Amanda a listen to Ye Feng this words, this just eyebrow slightly Cu ground looking at Ye Feng way, "why want me to accompany you to leave New Zealand?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I believe that if you accompany me, Miss Amanda, I can't get to the airport even if I leave silturte island. Even if I get to the airport, I can't leave New Zealand!"

Amanda smokes a cigarette and stares at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she nods and says, "OK, since you have such a request, I can promise you!"

Ye Feng and Tom can't help but be stunned when they hear the speech. They didn't expect that Amanda would answer every request. They all agreed to themselves. If they agreed to Ye Feng, they would give themselves to Ye Feng as a hostage. Amanda would never have no idea, but she agreed.

Amanda not only agreed to Ye Feng, but also took the initiative to ask Ye Feng, "in addition to this request, is there any other request?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Amanda, "I also want to have a video call with general aigohua!"

Amanda didn't even think about it. She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed a voice account. After a while, it was connected there. Amanda immediately said to the video, "general Edgar, someone wants to make a video call with him!"

After that, Amanda said to Yefeng, "just a moment, I've already called!"

After about ten minutes, the other end of the phone remembered the voice of AI Gehua, "who?"

Amanda said to AI Gehua. Later, she reached out and handed the mobile phone to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng took the mobile phone, he saw that the video was really AI Gehua, and he looked good. Moreover, the background of the military uniform was not in the room, but on the warship, and the sea was endless in the distance.

After seeing Ye Feng's appearance, AI Gehua frowned and said, "are you looking for me? Do we know each other? "

Ye Feng knows that he is wearing the silicone mask that Tom gave him. At this time, he immediately dies. After that, he sees that AI Gehua's face moves in the video, slightly embarrassed.

Amanda sitting on the sofa saw that Ye Feng changed her face, and her face was slightly surprised, but she just looked at Ye Feng again, and didn't say much.

At this time, I heard AI Gehua's voice in the video and said, "it's you!"

Ye Feng is a sneer way, "see is me, is not very disappointed?"

AI Gehua shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not disappointed, just a little surprised!" Then he immediately added, "since you know how to call me, you must have known something about it."

Ye Feng said to AI Gehua, "why? I thought we were friends

AI Gehua sighed, "we are indeed friends. You can say that you are my most impressive friend over the years!"

Ye Feng did not speak and continued to look at Ai Gehua, but listened to AI Gehua say, "but friends belong to friends, if you give up national interests, I can die for you, but in the face of national interests, any friendship or even family can be put aside, this is my duty as a soldier!"

Ye Feng said coldly, "so you not only deceived me, but also used Amy's feelings!"

After pondering for a while, aigohua nodded and said, "yes, you can think so!"

Ye Feng then asked AI Gehua, "I just want to know if it's your idea that I want to die."

After pondering for a while, AI Gehua stares at the screen and looks at Ye Feng. For a long time, he doesn't speak.

Ye Feng nodded and took a deep breath. Then he said to AI Gehua, "I know..." I'm going to hang up the video.

AI Gehua then said to Ye Feng, "I didn't give the idea, but I know it!"

Ye Feng smell speech or directly hang up the video, the mobile phone to Amanda.

Amanda took the phone, put it in her hand and looked at it. Then she put it away and looked at Ye Feng. "Are you Satan?"

Ye Feng stares at Amanda and says, "do you know me?"

Amanda stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then shook her head and said, "I don't know!" Say eyes but some drift.

Ye Feng catches Amanda's signal and doesn't talk much in his eyes.

At this time, Amanda looked at Tom, as if to blame him, why this man is Satan, no one told himself.

In fact, Amanda didn't know about Tom's being kidnapped until she landed on Stewart Island in the early morning, and no one knew the information of the hijacker, so she rushed to the other side immediately after hearing the request, but she didn't expect that the person who was holding Tom was Satan.

Tom is also a face helpless, toward Amanda a shrug, Amanda looked at Tom's face black and blue, also can't blame.

But Ye Feng said to Amanda, "give me the death penalty. Should that be what you mean?"

Amanda a listen to this, complexion immediately move, surprised to see to Ye Feng way, "why do so?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Amanda, "you don't remember me, but I think of you! Linda, Amanda

When Amanda heard Ye Feng call out her full name, her face moved slightly, staring at Ye Feng, but her face was no longer calm, and she was a little anxious, which was a sense of uneasiness to be seen through.Ye Feng continued, "seven years ago in San Martin, Argentina, you will not have forgotten..."

Amanda couldn't sit still when she heard this. She stood up and stared at Ye Feng for a long time, but her face became more and more ugly. She said coldly, "needless to say, that's right. It's my advice to give you death penalty!"

Ye Feng smell speech but stare at Amanda way, "don't expect!"

Tom is confused, listening to the dialogue between Ye Feng and Amanda. No matter how stupid he is, he can see that these two people are old acquaintances?

Amanda then said to Yefeng coldly, "so, give up your meaningless resistance. You can't leave New Zealand!"

But Ye Feng frowned at Amanda and said, "you just want me to die?"

Amanda stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and her shoulders begin to tremble a little. Amanda, who was calm before, has disappeared, but she excitedly says to Ye Feng, "yes, I want you to die. Since you disappeared for no reason seven years ago, I have been thinking about how to let you die every day as soon as I open my eyes, but I have no chance, but thank God Finally, it gave me such an opportunity. I didn't expect that the headquarters of your organization is also in New Zealand, and I am a new Zealander. I just want to deal with TSL. Is this a narrow road? Or does God have eyes? "

When Ye Feng is talking to Amanda, he stares at Amanda all the time. At this time, he shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't explain what happened in those years!"

Amanda didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately said, "you don't have to explain, no more explanation is just to cover up, seven years, do you know how I spent seven years?"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid you've spent the past seven years in many women's beds!"

Ye Feng sighed, "we were just drunk at that time..."

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "it's drunken chaos for you, but it's unforgettable for me all my life!"

Then he felt that what he said was wrong, and immediately corrected, "no, from today on, I will completely forget you, because there will be no more you in this world!"

Speaking of this, immediately fiercely pedal Ye Feng Road, "only you die, can you clear your guilt!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if the pleasure of fish and water is also a crime, then I really should be cut to pieces!"

Amanda, however, said to Ye Feng in a cursing tone, "it's cheap to cut a thousand pieces. People like you should go to hell!"

Ye Feng said with a wry smile, "Satan is hell. How can you punish me? It's a reward to me!"

Amanda snorted coldly, "I know you're glib. It's meaningless for you to talk now. Your time of death has come, Satan!"

Ye Feng looked at Amanda and said, "you don't seem to realize that you are the hostage in my hand now!"

After taking a deep breath, Amanda sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette again. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "is that right?"

Then Amanda took a smoke and said to Yefeng, "now the whole Stewart Island is under our control, and you can't even fly with your wings in it!"

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