After chatting with Tom for a few minutes, Ye Feng and Tom sat on one side of the sofa to have a rest. After all, they were tired all night. Tomorrow morning, it is very likely that the so-called special operations department of New Zealand will land on the island. Therefore, Ye Feng must use his precious time to recuperate.

At this time, Ye Feng closed his eyes and worried about Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu. He didn't know if they had left Stewart Island in the motorboat, and he didn't dare to fall asleep. After all, there were so many people outside, maybe they would break in.

But fortunately, the night was peaceful. Ye Feng took a nap in the middle. He opened his eyes for the last time. It was already seven o'clock in the morning, and he never slept in the hospital again.

Tom on one side was sleeping soundly, and he snored twice from time to time. Seeing that Tom was sleeping soundly, it seemed that he wanted to do a lot of things, so he didn't have any mind to think about.

Ye Feng just stretched a stretch, he heard a voice coming from the corridor and said, "Mr. Tom? Are you there, Mr. Tom? "

Tom was sleeping soundly. He didn't hear anyone call him. Ye Feng knew that once Tom didn't answer, people outside would think that something had happened to him. Maybe he would start to break through.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng wakes Tom up and tells him that someone is calling him outside.

Tom opened his bleary eyes and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Then he came back and said, "I'm here!"

People outside didn't hear Tom's voice at first. They were already discussing what to do, whether to rush or wait.

When I heard Tom's voice, they were all relieved, but Tom asked, "have the people from the headquarters landed on the island?"

The people outside answered quickly, "not yet. Someone is guarding the port. At present, we haven't heard of any ships approaching the port!"

Tom didn't ask any more, but said to Ye Feng, "the estimated time is between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning. It's estimated that he will have to wait for a while!"

Ye Feng nodded and said he was hungry. He asked Tom to send some food to the people outside.

Tom immediately said to the people outside, "you're ready to order something to eat. If there's any news from the port, come and report it immediately!"

People outside agreed immediately, and then there was no sound outside.

Ye Feng originally wanted Tom to ask if there was any news about Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask. For him, no news from Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu is good news.

Soon the people outside brought food, bread and milk, which came in from the window. After Ye Feng and Tom were full, they lit a cigarette and waited for time.

As time went by, there was no news from the port. Ye Feng was quite calm. Since he decided to stay, and had been waiting all night, it would be no more than one or two hours.

Now and then Tom went to the window and asked, "haven't you heard from the port yet?"

People outside kept saying that there was no news. Tom began to smoke cigarettes and paced back and forth in the office.

Instead, Ye Feng advised Tom, "take it easy. Those who should come will come."

Tom saw Ye Feng's unusual calmness, and he couldn't help wondering, "I don't think you are worried at all, and your clothes are well prepared. I'm really curious. When you meet my superior, what do you want to say to him?"

Ye Feng still shrugged his shoulders and said to Tom, "don't be impatient, you'll know then!"

Tom took a look at Ye Feng. He was curious, but he still held back his temper. After all, he had been an undercover agent for so many years. If he could not hold back his temper, he would not have lived on Stewart Island for so long.

Just at this time, someone outside came to the window and said, "Mr. Tom, a ship is at sea level. It's expected to arrive at the port in half an hour to an hour!"

When Tom heard this, he said, "wait until the port, and report back!"

Immediately after a sigh of relief, toward leaf maple way, "finally is to come!"

Ye Feng nodded less and continued to smoke cigarettes. He leaned his whole body on the back of the sofa and stretched his body as far as possible to keep his body in the most comfortable state.

After about 40 minutes, someone outside said, "the ship has arrived at the port!"

Tom immediately looked at Ye Feng lying on the sofa and said, "how about it?"

Ye Feng said directly to the outside, "let the person in charge come here directly and have a positive dialogue with me!"

As soon as Tom heard this, he immediately repeated what Ye Feng said and asked the person in charge to come and talk to Ye Feng face to face. He was mainly afraid that people outside might not listen to Ye Feng. Instead, he wasted time and delayed things here.

When people outside heard this, they immediately answered and walked away.

About half an hour later, Ye Feng and Tom heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor outside.

Tom immediately threw away his cigarette end and looked at Ye Feng, but he saw that Ye Feng was still sitting there and continued to smoke. He didn't seem to hear the same.After a while, the voice from the window said, "Mr. Tom, the person you want to see is coming!"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Tom to look at him, and immediately said, "except for him, all of you are out of 20 meters away!"

People outside hesitated for a while, but one of them nodded to them, indicating that they were all leaving. Then they came to the window and said, "I'm here. What do you want to say?"

The voice of the window is actually a woman's, and it sounds like I'm young.

Ye Feng then stood up, went to the window and slightly opened the blinds. He looked out from the gap, but he saw that those people were really far away. Although they may not have their own requirements of 20 meters, the distance was not short, so they should not be able to hear what was said here.

The woman standing at the window was wearing a blouse, with pale yellow hair rolled up high. She looked like she was only 20 or 30 years old. Although she was standing side by side, she didn't have any powder on her face, but she had good features and temperament. She belonged to the kind of woman who looked very professional among Westerners.

Ye Feng then can't help but look back at Tom, let others, see Tom nodded, this way, "your superior is a woman?"

Tom shrugged his shoulders and said, "I never said that my superior is a man!"

Ye Feng then moved the sofa away a little and said to the woman outside, "I opened the door. You come in to talk!"

Speaking, Ye Feng immediately opened the door a little, those people outside to see the door opened, have started to aim at the door.

The woman at the door waved and motioned to all the people to put down their guns. Then she went to the door and got in through the crack of the door.

After waiting for that woman to enter the door, Ye Feng immediately closes the office door, this just carefully looked at this woman in front of her.

Just now I looked at a side face. At this time, I saw the front face. Looking at the woman from the front, it seemed that she was a little more beautiful than looking at a side face. A pair of eyes were also looking at herself.

Ye Feng feels that this woman seems to have been similar, but she can't remember seeing her anywhere.

Did not wait for Ye Feng to think about it, at this time, but listen to the woman toward Ye Feng shrugged, "I'm here now, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, toward the woman a little way, "please sit down!"

The woman sat down immediately, took out a lady's cigarette, and then looked at Tom.

When Tom saw the woman looking at him, he immediately nodded and said, "Miss Amanda!"

Amanda nodded, but Ye Feng's heart moved, "Amanda?" But the westerners' names are more similar, but they have an impression of themselves and their names, which makes Ye Feng curious.

Amanda then looked at Ye Feng and said, "this gentleman, don't you want to see me? I'm sitting here right now! If you have any request, just say it now! "

Ye Feng recovered, moved a stool and sat opposite Amanda, saying, "my request is very simple. I need a passport. I can go anywhere in New Zealand right away!"

Amanda shrugged. "It's easy. I can do it!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "I want miss Amanda to leave New Zealand with me!"

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