Ye Feng was quickly taken away from the Technology Department building and went directly to the investigation department. There were many detention rooms in the investigation department building, and Ye Feng was directly taken into a detention room.

After entering the detention room, Ye Feng was left here alone. He was very familiar with it. He just sat here waiting. He knew that Amanda would come to find himself.

But after all, it's Amanda's first day on the island. In the morning, she was called to Tom's office on the top floor of the technology department. So far, she hasn't had time to deal with some of the things on the island. I think she should take advantage of this time to deal with the things on hand.

Ye Feng also takes advantage of this rare quiet time to sit here alone and think about the next thing.

First of all, Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett must have escaped from Stewart Island, otherwise Amanda would have threatened herself.

Secondly, my biological parents have almost arrived in New Zealand. Will I see them or not?

Then, Amanda arranges her own death penalty. Once she can escape, will it have an impact on Amanda?

and finally, once she leaves New Zealand, where are she going to go and how should she arrange her next life?

Ye Feng is thinking about these problems in his heart. Unconsciously, it's noon time. At this time, someone comes in and brings food to Ye Feng.

But the man who sent the food didn't say anything to Ye Feng, and Ye Feng didn't ask. After all, these people didn't know much about it, and it was useless to ask.

Just after dinner, the door of the detention room rang. Ye Feng looked at it and thought it was Amanda who came to find him, but when he saw the door open, he found that it was Tom.

After Tom came in, he directly sat in front of Ye Feng, took out a cigarette, handed it to Ye Feng, and then lit one himself. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you really surrender?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Tom and said, "what do you think?"

Tom said, "I just can't see what's going on with you. That's why I came to ask you."

Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette, squinted at Tom, then nodded, "yes, I surrender!"

Tom looked at Ye Feng with an incredible look and said, "did you really surrender? For your biological parents you never met? "

Ye Feng stares at Tom and says, "isn't that enough?"

Tom knew that he had made a blunder, and then explained, "I don't mean that. I mean, after all, you haven't seen your love Saint parents. You don't have any feelings. Even if the blood is dissolved in water, you haven't confirmed whether they brought your biological parents. Is it a bit rash to drop them?"

Ye Feng said to Tom, "I listen to your tone, as if you don't want me to surrender?"

Tom was stunned and immediately explained, "no Yes, I don't want you to surrender. I've done so much to save you. Now you've thrown yourself into the net. Isn't everything I've done in vain? Don't you know what it means to surrender and what's waiting for you? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "isn't it the death penalty?"

Tom looked at Ye Feng with an incomprehensible face and said, "I really don't understand. Why are you doing this? It's not your style to give up and get caught! "

Ye Feng sighed to Tom, "the situation is stronger than people. People have to bow their heads under the eaves."

Tom heard the words for a while ponder, for a long time did not speak, continue to smoke cigarettes, just quietly looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to Tom, "now it's useless for you to talk to me about this. I've already surrendered. The so-called situation has gone. I can't help it!"

Tom smell speech immediately smoked a cigarette, slowly spit out, then the body slightly forward looking at Ye Feng way, "if you want, I can still save you out!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Tom with a slight movement on his face and said, "can you still help me out?"

Tom nodded at once and said, "yes, as long as you nod, I still have a way to get you out of here!"

Ye Feng's heart at this time is a Lin, directly asked Tom, "why do you want to risk again and again to save me?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "I didn't say that last time. You once saved me..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Tom to finish, immediately said, "if it's just for me to save you by accident, and you help me save Scarlett and little Angie, you don't owe me any more! What's more, my help is far fetched. It's not worth mentioning! "

Tom immediately explained, "it's certainly not worth mentioning to you, but to me..."

Ye Feng did not wait for Tom to finish, and immediately interrupted Tom, "Tom, if you think I'm so easy to cheat? For such farfetched reasons, if I believe you once and you say it for the second time, you will look down on my IQ a little too much, right

Tom wanted to explain something, but Ye Feng immediately said, "you are too enthusiastic, but it reveals that you have ulterior motives!"Tom smell speech facial expression slightly move, hastily say no, but forehead already began to sweat.

Ye Feng saw Tom like this and said to him in a deep voice, "now, you can't do anything more sophistry! Let's be honest! If you are telling the truth, maybe I will not tell Amanda about you, otherwise... "

Tom can't help frowning when he hears the words. He says that it's OK. "There's really no plot. I just want to save you!"

Ye Feng stares at Tom at this time, there is no expression on his face, but his eyes are more and more sharp.

Tom's forehead cold sweat began to come out, eyes even dare not look at Ye Feng's eyes, constantly avoid Ye Feng's eyes.

At this time, Ye Feng called out to the door, "somebody..."

When Tom heard this, his face suddenly changed and he said to Ye Feng, "wait a minute!"

At this time, the door of the interrogation room had been opened. A man stood at the door and asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng then looked at Tom sitting in front of him, but saw a trace of panic in his eyes, as if he was looking at himself with a pleading look.

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately toward the door of humanity, "Oh, nothing, I wanted to find you to lighter, and found it!"

That person stares at Ye Feng and Tom to see after one eye, this just shut the door of detention room.

Tom was completely relieved and nodded to Ye Feng, "thank you!"

But Ye Feng said to Tom, "it seems that you really don't mean to save me. What's the plot behind it?"

Tom put out a cigarette, immediately lit another cigarette, wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, and then said to Ye Feng, "it's a long story!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Tom, "then make a long story short!"

Tom took a deep breath of his cigarette, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you remember the twin brother that Dante Emma found out privately?"

Ye Feng frowned at Tom and said, "what does this matter have to do with Dante Emma? What does it have to do with his twin brother? "

Tom immediately said to Ye Feng, "his twin brother, in fact, is not a simple task, and his ability is not under Dante Emma!"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Tom, "to make a long story short, what does it have to do with you trying to save me?"

Tom said to Ye Feng immediately, "I'm actually a multiple agent! I am not only the technical director of TSL, but also the senior chief inspector of New Zealand special operations team.... "

Speaking of this, Tom immediately after a pause, toward Ye Feng continued to say, "at the same time, I'm still the special commissioner of Tianxing!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "day line?" But I was thinking that I had never heard of the name.

Tom immediately explained, "Tianxing is a secret organization that has just risen in recent years. Many names you have heard of in the so-called secret service and spy industry have been secretly recruited by them!"

Ye Feng then looked at Tom and said, "so what does this have to do with Dante Emma's twin brother?"

Tom looked at Ye Feng for a long time and said, "he is the person in charge of Tianxing, Virgil!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words can't help a Leng, "that is to say, is Virgil let you to save me?"

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