Ye Feng can't help but smile at Tom, "how dare you come here to coerce me? First, you don't see the situation clearly; second, you don't see me clearly! "

As soon as Tom heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Feng. It's really like what Ye Feng said. He really didn't see Ye Feng clearly, but he thought he saw the situation clearly, otherwise he wouldn't come to Ye Feng to say it.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Tom, "now, you can help me get in direct contact with Virgil. From now on, I will only get in direct contact with him, otherwise anything will have no effect on me!"

Tom stood staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he went to the door and locked the door. Then he took out his mobile phone and sat down in front of Ye Feng. Then he dialed a video phone.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. At this time, Tom took out the headset and plugged it in. At this time, the video was connected.

Tom, wearing headphones, said to the video, "Virgil, Satan wants to talk to you!"

Ye Feng can't see the picture, because Tom is wearing headphones, also can't hear the sound, but at this time saw Tom took off the headphones, connected with the mobile phone together handed Ye Feng.

mobile phone as like as two peas Elmar, who is the same as Dante, is a little bit different from his father, but his skin looks a bit darker. He looks like a man in the overall temperament than Dante Elmar.

Virgil's mouth was moving. Ye Feng immediately put on the earphone and said to Virgil, "just put on the earphone!"

Virgil said on the phone, "nice to meet you, Satan! We should meet for the first time, right

Ye Feng looked at Virgil and said, "it's said that there are a lot of talents in your organization's Tianxing, so you don't need me, do you?"

Virgil said with a smile, "that's different. I heard my brother say a long time ago, who are you in TSL? Over the years, the industry is full of legends about you. You are such a God. If you don't get to know me, I will be laughed at in this industry? Isn't it because I can't be ranked in the industry

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's not as much as I am. I'll line up immediately!"

Virgil still said politely, "it's no exaggeration that you can stand up to thousands of troops alone!"

As Ye Feng was about to speak, Virgil continued, "besides, I have many old friends of yours here! For example Yeah! Hades! Dixie! Two of your best friends

When Ye Feng hears these two names, he is stunned. Hades betrays TSL and works for any organization. But isn't Dixie dead?

Seeing Ye Feng's surprised look, Virgil immediately said with a smile, "Dixie told me that if I told you that she was with me, you would have this expression. It seems that there is nothing wrong with her. She is still your confidant and the person who knows you best!"

Ye Feng said to Virgil immediately, "isn't Dixie dead?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "externally, it's true! But don't forget, you TSL have a talented technician. Oh, yes, the owner of your body is Cao Yihai. His technology is really powerful. Although the real Cao Yihai is no longer there, his technology is rare in the world, and this technology has been obtained by our heaven! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately thought of Tacla, don't want to video Virgil immediately hit a ring finger, "bingo! Look at your eyes, you must think of Tacla, right? That's right, he's also our lucky man! Not only Tacla and Tom, but also many of my people on Stewart Island, and not only TSL, but also in the top organizations in the world, there are our heavenly people! "

At this point, Virgil immediately said, "Cao Yihai's technology is really powerful. He can actually collect brain waves and inject them into another body. Although he is no longer here, we have a lot of technical talents in this field in Tianxing. We will have mastered this technology completely in three and a half days, and Dixie is indeed dead, but he is still alive It was on the plane where Dixie was on duty. There was also my man. He brought Dixie's body to our headquarters of Tianxing! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, it seems that this day line is really all pervasive ah.

At this time, Virgil said, "we have not only mastered Cao Yihai's technology, but also combined with the tissue reconstruction technology developed by our own technicians of Tianxing. Combining the two kinds of genius technology, Dixie's rebirth will be more perfect than you, and her own body has been repaired by us!"

Ye Feng's face moved slightly when he heard this. He didn't know much about these sophisticated technical problems. Now the world is developing too fast, and new technologies come out every day. It's not surprising that there are such technologies.

And Virgil continued to say to Ye Feng, "and I can also tell you a piece of news. If you are not satisfied with Cao Yihai's body, we can help you rebuild your original body. This is not a strange technology. We have your DNA, so we can clone you. At that time, we just need to kill the cloned Satan and kill your brain waves After implantation, you can have your own body perfectly, isn't it exciting? "But Ye Feng stares at Virgil and says, "human cloning is forbidden all over the world! What are you doing? "

Virgil was stunned and then said with a smile, "Satan, are you joking with me? Now you're telling me that human cloning is a forbidden technology in the world? God, have you changed your body, even your temperament? Isn't murder forbidden in the world? Is it not forbidden for the world to steal the military secrets of various countries? There are too many things forbidden in the world. Don't we do anything? Sorry, we are not the mainstream in the world. What we do is these illegal activities. Tianxing is like this. Isn't TSL like this? Now you're telling me these are forbidden in the world? Do you want to laugh me to death? "

Ye Feng looked at Virgil and said, "now that you have these technologies, what else do you want me to do? You can clone a Satan directly? No You can clone countless Satans

Virgil, however, said to Ye Feng, "the plot of American movies is not trustworthy, but it may be that our technology has not yet reached the level of cloning memory. Our current human cloning technology is still in its infancy, and we can only clone human beings, whose IQ is equivalent to that of a newborn baby!"

After listening to what Virgil said, Ye Feng immediately understood that Virgil had already thought about this method. It was only because the technology was not mature that he had to find his own ontology.

Virgil then said to Ye Feng, "by the way, just to tell you, you can't feel the shock. In this way, I'll call you after a quarter of an hour!"

With that, Virgil hung up, and Ye Feng took off his earphone. His mind was full of Virgil and what he said.

Tom saw Ye Feng take off the earphone, then frowned, "what did Virgil say?"

Ye Feng said to Tom, "he said to call again in a quarter of an hour!"

Tom nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "I believe Virgil has made it very clear to you!"

Ye Feng then asked Tom, "are you secretly studying human cloning?"

Tom can't help but say to Ye Feng, "Virgil even told you this? It seems that Virgil is a must for you

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help looking at Tom, and then said, "you asked Takla to take away Cao Yihai's computer that day, just to send Cao Yihai's research data to Tianxing?"

Tom took a deep breath and nodded. "That's right! Although I serve three families, my real master is only Tianxing! "

Ye Feng looks at Tom and nods. Instead of saying anything to Tom, he looks at his cell phone and waits for Virgil to call again. He also wants to see what Virgil said.

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