Amanda said here, then smoked a cigarette, with her jade finger flicked the ash, then looked at Ye Feng said, "Satan, you are too confident!"

Yefeng listen to Amanda say, eyebrow can't help looking at Amanda, but listen to Amanda continue to slowly looking at Yefeng way, "if not a little preparation, I will easily come to see you alone?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked. After staring at Amanda for a moment, he suddenly moved again. Could it be that Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu had fallen into their hands that Amanda would be so confident?

Amanda saw Ye Feng's expression and immediately showed a proud smile, but she just appreciated Ye Feng's expression at this time, but did not make any explanation.

Ye Feng saw that Amanda's eyes were full of provocation and ostentation, as if he was deliberately trying to see his unexpected expression, and he seemed to enjoy watching Amanda.

See so, leaf maple can't help but smile a way, "have no fear?"

Amanda shrugged her shoulders and said, "of course!"

Ye Feng looked at Amanda and said, "are you sure to win?"

Amanda immediately added with a smile and shrug, "I can't imagine how else we can lose?"

Ye Feng also took out a cigarette at this time. After lighting it, he said to Amanda, "I will die without doubt?"

Amanda heard Ye Feng say that, although she still had a smile on her face, she moved her eyes and said, "I can't see that you still have any hope of survival!"

Ye Feng Meng smoked a cigarette, then said, "well, since you want me to die, then you do it!"

Ye Feng said and immediately took out the pistol, and then with a click loaded, immediately threw the pistol to Amanda's side sofa.

Amanda can't help looking at Ye Feng. Tom's heart is also awe inspiring. Is Ye Feng testing Amanda's determination to kill him?

Tom immediately stared at Amanda, but Amanda seemed to continue to smoke leisurely, but her face was mixed with a trace of panic.

Amanda looked at Ye Feng for a long time. She didn't intend to take the gun. She just looked at Ye Feng in front of her and said, "I won't kill you. What you have to accept is the New Zealand law, not mine!"

Then Amanda stood up and walked slowly to Ye Feng and said, "I'm not you. We kill people according to the law. You're the ones out of the law! Do you understand? "

At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile to Amanda, "killing is killing. What is legal or illegal? Is legal killing not killing?"

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "it's meaningless to tangle. Since ancient times, all countries and forces have been like this. No one can change this reality!"

Then Amanda said to Yefeng, "don't you ask me why I'm so bold?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't ask me. After I take you out, don't I know naturally?"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you don't want to say it, I'll tell you!"

Ye Feng has expected that Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu must fall into their hands. Now that they have reached this stage, of course, there is nothing to be nervous about, and their anxiety will not change this reality.

At this time, Amanda said to Ye Feng, "according to our investigation, when you were five years old, you were abducted and sold to Mexico by human traffickers, then from Mexico to the Philippines, and finally brought to Stewart Island in New Zealand by dromus, which is here!"

Yefeng listen to Amanda don't say Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, but said he was abducted, what does this mean?

But Amanda continued, "you haven't seen your biological parents since you were five, have you?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech, but he still doesn't say anything on his mouth. He just looks at Amanda.

Amanda continued to say to Ye Feng, "we have found out where your parents are, and they are on the way to New Zealand. I believe we can get to New Zealand tonight!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. He always felt that Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu had fallen into Amanda's hands. Unexpectedly, his own parents had fallen into their hands.

Before, Tom was still telling himself that he would help him find out the whereabouts of his parents. Unexpectedly, Amanda had already laid hands on his parents.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Amanda, "don't you think you are just people? How could such a mean be used? "

Amanda shrugged and said, "do you think too much? I'm just telling you that your biological parents are on their way to New Zealand. I didn't say anything else! "

Ye Feng stares at Amanda and sneers, "is it meaningful for you to tell me this? Do you think if you hold them in your hands, I will be afraid? I tell you, I've never met them, I don't have any feelings for them, and it's meaningless for me to hold them hostage! "

Amanda continued to shrug, "it doesn't need to be meaningful. I'm not saying that. We just found them for you. You don't say a word of thanks, and you doubt what we will do to them?"Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "if that's what you said, I can tell you that it has no effect on me!"

During the conversation, Ye Feng has been on Amanda's side for a moment, and directly picked up the gun on the sofa. When Amanda just recovered, Ye Feng's hand has also grasped Amanda's hand, directly pulled her up from the sofa, and then put it in her arms, one hand on her neck, tightly clasped Amanda, the other hand's pistol directly against Amanda On my head.

It just happened in a flash. Amanda was shocked, but she was excited. She saw that Ye Feng and Satan were two people. Although she knew Ye Feng was "resurrected from the dead", she changed her appearance, but even face-to-face, she still felt strange.

But Ye Feng's quick technique is completely what only Satan can do. In addition, Ye Feng's close relationship with Ye Feng makes Amanda think of the time when they are dancing slowly in the bar in Argentina, which is incompatible with the atmosphere of hi bar.

Tom then said to Ye Feng, "you can't hurt her!"

Ye Feng took a look at Tom, and then said to Amanda, "now please ask Miss Amanda to accompany me to leave Stewart Island first!"

Then Ye Feng pushed Amanda to the door. Amanda recovered and said to Ye Feng immediately, "it's useless for you to hold me. I can ask them to shoot us directly instead of worrying about my deep thinking."

Hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you ready to die with me?"

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "in a word, we won't let you leave Stewart Island at all costs! Don't say it's me, even if the whole island is buried with you! "

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle a way, "you so hate me?"

Amanda shrugged. "It's not hate, it's fear."

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "as long as I leave New Zealand, there will be no Satan in the world from now on, so you will not let me go?"

Amanda continued to shrug, "to tell you the truth, it's not the request of New Zealand, but the joint resolution of many countries! You are not allowed to live in the world

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "it seems that I have no choice!"

Amanda wants to look back at Ye Feng, but she can't hold her head back. But she can feel the desolation and despair in Ye Feng's words.

Originally he was bent on Ye Feng's death, but at this time saw Ye Feng was forced into a desperate situation, said so desperate words, heart up a trace of intolerance.

Amanda immediately said, "if you cooperate with our investigation, I can I can plead for you! But prison is inevitable

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