See mobile phone video interruption, Ye Feng toward Tom a shrug, just about to say what, then sounded the knock, long and short.

Tom smell voice face suddenly move, immediately put up the mobile phone in front of Ye Feng, put in the pocket, this just past opened the door lock.

Tom had just opened the door when he heard the sound of high-heeled shoes touching the ground. It was very rhythmic.

After a while, a woman appeared at the door in a dignified and elegant professional dress. It was Amanda.

Amanda seems to have changed into a more temperamental dress and a more leading temperament. She is followed by two men who are as close to her as a bodyguard.

When Amanda came to the door, she saw Tom standing there. She could not help looking a little. "Tom? Why are you here? "

Tom was stunned and immediately said, "Oh, I've come to see him!"

Amanda looked at Tom suspiciously. She didn't speak for a long time. She just looked into Tom's eyes.

Tom was uncomfortable when Amanda looked at him like this, and unconsciously avoided Amanda's eyes.

Amanda was about to ask Tom what, but Ye Feng said to Amanda, "are you finished at last?"

Amanda listen to Ye Feng say, this just look at Ye Feng, Tom is completely relieved.

Tom can't help looking at Ye Feng. He can see that Ye Feng is deliberately helping himself out, otherwise Amanda already doubts himself. As long as Ye Feng doesn't say a word, Amanda will be able to see something.

At this time, he can't help thinking about this. Ye Feng deliberately distracts Amanda's idea, just doesn't want to expose himself. Does this mean that Ye Feng has other plans in mind, and doesn't completely refuse himself and Tianxing?

Thinking of this, Tom nodded to Ye Feng and then left the detention room.

When Amanda entered the room, she was about to close the door, but saw that the two bodyguards were going to follow her. She immediately said in a cold voice, "you just wait outside. I'll talk to him alone!"

One of the bodyguards immediately said, "we're worried..."

Before the man finished, Amanda immediately said, "if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it in the technology building. It won't wait until now!"

As soon as they heard this, they thought it was reasonable, so they didn't ask for it. Then they stepped back and watched Amanda close the door.

Amanda snorted coldly, went to the opposite of Ye Feng and sat down. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what can Tom do for you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "come and see me!"

But Amanda said to Ye Feng in a dubious way, "look at you? You took him and he came to see you? Is this a far fetched reason? "

Ye Feng shrugged to Amanda and continued, "I knew him in TSL before. Cao Yihai, the original owner of my body, is his subordinate. Later, I worked for him with Scarlett and sneaked into Stewart Island. I had multiple identities and I was a friend. In addition, my surrender meant that I would face the death penalty, for a man who was about to die When an old friend comes to see the dead, is there anything strange? "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Amanda can't help but be surprised. She thinks what Ye Feng said is reasonable, but she still thinks something is wrong, but she can't see anything on the surface.

But now, as long as Ye Feng and Tom don't say anything, they can't find out why she came. She simply doesn't ask any more. She digs off the topic and says to Ye Feng, "I've already made a video phone call with my superior, and I'm going to extradite you back to the inland of New Zealand!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, said a good.

Amanda took a look at Ye Feng, then took a deep breath and said, "the above meaning is to take you directly to the execution ground for execution!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "is there a shooting in New Zealand's law?"

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "there is no law for shooting, but we can specially amend the law for you. It feels that you have committed a heinous crime and must be shot!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but said with a bitter smile, "it seems that your New Zealand government really looks up to me!"

Amanda then said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "they have another plan. Let me tell you about it!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "another solution, that is, I can not die, but I have to work for the New Zealand government, right?"

Amanda looks at Ye Feng with a look of surprise. From Amanda's eyes, Ye Feng can see that he guesses right.

Ye Feng immediately continued to say to Amanda, "and it's very likely that if I promise you, you will properly arrange for my biological parents to live in New Zealand, right?"

Amanda suddenly looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how do you know everything?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "is this kind of trick hard to guess? People like me are either friends or enemies. If they can be used by you, of course you can't get them! If I can't use it for you, I won't be given the chance to use it for others. Therefore, apart from cooperating with you, I have to die. It's just one of the two choices! "Amanda can't help but extend a thumb to Ye Feng and exclaim, "although the truth is very simple, you can still have such a cool head to think about it at this time, and it's exactly the same. I'm afraid only you Satan can do it in this world!"

Ye Feng shrugged again, then lit a cigarette, looked at Amanda, no longer spoke.

There is nothing to say now. At present, the New Zealand government uses its own parents to coerce its cooperation, while Virgil's Tianxing uses Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett to coerce its cooperation with Tianxing. Now it is not only Amanda's side that wants to choose one from the other, even if the two camps want to choose one from the other.

Amanda saw Ye Feng looking at himself and said to him, "in fact, I also think that if you are willing to cooperate with the New Zealand government, it will be the best outcome. You will be the regular army from now on, and we will be colleagues from now on. Isn't that the best way?"

Ye Feng stares at Amanda and says, "what if I now advise you to leave New Zealand special operations and join TSL? Isn't that good? We can be colleagues, too! "

Amanda can't help but be stunned, and then said to Ye Feng, "this is a government department. Can we be the same as you illegal organizations?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what government departments, what illegal organizations? Isn't it all the same? Aren't they all sneaking around looking for other people's information and killing people who don't fit in? What's the difference? "

Amanda's face moved slightly when she heard what Ye Feng said. Even though she knew that there was something wrong with what Ye Feng said, she could not find any reason to refute him. Even in a way, what Ye Feng said was not wrong at all.

Ye Feng saw Amanda did not speak, can not help but smile, "I did not say wrong?"

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "so you refuse to cooperate?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "so, what you said to me before is going to be invalid?"

Amanda quickly said, "no, no, I didn't say that, but I think cooperation should be the best option. No matter how to say it, you should promise it first, and then we'll talk about it later!"

Ye Feng said with a cold smile, "I know I can do this, but I don't want to. If I promise first and then rebel, it will be you who will be in trouble at that time!"

Amanda can't help but be surprised when she hears that Ye Feng's insistence on non cooperation is actually for her own sake. She can't help but feel a little moved in her heart. She quickly says to Ye Feng, "don't do it for me, yourself..."

Ye Feng shrugged, "as far as I'm concerned, I don't want to do it, so it's not all for you, so don't think about it too much!"

Then he said to Amanda immediately, "so, you just have to go on with your previous plan!"

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