Thinking of this, Amanda took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "I don't think I can help you! I can also tell you that although Zhuo wanqiu has escaped from Stewart Island, she is absolutely inseparable from New Zealand. Our people will start looking for her all over the country! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng frowned slightly, and then said to Amanda, "if so, even if I die, I will rush out of Stewart Island! Go and save Angie

Amanda smell speech eyebrow a ground to look at leaf Feng way, "small Anji?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, Zhuo wanqiu's English name is Angela. She was relatively young at that time. I have been calling her little Angela for so many years!"

Amanda stares at Ye Feng for a long time and finds that when Ye Feng mentions Zhuo wanqiu, there is nothing hard to say. That is to say, Ye Feng has no ghost in Zhuo wanqiu's heart. She also believes that Ye Feng is only worried about Zhuo wanqiu as her sister.

Amanda thought for a moment, then said to Ye Feng, "you'd better leave Stewart Island with me first, and then talk about it!"

Ye Feng frowned at Amanda and said, "then what? Follow you to prison for the rest of your life? "

Amanda then looked at Ye Feng with a deep thought. After a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "if you must go to save Zhuo wanqiu, I can help you!"

Listen to Amanda say so, Ye Feng heart suddenly move, looking at Oman to, for a long time did not speak, he is waiting for Amanda said to help his way!

But at this time, Amanda said to Ye Feng, "if you want to help Zhuo wanqiu, next, you will accept all my arrangements!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart is a move, staring at Amanda to see, still did not speak.

But listen to Amanda continue to shrug, "of course, if you have any objection to my arrangement, or you don't believe me at all, I don't say anything!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'd better listen to your plan first!"

Amanda shrugged and said, "in fact, the plan is very simple. It's a core issue. If it wants you to die, you can die!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face moved slightly, and he looked at Amanda with awe inspiring heart, but he seemed to have understood what Amanda meant.

At this time, Amanda continued to say, "since it wants you to die, then if you die, will there be no Satan in the world? Then if you reappear as an entity, that is the identity of others. The New Zealand government will not have any restrictions on any citizen or foreign tourists who have no bad records. You can do whatever you want at that time What

When Ye Feng's heart moves, Amanda's explanation is the same as his own. When he listens to Amanda's words, his first reaction is the same.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Amanda, "that's me. I have to accept your death penalty first, and then you can help me change me out!"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng, nodded solemnly, and said to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "formalism still has to go. Now it's time to test your trust in me, and I may cheat you to accept the death penalty. Then you will find that I'm cheating you. Maybe it's too late, or I really want to help you. Choose one of the two, you decide for yourself!"

Ye Feng stares at Amanda at this time. After a long time, he says to Amanda, "I only ask you one question, and I only ask you once!"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng with the same eyes and said, "you ask!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "can I trust you?"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng and nodded, "yes!" Then he added, "but whether you believe it or not, you can judge for yourself!"

Ye Feng lights a cigarette and doesn't speak any more. She sits on one side smoking a cigarette. Amanda doesn't urge him either. She knows that Ye Feng definitely needs to consider, so she doesn't urge Ye Feng either.

Amanda knows that this time, in fact, is not only a test of whether Ye Feng can trust him, but also a key time for Ye Feng to test whether he is trustworthy or not.

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes. Amanda continues to look at Ye Feng until Ye Feng finishes smoking a cigarette. She stands up and nods to Amanda and says, "OK, I believe you!"

This time, Amanda was surprised. Although she said the plan, she was not sure whether Ye Feng would choose to believe in herself.

After all, I was the one who wanted to kill Ye Feng most at the beginning, and I was also in the core position of dealing with Stewart Island and TSL, as well as killing Ye Feng. I participated in all the actions this time.

If ye Feng and himself are transferred, Ye Feng and himself now say so, he will never believe Ye Feng, but Ye Feng actually chose to believe in himself, which makes Amanda really unexpected.

Seeing Amanda hesitated, Ye Feng looked at her and asked, "how? Didn't you hear what I just said? I repeat, I believe you

Amanda smell speech this just returned to God, immediately toward Ye Feng a nod way, "well, since you believe me, so now go out with me, accept my arrangement!"Ye Feng stood up, threw the pistol away, stretched out his hands toward Amanda and said, "everything depends on you!"

Oman to know that Ye Feng is to let himself handcuffed him, but there is no need to come, and he did not bring handcuffs.

She went to Ye Feng's front, pressed Ye Feng's hands and said, "no need! If you believe me, I will believe you

Then Amanda asked Ye Feng, "you don't doubt me at all. This is probably a trap to kill you?"

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "before you and I, there was no doubt. Even if you want me to die, it's reasonable! I'll leave myself to you now. You can do it by yourself! "

Amanda can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what does that mean? Are you gambling? "

Ye Feng shrugged with a smile and said, "isn't life a gamble?"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng for a long time, but said nothing. Instead, she said to Ye Feng, "are you ready?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm ready. Let's go!"

Amanda nodded to Ye Feng and then walked to the door. Ye Feng moved the sofa to one side and opened the door. Then they went out together.

When the people at the door saw that the door suddenly opened, everyone was nervous, and all the muzzles of the guns began to aim at this side. Tom didn't leave too far after he was "rescued", and he was always watching the situation nearby.

At this time saw Ye Feng and Amanda actually come out together, and Ye Feng went out, also raised his hands, completely a pair of is to give up resistance, to surrender appearance, Tom is also a Leng, completely don't know Ye Feng and Amanda in the office what happened, how can such a short time didn't see, come out is such a result?

And other people see Ye Feng holding hands out, are also a Leng, and then toward this side close to come.

After approaching, everyone stops, and the muzzle of the gun is still aimed at Ye Feng. The leader asks Amanda with his eyes what to do with Ye Feng.

Amanda nodded at the men and said, "arrest him first!"

On hearing this, the leader immediately put away the pistol and went to take out the handcuffs to handcuff Ye Feng.

Amanda said to the man, "no, he surrendered himself! There's no need for that! "

That person smell speech immediately put away handcuffs, past stand in the leaf maple's side, toward the leaf maple way, "follow us to walk!"

Amanda also said to Ye Feng, "go with them first! I'll see you later! "

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, then followed those people to go, passing by Tom, looked at Tom, nodded to him, then walked with the group of people.

Tom looked at Ye Feng and went to Amanda immediately. He was surprised and said, "he just surrendered?"

Amanda shrugged, looked at Tom and said, "don't you see it yourself?"

Listen to Amanda say so, Tom a face of surprise, feeling and did not ask the same.

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