After about a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng's mobile phone still doesn't ring. Ye Feng frowns and looks at Tom in front of him. He seems to be questioning Tom with his eyes. Why hasn't Virgil called yet?

Tom also received Ye Feng's eyes, and then shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know what was going on there. At the moment, he could only wait for one word!

At this time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, while smoking cigarettes, while looking at the mobile phone on the table, and at this time, the screen of the mobile phone suddenly lit up, and then Virgil's video phone came.

Ye Feng immediately connected the video phone, and Virgil appeared in the video, but Virgil said to Ye Feng with a smile on his face, "I've kept you waiting for a long time, but the pictures you see later can make you feel that your waiting is worth it!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, from the limited mobile phone video to see Virgil's face, simply can't see what happened behind.

Virgil then switched the video screen, the screen immediately changed, and the screen immediately became the same as some American science fiction scenes.

Where Ye Feng can see, there are huge glass test tubes everywhere, and each glass test tube is filled with a jar full of light green liquid. In the liquid, there is a naked, red, naked person, bending his body, just like a baby in the mother, but the body should be an adult.

Then the camera began to shake, and soon came to one of the test tubes. Virgil estimated that he circled the test tube, and then turned to the front of the manager.

The video camera moves forward again, aiming at the man's face. Ye Feng suddenly feels awe inspiring. He can't be more familiar with this face, but it's what he used to look like.

as like as two peas, the most impressive thing is that Ye Feng is not the only one who shocks. But Virgil is changing the number of test tubes and showing himself the same face.

Virgil walked all the way down and showed Ye Feng at least twenty or thirty test tubes, all of which were his own.

In the past, Ye Feng only saw this kind of scene in European and American blockbusters. Ye Feng didn't expect that he would see the scene in science fiction movies in his lifetime, and the protagonist was himself.

This kind of shock has gone beyond Ye Feng's imagination and acceptance. This kind of shock can only be described as terror.

At this time, in Virgil's mobile phone video, the picture turns again, revealing Virgil's face. He proudly says to Ye Feng, "do you feel shocked?"

Ye Feng is speechless for a moment, and doesn't know what to say. Shock is really shock, but at the same time, Ye Feng also feels some nausea, even nausea.

imagine, if as like twenty or thirty people who are as like as two peas, they feel that the scalp is numb, let alone see.

At this time, Virgil continued to say to Ye Feng, "have you ever thought about the existence of human beings, that is, the existence of consciousness, and the body is just a vehicle. If your body is any different, even if it is bumped and damaged, you are not satisfied. Just pull your consciousness away from your body and change it into a brand new body. In other words, if you are not satisfied with it So, as long as your consciousness does not die out, what will you get? That's eternal life! friend! After zhuomus suffered from cancer, we realized what he had been dreaming of. He should be glad to know that, right

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng sneers at Virgil and says, "if you can do this, why don't you do it yourself?"

Virgil did not speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "this can only show a problem, that this technology is not mature, you just take us as the test object!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil was silent for a while. After a long time, he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "yes, it's still in the experimental stage, but for us, it's amazing that we can make such progress. Science is progressing with constant improvement!"

Then Virgil immediately said to Ye Feng, "but you can rest assured that although it's still in the experimental stage, we have a successful precedent. Dixie is an example. We have successfully combined caoyihai's technology with our Tianxing's cloning technology, and the strong combination of two top technologies has bred a brand new Dixie!"

As Virgil was saying this, the video on his mobile phone immediately turned, and a test tube appeared on the screen. When the screen turned to the side of the person in the test tube, Ye Feng could see that there was a woman inside. In fact, he had guessed something in his heart. When he turned to the front and aimed at the person's face, the face he saw was exactly the same as Ye Feng's imagination It's Dickie's.

At this time, Virgil began to draw the picture far away. What appeared in front of Ye Feng was the endless test tube with no end. In each test tube, there was a humanoid test object. It can be imagined that it was absolutely impossible to just have himself and Dixie. Maybe those so-called fatal figures in the world could be found fakes here.

Ye Feng's scalp is numb again. Just think, if all the fakes here are released, then the world will be in chaos?Virgil appears in the picture again, still with a confident and proud smile on his face. He says to Ye Feng with a show off tone, "see, this will be the place to change the world! It's the beginning of a new world

For a moment, Ye Feng didn't know what to say to Virgil, but listened to Virgil continue to show off to himself, "you think, the future world will be dominated by us, only the people we recognize can be given eternal life, you think, the world will be a new pattern? I'm excited to think about it! "

Then Virgil could not help looking at Ye Feng and said, "I have shared so many secrets with you, and you will be the first people in the world to enjoy eternal life, but why can't I see the slightest happiness from your face?"

At this time, Ye Feng hummed coldly, "then I'm really honored!"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to thank me. God chose you. Who let you be one of the best people in the world? The future world certainly needs excellent people like you. Those stupid and incompetent people don't deserve eternal life. No matter how much wealth they have, it's a waste! Only high-quality people like us are worthy of such technology, don't you think? "

Ye Feng is disgusted by Virgil's classification of people. According to Virgil's theory, all ordinary people in this world can only die?

When Virgil saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, he put away his smile and looked at Ye Feng solemnly. "It seems that you are not interested in our advanced technology and imagination of the future at all!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not good at lying, too. To tell you the truth, I'm not interested at all!"

Virgil then stares at Ye Feng and says, "eternal life? Don't you have any interest at all? I don't believe there are people in the world who are not interested in longevity

But Ye Feng said in his heart, "do I have to say that I have experienced longevity in that virtual world before?"

But he said to Virgil, "no one wants to live forever, but your idea is different from mine. I don't agree with it. It's doomed that we are not people in the same world. So what I want to say, if you do your thing, I won't stop you, but don't pull me to your camp. I'm really not interested!"

Virgil looked at Ye Feng coldly, then hummed, "in my dictionary, if you are not a friend, you must be an enemy. It seems that you choose to be an enemy with me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "whatever you think! That's my attitude anyway! "

Virgil stares at Ye Feng for a long time. Without saying a word, he hangs up the video phone.

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