At this time, Ye Feng took Zhuo wanqiu out of the women's dressing room. Originally, he was going to find another men's dressing room, but he didn't find it. He simply didn't find it. He took Zhuo wanqiu directly to the elevator.

There was no one on the way. Ye Feng took Zhuo wanqiu directly into the elevator. First he pressed the first floor, but then he thought about it and pressed the button on the second floor.

Elevator quickly to the second floor, Ye Feng directly pulled Zhuo wanqiu out of the elevator, Zhuo wanqiu also asked Ye Feng, "this is not to the first floor?"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "there are too many people waiting for you on the first floor. It's inconvenient!" Then he pulled Zhuo wanqiu to go on, and all the way along the window, looking at the situation outside.

Immediately see a window is just the location of the back door, the back door also has a top platform, Ye Feng immediately let Zhuo wanqiu climb out of the window.

Zhuo wanqiu didn't ask much. He immediately climbed out of the window. Ye Feng followed him and jumped down from the top platform. Then he stretched out his hands to Zhuo wanqiu on the top platform and said, "jump down!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked down, then jumped down, directly into Ye Feng's arms, Ye Feng tightly hugged Zhuo wanqiu.

After waiting for Zhuo wanqiu to stand, he can't help blushing and looking at Ye Feng. However, at this time, he saw a group of people running towards this side at the intersection.

That group of people might have been due to the disappearance of Zhuo wanqiu. When they saw Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu, Ye Feng immediately held Zhuo wanqiu in his arms.

Those people are also looked at a few eyes, have run into the medical building, Ye Feng this just turned around, a hand around Zhuo wanqiu's shoulder, continue to walk towards the front.

At this time, all the people in the medical building began to guard every door to prevent Zhuo wanqiu from coming out of any place. It was possible for them.

But they didn't expect that Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu were walking towards the courtyard gate of the medical building.

At this time, Ye Feng is still holding Zhuo wanqiu, and Zhuo wanqiu is blushing, feeling his caution.

First, now Zhuo wanqiu has a sense of desperation. At the same time, because she is held by Ye Feng, she has a feeling of heart.

In fact, Ye Feng did not cuddle himself before, but he was still under age. Although he also had tachycardia, he still didn't feel the rapid heartbeat now.

Ye Feng didn't have this feeling. He looked up at the sky, roughly distinguished the position, and immediately took Zhuo wanqiu to the northeast.

And at this time, but listen to the guard there security personnel immediately toward Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu called, "you wait!"

Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu smell speech heart next move, two people stopped at the same time, Ye Feng looked back to the security personnel.

That security personnel then toward leaf maple way, "Your shoelace is loose!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, looked down at his shoes, shoelaces really scattered, he immediately nodded to the security personnel, "thank you!"

Then Ye Feng squatted down and began to tie his shoelaces. He glanced at the security guard, but saw that he was still standing there, staring at Zhuo wanqiu.

Ye Feng immediately stood up, hugged Zhuo wanqiu and left. When the security personnel saw this, their faces moved slightly. They felt that the actions of Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu were suspicious, and immediately called to stop.

This time, Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu didn't stop and continued to walk in front. The security personnel immediately caught up with them, chasing and calling to stop.

Ye Feng immediately embraces Zhuo wanqiu and stops, standing in the same place waiting for the security personnel.

The security personnel then went to Yefeng and Zhuo wanqiu, staring at Yefeng and Zhuo wanqiu, then staring at Zhuo wanqiu, "are you a nurse?"

Zhuo wanqiu nodded nervously. As soon as the security personnel were about to ask again, Ye Feng immediately went up and grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. Then he turned to his head and stunned him directly.

And this scene was just seen by several other security personnel in the security room at the entrance of the medical building. Those people immediately picked up the walkie talkie and yelled, while chasing Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu, while yelling to stop.

Ye Feng took Zhuo wanqiu and ran forward, but at this time, Zhuo wanqiu's abdominal blade healed well, but it was not completely healed after all. At this time, she felt some pain in her abdomen and couldn't run at all.

Ye Feng's heart is shocked. If it goes on like this, it will be completely exposed. He immediately goes forward with Zhuo wanqiu on his back and continues to walk in front. He just sees a Mercedes Benz on the side of the road. He goes up and smashes the window, opens the door and lets Zhuo wanqiu sit in.

However, Ye Feng didn't get on the bus. Instead, he stood in the same place waiting for the security personnel to catch up with him. After three times, five times and two times, he just got on the bus and started the car.

At this time, I saw that behind the car, in the direction of the door of the medical building, more than ten or twenty security personnel were chasing this way.

Seeing those people coming to the back of the car, Ye Feng set the car on fire as soon as the two wires were connected, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out in an instant.Seeing this, the security personnel scattered one after another and began to look for the car. Soon someone found the car and drove over. The security personnel on the road ran straight into the window.

Soon several Mercedes Benz cars followed Ye Feng's car. Ye Feng looked in the rear mirror, then glanced at Zhuo wanqiu and asked her, "are you ok?"

Zhuo wanqiu shakes her head towards Ye Feng and says it's OK. Then she asks Ye Feng, "where are we going now? And why are these security people chasing us? "

Ye Feng then explained to Zhuo wanqiu, "since the death of your father and Dante Emma, the actual control of Stewart Island is now in the hands of the New Zealand government. They want to imprison you and get some secrets from your father!"

Zhuo Wan Qiu a listen to this words, immediately a Leng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "imprison me?"? How do I know my daddy's secret? He never let me know what he did

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "zhuomus is dead. Now you are the only legal successor of zhuomus. Although many things your father did may not be legal, he has deposits in multinational banks and lockers, which need to be handed over to you through legal procedures! And these people know that your father left a lot of evidence in the lockers of these banks, but they have no right to get it, they can only get it through you! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Zhuo Mu Si just suddenly place to nod a way, "but I really don't know anything!"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "your father will have a will. At that time, someone from the will foundation or the bank will contact you!"

Zhuo wanqiu pondered for a while, and then asked Ye Feng, "now that the whole island is under their control, where can we go again?"

Ye Feng then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "someone will meet us. After a while, you and Scarlett will leave the island first, and I will meet you later!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "don't you come with us?"

Ye Feng then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "I can go together, but if I go too, someone will suffer, and we will be wanted all the time. Only if I leave behind and deal with the aftermath can we get eternal peace!"

Zhuo wanqiu shook her head and said, "I don't understand what you said. I just want you to leave here with me!"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo wanqiu at this time. He patted Zhuo wanqiu on the back of his hand and said in a deep voice, "little angel, I don't have time to coax you at this time. You must leave with Scarlett. I said I would go to you, so I will go to you!"

Ye Feng's tone of voice is rather severe, more like ordering Zhuo wanqiu.

Zhuo wanqiu can't help staring at Ye Feng. She has never seen Ye Feng speak to herself in this tone. Although she is not very comfortable, she also knows how dangerous the situation is.

Thinking of this, Zhuo wanqiu nodded to Ye Feng, "OK, brother Satan, you said you wanted to come to me. I can remember that if you don't come to me, I may hate you all my life!"

Ye Feng just nodded, behind a Mercedes Benz car has been driving up, hit Ye Feng's car trembled, to the side of the road has been tilted.

Zhuo wanqiu nervously grasped the handle beside the door, looked at the car behind him with a pale face, but saw that the two cars behind him followed closely.

Someone in one of the cars poked out his head and held a gun to shoot at Ye Feng. Immediately someone yelled at him, "you're crazy. The order above is to live. If Zhuo wanqiu dies, you and I can't afford to go away!"

That person hears speech a burst of helpless, drew back head again, immediately shout to the driver, "catch up, force to stop him!"

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