Ye Feng saw that Tom actually agreed. He thought to himself how dangerous Tom was in those years. He almost half threatened him and said that he didn't have any good requirements. He actually agreed to all of them.

Tom saw Ye Feng staring at himself and said, "don't doubt, I've agreed, and there's no conspiracy. You said before that if I have a problem, it's easy for you to deal with me. Besides, I've got a family. I can give you an account of anyone in my family. I'm not afraid of your revenge!"

Ye Feng heard Tom say so, and then nodded, "I don't believe you. I'm thinking about how to get little Anji out of the medical building!"

After pondering for a moment, Tom went to one side of the safe and opened the password lock. Then he took out his suitcase and put it on his desk. He said to Ye Feng, "I used to keep it for escape when necessary. Now I can only use it for you first!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion move, he really can't guess what life-saving things hidden in this suitcase.

But Tom opened his suitcase at this time, took out a vacuum bag and put it on the table.

Ye Feng fixed his eyes and immediately understood that there was a human skin mask in the vacuum bag. He also immediately knew that Tom might have prevented any accident on Stewart Island, just wanted to muddle through with this mask.

Tom tore open the vacuum bag and said to Ye Feng, "take this with you first!" Said to pick up the human skin mask, in the past to help Ye Feng with.

Then Tom took out a mirror and handed it to Ye Feng. Ye Feng took a look at himself. Now he is a young man with dark skin. He looks like a Hong Kong star.

Ye Feng tidied up a little, and put the silicone under his neck into his collar. After making the placard, he moved his lower face and nodded his head with satisfaction.

Tom said to Ye Feng at this time, "almost everyone has an impression of your appearance. As soon as you enter the medical building, everyone will know immediately!"

Ye Feng nodded and said thank you to Tom. Then he said, "so we'll act separately? You get ready to take care of me. I'll save little Angie. Where shall we meet then? "

Tom said to Ye Feng, "there is a beach in the northeast. The guard is weak and there is a dead angle in the surveillance. I'll go to the VIP area to find Scarlett first, and then go there with her to wait for you. After you rescue Zhuo wanqiu, I'll go there immediately. We'll meet there!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, two people left the office together, Tom returned Ye Feng to a room, took out a security clothes to change.

When they came downstairs, the others nodded when they saw Tom. No one noticed what the security guard was like behind him.

Soon left the investigation building, Ye Feng and Tom after a look exchange, then each action, Tom is toward the VIP villa.

and Ye Feng went to the health care building. Outside the health care building, a smoking station on yvonte place was smoking over there. He observed the surrounding environment with the remaining light of the corner of his eyes. It was discovered as true as Tom said. It can be said everywhere there are eyeliner, some are patients, some are health workers, others are health care workers, and those are directly wearing safety clothing. Let alone pretend. Before

, every time Ye Feng came, he didn't really notice this place. After all, Ye Feng felt that the other party's main attention was not on their body, but their own villa had no such eyeliner, so Ye Feng didn't take it too seriously.

Now it seems that there is a feeling of extreme fear. It turns out that the medical building is already covered with a net, which means that the other party has been guarding against the possibility that he might come to rescue Zhuo wanqiu. It also shows that Tom is right. They are looking at Zhuo wanqiu more seriously than him now.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng walked directly into the medical building. Sure enough, those people didn't pay much attention to Ye Feng. After all, there are too many security personnel on the island, some of them belong to the security department, some belong to the investigation department, and many of them don't know each other face to face, so a security personnel in the medical building won't attract anyone's attention.

After Ye Feng entered the medical building, he went directly to the elevator entrance. At this time, there was a scream not far away, and then many people ran there.

Ye Feng glanced at him, but saw a man in hospital uniform, empty under one arm, holding a medical sharp knife in the other hand. He was holding a medical staff, putting the scissors on his neck and yelling, "where's my hand, where's Laozi's hand?"

Ye Feng knew what was going on when he saw the big trouble. It must be that the injured person's injury was on his arm, so he had to amputate to save his life. So when he woke up after anesthesia, he found that one of his arms was missing, and it was hard to accept the reality for a moment.

This makes Ye Feng can't help but think of Jack many years ago. At that time, he woke up and found that he had no legs, and he was very excited. If he didn't have legs, he would have been like this.

Several security personnel at the gate also quickly came here. When passing by Ye Feng, they could not help looking at Ye Feng.Ye Feng knows that they must be wondering how they are wearing security clothes. When they encounter this kind of thing, how can they be like nobody.

Ye Feng thought, immediately also quickly walked toward the past, see the two people have no doubt about themselves, immediately a flash toward the elevator.

The two security personnel went in the past. After persuasion, they failed. Then the two security personnel separated. One attracted the man's attention, and the other attacked from behind, and caught the man in an instant.

After the matter here is completely solved, when the two security guards go back, they come to the position where they just met Ye Feng. One of the security guards frowns slightly and says, "something's wrong!"

The other one looked at him in surprise and said, "what's wrong? There are several cases of this happening every year. I'm used to it!"

Before that, the security personnel immediately said, "I'm not talking about that person, but the colleague we met on the road just now!"

The other one said in surprise, "colleague? I didn't pay much attention? What's the matter? "

Before that, the security personnel immediately said, "just now there was an accident, he actually stood in the same place as nobody did!"

The other man said, "you mean..."

The security guard immediately said, "I think he's suspicious!" Then he quickly walked towards the gate and said, "this matter must be reported!"

At this time, Ye Feng has reached the floor where Zhuo wanqiu is hospitalized. When Ye Feng comes out of the elevator, he finds that many people in the corridor are either sitting on the stools in the corridor, or one or two people who look like cleaners. The ground is very clean, but they are still sweeping.

Ye Feng knew that these people were probably eyeliner, but what he did was pretend nothing happened. He turned around in the hallway of the inpatient department and then went to the safety passage. From the window of the safety passage, he looked out of the window and found that those people were still doing their own things. I look up.

When Ye Feng passed by the door of Zhuo wanqiu's ward just now, he didn't seem to do anything. In fact, he glanced inside the window with his eyes and found that Zhuo wanqiu was sleeping. On the wall opposite the door of Zhuo wanqiu's ward, there were two people sitting, seemingly chatting casually. But when Ye Feng walked into Zhuo wanqiu's ward, they all unconsciously looked at her To his side, when he intentionally or unintentionally looked back at them, they immediately pretended to be chatting.

Ye Feng hid behind the door at this time, and repeated the situation of the corridor. Those people seemed to be out of order there. In fact, they had already stopped several important positions.

The first is the two people sitting at the door of Zhuo wanqiu's ward, the second is the two cleaners near the elevator entrance, and the second is the nurse station near the safe passage. Although a female nurse seems to be looking at the computer on the counter, she looks at the safe passage from time to time.

Ye Feng knows that it is unlikely that he will take Zhuo wanqiu away directly from these people.

And now, let alone taking Zhuo wanqiu away, as long as you enter Zhuo wanqiu's ward, or even close to Zhuo wanqiu's ward, you will immediately attract the attention of these people.

Ye Feng stands at the door and lights a cigarette. He needs to filter it in his mind. Any seemingly impeccable defense must have loopholes, just to see if he can find it in the shortest time.

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