At this time, Ye Feng has driven Tom back to the downstairs of the technology department. As soon as he stopped, he immediately got off the car and walked towards the building with Tom.

On the road, Ye Feng also pretends to hold Tom, to prevent people in the building from seeing him and finding that he is colluding with Tom.

After entering the elevator and going upstairs, Ye Feng and Tom went directly to Tom's office. After closing the door, they were completely relieved.

Ye Feng used to lock the door, then pulled down the blinds on the window, and pushed the sofa to the door to resist the door. At the same time, he moved Tom's desk to stand up, just blocking the window, so he moved a stool to sit down.

Tom then wiped his mouth with the tissue paper. He found out the cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng. Then he said to Ye Feng, "we're waiting here now?"

After Ye Feng lit his cigarette, he said to Tom, "those people will soon surround here, and then they will try to contact you!"

Said Ye Feng pointed to just now because moves the desk, falls on the ground the landline way, "put the telephone well!"

Tom picked up the phone, put the microphone on the seat and put it on the stool on one side. Then he said to Ye Feng, "are you going to spend tomorrow morning waiting for my boss?"

See Ye Feng smoking cigarettes nodded, Tom immediately asked Ye Feng way, "you see him, what do you want to do? Kill him? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet."

But Tom looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "didn't you think about it? It's not like your style. Don't you like to plan early? "

Ye Feng said to Tom at this time, "I really didn't think about it well. From your point of view, I'm really a heinous person. I can't remember how many people I killed for so many years working for TSL, so it's reasonable for your superior to give me the death penalty. From his point of view, it's not wrong at all!"

Tom can't help but be stunned and stare at Ye Feng. He didn't expect that Ye Feng would say such a thing and look at the problem from their point of view.

Ye Feng then wry smile a way, "this world is originally good and evil, I am evil, you are right, this is a normal thing!"

Tom sighed, "in fact, I've been undercover on Stewart Island for so many years, and I'm used to seeing a lot of things. In fact, many things are not just black and white, good and evil. Since ancient times, the world has been a society in which elites take charge of human destiny. But most of the time, the elites do more dirty things than the people at the bottom, and the result may be good, But the process is dirty. Sometimes the process is clean, but the result is good or bad. That's a historical evaluation, so sometimes it's really hard to tell right from wrong! "

Ye Feng heard Tom say so, also can't help but look at Tom, he didn't expect Tom will have these consciousness.

Two people at this time look at each other, are a wry smile, smoking cigarettes, no one is talking.

Tom smoked a cigarette, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you leave here, where are you going? What are you doing? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are some scattered ideas, but I haven't thought about them carefully. Maybe it's to go to a place where no one knows me, there's no dispute, there's no intrigue, there's no bloodthirsty street. From then on, I'll live in anonymity, ordinary to death!"

Tom nodded at this time and said, "in fact, killing is just a means of survival. You must have got a lot of Commission for so many years in TSL, which is enough for the rest of your life!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile and said, "yes!"

Tom suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "I know you and Dante Emma were all brought to the island by dromus. You must have your own parents and family. Don't you want to go to find your parents?"

Ye Feng looked at Tom thoughtfully for a while. After smoking a cigarette for a long time, he said to Tom, "in fact, after so many years, the world is so big, where can I find it? I just know that I'm yellow and I don't know anything else. Where can I find it? "

Tom then said to Ye Feng, "the purpose of telling you about this is to tell you that in our headquarters, there are your detailed information, including your blood type, DNA and so on, and maybe also your origin!"

Ye Feng's eyes brightened as soon as he heard this. Originally, he had some thoughts in his heart, but as he said, he knew little about his past, so he couldn't find out. Although he had some thoughts, it should be casual.

But at this time, Tom said that they had their own detailed information in the headquarters of the special operations department. He could not help but move. What had no hope at all suddenly became hopeful. Naturally, there was a fire of hope in his heart, as if it had been lit.

Tom also saw Ye Feng's interest, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "if you are interested, when I leave Stewart Island and go to the headquarters, I can check it for you, and then you can find it yourself!"

Ye Feng heard Tom say so, can't help nodding, "well, if I leave here, this matter please you!"Tom patted Ye Feng's chest and promised, "don't worry, if you are interested, it's up to me!"

Ye Feng nods as he smokes a cigarette. At this time, he hears a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor outside the office. Ye Feng and Tom's faces suddenly move. At the same time, they throw the cigarette on the ground and stamp it out.

At this moment, a voice came from outside, "Mr. Tom, are you in there?"

Tom and Ye Feng looked at each other at this time. Ye Feng nodded to Tom, and Tom immediately called out to the door, "I'm here!"

The voice outside immediately asked, "are you ok?"

Tom said at once, "nothing's wrong for the moment, but if you want to break through by force, I don't know!"

The voice outside pondered for a long time, then continued, "Sir, don't hurt Mr. Tom. If you have any needs, you can tell us. We can even provide you with the tools to leave Stewart Island." This is toward Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "if I have such a request, I'll tell you when I'm at the seaside. Why bother to come here and run to the seaside again?"

When people outside heard this, they thought it was reasonable. At that time, they were at the seaside. If Ye Feng wanted to leave the island, he directly asked to prepare a motorboat.

But when he thought about it carefully, he didn't think it was right. If he was determined to run, he would have run with Zhuo wanqiu's motorboat at that time. Why should he wait until they arrived? Besides, he had Tom as a hostage. I'm afraid that he would have escaped from Stewart Island by this time.

If you want to fight here, the man immediately asked Ye Feng, "Sir, what do you want? Let's just say, we'll try our best to meet you! "

But Ye Feng said to them, "I don't have any requirements for you. Just don't come in and disturb me and Mr. Tom. I won't hurt Mr. Tom, but if you insist on coming in, I promise you can only save Mr. Tom's body!"

The outside people immediately appeased Ye Feng and said, "don't worry, we will never break through by force. Don't hurt Mr. Tom. Everything is easy to discuss!"

Ye Feng is a little impatient to the outside said, "you don't wordy, tomorrow morning I will go out, now I don't want to talk to you!"

The man outside wanted to talk and stopped, then there was a dead silence outside, and there was no sound.

At this time, Ye Feng took out a cigarette and handed it to Tom. Then he sat down and lit a cigarette. He said to Tom, "I think of what I'll do after meeting your superior!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Tom couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "what do you do?"

Ye Feng then mysteriously toward Tom a smile way, "don't say now, after meeting your superior tomorrow, you naturally know!"

Tom can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time after listening to Ye Feng's words. He feels that people like himself and Ye Feng are just like people from two worlds.

Ye Feng could have escaped from Stewart Island with Zhuo wanqiu, but he wanted to stay to see his superior. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what Ye Feng wanted to do.

Ye Feng said to Tom at this time, "after meeting your leader tomorrow, you will still follow today's routine and blame me for all the responsibilities, but you should also be psychologically prepared. After all, you also have the fault of being irresponsible. At that time, I'm afraid the punishment will not be too low!"

Tom nodded to Ye Feng and said, "now that I have decided to do this, I have already expected the consequences! I'm psychologically ready. The big deal is that the undercover agent has come back in vain this time. What else can he do to me? "

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