One of the two Mercedes Benz cars was speeding past the front of Ye Feng's car, completely blocking Ye Feng's car, braking from time to time, trying to block Ye Feng's car.

The car in the back kept pushing Ye Feng's car to the side of the road. It didn't give Ye Feng any chance to drive out at all. And soon the car drove to the mountain road. On the other side of Ye Feng's car, it was a cliff on the side of the road. If it was not careful, it would fall down and break into pieces.

Zhuo wanqiu sitting in the car, from time to time can feel the car in the collision, hit the car for a shudder, Zhuo wanqiu unconsciously issued a stuffy hum, her hand tightly holding the car's armguard, nervous to the utmost.

In this picture, Zhuo wanqiu thinks that a few years ago, it was her 18th birthday. Zhuo wanqiu secretly ran out of Stuart island with Ye Feng, saying that she wanted to celebrate her adulthood, and went to a bar in inverkageer to drink.

In the bar, many local gangsters take a fancy to Zhuo wanqiu and want to come to chat him up. At that time, Zhuo wanqiu only had Ye Feng in her eyes. These people didn't enter her eyes at all, so they also love to answer them.

Those gangsters want to spread their anger on Ye Feng and make him look ugly, but Ye Feng is not the same thing. He's good at it, but he doesn't want to have the same opinion with these gangsters for such a small matter.

If you really start, Ye Feng knows that he can make these people permanently disabled in less than 10 seconds, but he doesn't do so, and just forces Zhuo wanqiu to leave the bar.

However, those gangsters are reluctant to let go and still chase them out. After seeing Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu get on the bus, they immediately drive to chase Ye Feng.

It was Zhuo wanqiu's first time to feel the stimulation of rapidity and drift. Ye Feng was invincible on the road of inver Cargill.

That kind of stimulation, Zhuo wanqiu has no way to forget, it can be said that it is the best gift Ye Feng gave himself on his 18th birthday.

However, there was no way to compare that day's excitement with today's. after all, Ye Feng didn't give the other party a chance that day, and the cars he dumped directly were out of reach.

But today, two cars are blocking them. On one side of the road is the cliff. Even if they were chased at the age of 18, it would be a fight at most. But this time, the consequences are unimaginable.

So no matter from that aspect, the sensory stimulation of that time, no matter compared with today's situation.

Zhuo wanqiu's nervous heart felt that he was going to jump out of his mouth. But when he looked at Ye Feng, he saw that there was no expression on his face, but he was not serious, as if he had not paid attention to it.

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, Zhuo wanqiu's heart completely put down. Although he felt that this time he felt more dangerous than last time, there was no essential difference between Ye Feng's expression and last time. Zhuo wanqiu knew that Ye Feng was satisfied and didn't take the car seriously. He was just looking for opportunities.

For Ye Feng, Zhuo wanqiu always has no reason, because of the instinctive trust similar to the inner tire belt. She firmly believes that this time, she can also save the day.

Sure enough, in Zhuo wanqiu think so at the same time, Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, sit down, Zhuo wanqiu know Ye Feng ready to fight back.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly accelerated and began to jump up in front of him. He crashed into the rear of the car in front of him, and the Mercedes Benz on one side immediately ran after him. But at the same time, Ye Feng suddenly braked, and the car suddenly made a harsh sound, and the whole car was across the road.

And the other two Mercedes Benz see Ye Feng suddenly accelerate, both before and after the accelerator to the bottom, but they just accelerate, see Ye Feng suddenly brake.

You should know that this kind of over speed braking, if you don't pay attention to it, you may destroy the car and kill people. You think that after the speed goes up, you can brake the car in an emergency. It's very easy for the car to be out of manual control.

But Ye Feng actually controlled the car steadily on the road. Without waiting for the car in front to react, Ye Feng immediately filled the direction again, stepped on the accelerator, and directly hit the car in front.

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately closed her eyes, but after listening to the "bang" sound, the whole car body was shaking. When she opened her eyes again, she heard the sound of emergency braking behind the car.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately looked back, but saw a Mercedes Benz swaying left and right on the road behind. Finally, it hit the side of the mountain wall with a bang, and the front of the car was aligned with the windshield.

Without waiting for Zhuo wanqiu to recover, she immediately felt like pushing her back on her back. She immediately looked back to the front, but saw that the car she was sitting in quickly ran towards the front and directly hit the rear of the car in front. The car immediately made a sharp turn, but quickly controlled the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator and jumped out.

Ye Feng sighed coldly, and then stepped on the accelerator again. The car rushed over again and hit it again. This time, the impact was stronger than the last time. Not to mention the car hit in front of him, the front of Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu could not see the original appearance.The car in front of us was already very fast. After being hit by this kind of violent impact, we immediately felt that the car was rushing forward. Just in front of us was a curve. If the driver wanted to turn, he could no longer control the steering wheel. He could only instinctively step on the accelerator and stop the car by force.

But at the same time, Ye Feng's car rushed up again and made a third impact. The car was unstable and flew out directly from the side of the road. Then it fell under the cliff.

Sitting in the car, Zhuo wanqiu could hear the despairing roar of the man who had fallen off the cliff, echoing in the cliff for a long time.

At this time, in front of Ye Feng's Mercedes Benz, all kinds of parts kept falling to the ground. After falling to the ground, he kept jumping to the back of the car.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look in the rear mirror and saw that there was no other car coming behind. Then he slowed down a little. Then he took a look at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "is it OK?"

Zhuo wanqiu shook her head and said nothing to Ye Feng. Then she asked Ye Feng, "where are we going?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know the exact location. I'll know when I get there."

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. Then she sees that the road ahead has started to go downhill. Soon she sees that the end of the road is the seaside.

After waiting for Ye Feng to drive the car in the past, he vaguely saw a motorboat parked by the sea. Ye Feng immediately stopped the car and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "get off!"

After they got off the bus, they immediately climbed to the beach from one side of the road and continued to walk towards the beach. However, they saw that the motorboat on the sponge was more and more clear.

Zhuo wanqiu then asked Ye Feng, "are we going in this motorboat?"

Ye Feng nodded, but did not speak, his vision extraordinary, although it is now night, but you can see the beach beside the motorboat, but no one.

It seems relatively safe here. If Tom has brought Scarlett, he can't wait for himself and Zhuo wanqiu on the motorboat. He will certainly wait on the beach. Even if Tom doesn't, Scarlett will.

Then Ye Feng suddenly stopped, reached out to stop Zhuo wanqiu, who was going on, "the situation is not right!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately stopped and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "What's the matter?"

Ye Feng did not speak, but with the eyes of the light toward the past, see not far away on the beach there are some boulders, but a person did not see.

Zhuo wanqiu also looked around and said to Ye Feng, "there is no one!"

Ye Feng then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "it's just because there are no people that I'm suspicious. The engine sound of Mercedes Benz is not small. When our car arrives near the coast, it's impossible that the people on board don't know. But you see, there is no one on board. Isn't it strange?"

Originally, Zhuo wanqiu really didn't think about these problems, but after listening to Ye Feng's words, he suddenly felt that there was some truth and nodded, "what are we going to do now? Go back? "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. At this time, what he thought was whether Scarlett and Tom came or not, or whether it was a trap set by Tom, waiting for him to jump.

After some weighing, Ye Feng thinks that Tom is unlikely to cheat himself. After all, if he needs to do so, he only needs to pour all the manpower of the island to surround the villa in the VIP area where he and Scarlett live. Even if it's a bomb, he can kill himself. Why do he have to do more to lead himself here?

In this way, there are only two possibilities. One is that Scarlett and Tom have not come yet, and there may be something unexpected on the way. The other is that they have actually come, but they have been controlled. Now they are waiting for him and Zhuo wanqiu to come.

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