Ye Feng looked around and didn't find anything strange for the time being. But the more he did, the more ill he felt. He always felt that he and Zhuo wanqiu had fallen into the trap.

At this time, a light suddenly lit up in the motorboat cabin, and then a figure came to the deck, waved to Ye Feng and said, "this way!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward there a look, vaguely see a man standing on the deck waving to his side, although the person's appearance is not very clear, but can hear each other's voice is Tom's.

Ye Feng stares at Tom and can't see Tom's expression at all, but Ye Feng still doesn't feel right and doesn't move.

Zhuo wanqiu then said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, is he the one who meets us?"

Ye Feng nodded and said that he was right, but he was thinking that first of all, he was driving so much, and he and Zhuo wanqiu had been standing here for such a long time, so it was impossible to come out and call himself now.

Secondly, Tom should contact Scarlett first and bring her here first. Knowing that he is here, it is impossible for Tom to come out to greet him. Scarlett will come out to call herself.

In fact, Ye Feng is convinced that Scarlett may be on the boat, but it's definitely not just Tom and Scarlett on the boat. Maybe they are waiting for themselves and Zhuo wanqiu to board the boat, or even staring at their actions all the time.

It must have been because they and Zhuo wanqiu didn't make the next move, or even because they were already on the alert, so they asked Tom to come out and reduce their suspicion. Scarlett was probably taken hostage in the cabin.

Ye Feng's thoughts are in his mind for a moment. At this moment, he stares at the motorboat and then whispers to Zhuo wanqiu, "you go back to the car first and sit in the driver's seat. Once I have something on my side, you drive away immediately!"

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "I'm gone. What do you do?"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu in a deep voice, "don't worry about me, I have my own way to get away, and then I'll find you!"

Zhuo wanqiu heard what Ye Feng said and immediately ran to the side of the road. At the same time, Ye Feng noticed that there was a shadow behind the boulder on one side. It seems that the ambush here is not only on the motorboat, but also around. If so, Zhuo wanqiu should not be too far away from himself.

Their goal is Zhuo wanqiu. They and Scarlett, or even Tom, are not their primary goals. So Ye Feng immediately catches Zhuo wanqiu and runs towards the bank.

Zhuo wanqiu saw that Ye Feng suddenly ran after him and pulled himself to run. He was surprised. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you let me run by myself?"

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu, "there are ambushes everywhere. Their target is you, not me, so you can't leave me!"

As soon as Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she held Ye Feng's hand tightly. She felt that as long as she held Ye Feng's big hand, she would not be afraid of anything.

At this time, after the boulder, more than a dozen people saw that Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu did not walk towards the motorboat, but ran towards the shore. They could not help feeling a little flustered.

In the cabin above the motorboat, two men in black were holding guns, one against Scarlett's head squatting in the cabin, and the other had been aiming at Tom standing on the deck. We don't know what happened outside.

Soon Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu get to the side of the road. Ye Feng immediately takes Zhuo wanqiu to the road, and then turns over.

Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu quickly walk towards the Mercedes Benz, and then open the door to sit in. The people behind the huge stones on the beach can't help it. Several people have rushed towards the shore, and others shout, "they're running!"

As soon as they heard this, their faces began to move. They both stood up and looked towards the shore. But they saw that the Mercedes Benz on the other side of the road had already made engine noise.

Scarlett has been squatting in the cabin at this time. When she saw that the man who held the gun against her stood up, she immediately put her foot on the man's leg, and the man fell down on her body in an instant. Scarlett immediately grasped his hand holding the gun, twisted it, snatched the gun in an instant, and then shot the man in the chest.

The other man immediately turned back when he heard the gunshot, but before she could see the situation clearly, Scarlett pulled the trigger again, shot the man in the head, and the man fell into the cabin.

Tom, who was standing on the deck, immediately crouched down and groped for the pistol in the man's hand.

At the same time, several people on the beach rushed towards the motorboat, running towards it and shooting at it.

All of a sudden, the fire flashed all over the motorboat. Scarlett and Tom were hiding in the cabin, waiting for the chance.

At the same time, Ye Feng has started the car and drove uphill toward the road, while people on the beach have already run over.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly a brake, will stop the car, and then immediately turn the front of the car, instantly began to drive downhill in the past.When we got to the place just now, we didn't slow down, but accelerated. Suddenly, the accelerator roared.

The car was about to rush out of the road, but Ye Feng still didn't mean to slow down, so he went on and rushed out from the side of the road.

And below there are some people are ready to climb up, at this time directly by Ye Feng's Mercedes Benz car was hit and fell down.

What's more, the front of Ye Feng's Mercedes Benz had already been smashed. It was full of edges and corners. It hit those people, just like a dagger into their bodies. Some people's skin was directly pierced.

It's not over yet. Many people on the beach are still running towards the shore. At this time, the inertia of Ye Feng's Mercedes Benz is almost over, and the front of the car begins to dive down, and it goes straight towards the group of people.

The sharp eyed and quick footed man immediately ran away, and the slightly dull agent was directly frightened. On the spot, he was directly hit by Ye Feng's Mercedes Benz and dragged under the car.

All of a sudden, the roadside beach screamed constantly, even crying, wailing everywhere.

Ye Feng didn't care about this. He continued to step on the accelerator and drove the Benz toward the sea. At first, the sand could barely move forward, but a little further on, where the sand was wet and soft, the wheel of the Benz soon sank in. Ye Feng only tried, and the sand on the wheel was like a storm, sweeping towards the back.

Originally, there were still people running after me. Just as I was about to get to the car, I was immediately sprayed with sand and couldn't open my eyes.

Ye Feng said to Zhuo wanqiu at this time. After getting out of the car, he opened the door and got out of the car. He went to drag Zhuo wanqiu and continued to run towards the seaside.

At this time, Scarlett and Tom also solved the people who rushed to them. At this time, they jumped from the motorboat and shot at the people who were chasing them.

Ye Feng continues to pull Zhuo wanqiu to run ahead, ready to meet Tom and Scarlett.

In fact, Scarlett and Tom also know that before Ye Feng started the car, the purpose was to attract all the people here and attract the attention of the people who were holding them, so as to give them the chance they deserve.

Soon Ye Feng and Zhuo wanqiu have already run to Tom and Scarlett's side. Then Ye Feng grabs the gun in Scarlett's hand and says to them, "you two hurry to get on the boat and give it to us here!"

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu did not leave immediately, but looked at Ye Feng at the same time, with a reluctant look on their face.

At this time, the sound of engine came from the roadside, and more than a dozen headlights came towards this side. It must be that many more people came.

Ye Feng immediately yelled to Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, "don't dawdle, get on the boat quickly!" Then he said to Scarlett, "little Angie, I'll give it to you!"

Scarlett couldn't help nodding to Ye Feng. At least she would drag it down at this time. She didn't know what would happen. She immediately took Zhuo wanqiu's hand and ran towards the motorboat.

As she ran, Zhuo wanqiu turned back and yelled to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, I'm waiting for you to come to me!"

Ye Feng turned around and nodded to Zhuo wanqiu. Then he said to Tom, "thank you this time!"

Tom shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "from now on, I don't owe you anything!"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when he hears the speech, and then he laughs, "yes, you don't owe me any more, and you didn't owe me anything at all!"

Just then, a dozen cars stopped at the side of the road, and the people on the car began to get off and rush towards the sea.

At this time, Ye Feng and Tom behind, sounded the launch sound of the motorboat, and then came Scarlett's voice, "you have to be careful!"

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