him said, "how to take Zhuo wanqiu leave the medical building, you don't need to care, I have my own way, you just help me ready to take care of it, when you don't know anything, I stay to bear!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Tom fell into a moment of meditation, his heart some tangled, in fact, he wants to save Ye Feng, because he thinks Ye Feng is not as important as Zhuo wanqiu, after all, they don't let Ye Feng go, the purpose is to kill Ye Feng, but Zhuo wanqiu is not the same, she has Zhuo Musi how many secrets, and Zhuo Musi a lot of foreign heritage, but also How many special account cabinets of the bank need to be opened by Zhuo wanqiu, the inheritor of Zhuo Mu's estate. No one knows how many secrets are hidden in those cabinets.

Ye Feng ran away. At that time, it can be said that Ye Feng ran away. After all, Ye Feng is very skilled and is one of the top three secret agents in the world. When he ran away, he mostly scolded himself for being incompetent. But if he let Zhuo wanqiu go, the nature of him changed completely.

So Tom heart under a tangle, really dare not agree to Ye Feng this request, this matter matter is serious, oneself really dare not brain a hot agree down.

Seeing that Tom didn't speak, Ye Feng probably understood Tom's mind, and then shrugged to Tom, "I know you're in a dilemma. Since you're in such a dilemma, forget it, but I can also tell you that little Angie, I will send you out of Stewart Island. In the end, it will be in the form of violence or peace. I don't promise. I can tell you that, in my opinion If you want three people to retreat, you may not be able to do it. But if you want to make a chicken coop on this island restless, it's a burning stone. I'm sure I can do it, and you will believe it! "

Tom's face suddenly moved when he heard what Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng immediately said, "you can think that I'm threatening you, and I'll tell you the truth. If you didn't stop me just now, maybe now I've started killing in the medical building. It's because you stopped me, so I tell you what I want to do. Let you weigh it by yourself. How can I do it to minimize your responsibility? I'm not afraid to tell you, Ming Days later, you will bear the responsibility, but it's a matter of size. You help me to send away Scarlett and little Angie. I can carry everything on my shoulders. At that time, you have to carry the pot, but the responsibility is not big. But if you don't cooperate with me and everything is exactly what I mean, then it's your responsibility. I won't say a word for you at that time Please don't blame me for being ruthless

Tom listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately again a burst of silence way, "you allow me to think carefully!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and nodded, "you can think about it slowly. I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I tell you, I'm ready to lose my life here!"

Tom hears Ye Feng say so, immediately heart next move, immediately ask Ye Feng way, "you save Zhuo wanqiu to leave the medical building, can God not know?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't make any promises. After all, the plan doesn't change fast, but my ultimate responsibility to you will not change. Moreover, I will try my best not to be aware of it. I don't want to make too much noise. After all, it also affects me to save little Anji!"

Tom also lit a cigarette at this time. After smoking half of it, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "OK, that's what to do!"

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