Amanda can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise and say, "before I said this plan, I thought you might be escorted to a certain place to review for a period of time, or even Zhao'an for a period of time. If you don't get any results, then you will be convicted, and finally you will be sentenced to death by justice. This gives me room to operate, but now they have to go a simple way I don't even have room to operate. That's why I would advise you to compromise first and agree to their demands. As for the future, I'll talk about it later! "

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and stares at Amanda for a long time. He doesn't speak. Then he sighs, "it seems that you don't understand me at all! The more you threaten me, the more impossible I am to compromise! "

Amanda immediately said, "it's not compromise, and it's easy to do. Even if you agree on the surface, but don't agree in the heart, you can not do anything for us in the future. Now it's just to live!"

But Ye Feng stares at Amanda and says, "in addition to promising you, I have other choices!"

Amanda frowned at Ye Feng and said, "other options? What other options do you have? To tell you the truth, there are warships all around Stewart Island now. Even if you turn Stewart Island upside down, you can't get out of Stewart Island! "

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, eyes still staring at Amanda said, "I'll ask you a question!"

Amanda said to Ye Feng, "you ask!"

Ye Feng stares into Amanda's eyes and says, "do you want me to die or live?"

Amanda immediately said to Ye Feng, "of course, I want you to live. If I want you to die, I won't come to talk to you at all. I can directly say that you refuse to cooperate with me. I can just pull you to the execution!"

After staring into Amanda's eyes for a long time, Ye Feng nodded and said, "I believe what you said. Then I can tell you what Tom came to me and said to me just now."

Amanda a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately a ground to look at leaf Feng way, "he really is a matter!"

Ye Feng then nodded, and Amanda said Tom to save himself, but did not mention the day line, but also before his own hijacking Tom is Tom deliberately to help himself also said.

After hearing this, Amanda could not help but wonder, "just because you helped him unintentionally, so he wanted to pay you back?"

Ye Feng heard Amanda say so, immediately nodded, "I also think it's incredible, but that's what he told me!"

Amanda then looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time, and then said, "do you agree?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not yet, because I thought you could help me before, but now what you say to me, I have to think about it!"

Amanda heard the words and pondered for a long time. She just looked at Ye Feng quietly. After a long time, she said, "don't you think he has any conspiracy here? It's hard for me to understand. Just for such a farfetched reason, I have to save you several times! "

Ye Feng shrugged to Amanda and said, "I know there's a problem, but I don't have a choice. At least it's better than compromising with you?"

Amanda's heart suddenly moved and said, "now I even suspect that he helped you save Zhuo wanqiu. It may not be that he was kind. Have you confirmed that Zhuo wanqiu is safe?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Amanda in a deep voice, "so I have to let him save me!"

Amanda stares at Ye Feng, ponders for a while, and then says, "I can't figure out what else he can do to save you. Before saving Zhuo wanqiu, it's because the storm season of Stewart Island has just passed, and our warships haven't come near. Now the surrounding of Stewart Island has been controlled by us, and you can't even fly with your wings inserted!"

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "I believe he must have some way. He already knows the situation outside, but he still dares to promise me that there must be his way, so this is not what I am worried about!"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you worried about?"

Ye Feng looked at Amanda and said, "what I'm worried about is, if I go with Tom, will it have any bad influence on you?"

When Amanda heard what Ye Feng said, she immediately looked at Ye Feng with a heart full of awe. In her heart, she said that he was still worried about whether he would be implicated at the critical moment of life and death!

Think of here, Amanda unexpectedly inexplicable feeling, a burst of touched looking at Ye Feng way, "I don't matter, as long as he can really take you away from here, I don't matter!"

Ye Feng stares at Amanda for a long time and then says, "but there are still regrets about it!"

Amanda frowned at Ye Feng and said, "sorry? Sorry for what? What else can I regret? "

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "I know you want to be with me, even if it's just working in a department, but after I leave with Tom, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to realize this wish!"Amanda thought that Ye Feng's regret would be that his so-called biological parents were still in New Zealand, but Ye Feng said such a thing.

Suddenly Amanda looked at Ye Feng, couldn't help stretching out her hand, holding Ye Feng's hand and saying, "it doesn't matter. If you can say that, I'm already very happy!"

Ye Feng clenched Amanda's hand and sighed, "this is not only your regret, but also my regret in the future. I met you by chance before, but after this meeting, I think it was God's arrangement, but I never thought it would be so short!"

Amanda said immediately, "then you can choose to accept the above request, even if it's just a false compromise!"

Said, did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately said, "forget it, I know I can't persuade you, and you must also want to save Zhuo wanqiu, you won't stay!"

Hearing Amanda say so, Ye Feng held Amanda's hand tightly again, and then sighed, "you're right. Zhuomus raised me so much anyway, and Zhuo wanqiu is just like my sister. I can't let my sister be in danger, not to mention I personally sent her to the stolen ship!"

Amanda couldn't stop and said, "I understand, I understand, your choice is not wrong! You should go to save her. Even if you leave here, we will meet again when we have a chance. But if you don't save Zhuo wanqiu, maybe it will be a lifelong regret! "

Ye Feng can't help but tighten Amanda's hand and say to Amanda, "why didn't I find your advantages before? I'll tell you the truth. Before I left, I really didn't apologize at all, but you don't have to be angry. That's because I didn't know you well. Now that I know you well, I find out what a stupid decision I made! "

When Amanda heard that Ye Feng had abandoned herself, she felt sad. But after listening to Ye Feng, she sighed, "it's just you. At the beginning, we just met by chance. There was no emotional basis at all. Besides, you should have a task at that time, right? So it's understandable for you to leave. I just didn't think about it for a while, so I'll get to the top. Now I've figured it out! No wonder you

Listen to Amanda say so, Ye Feng nodded, affectionately looking at Amanda way, "you can think so good!"

With a sudden sigh, Amanda frowned and said, "what are you sighing about? I'll find a way to find you then! "

But Ye Feng said to Amanda, "I sigh that it has nothing to do with you. I just think of my biological parents who I have never met. I thought this time was an opportunity to meet them. It seems that this has become extravagant!"

Amanda listen to Ye Feng say, heart suddenly move, staring at Ye Feng look, never speak.

And Ye Feng immediately said, "forget it, I don't know each other at all. They all have their own lives for so many years. It doesn't matter if they don't see each other!"

Amanda pondered for a long time before she said to Ye Feng, "this matter Well, you don't have to worry. I'll find a way to arrange it for you, but after you leave with Tom, you have to keep in touch with me, or I can't help you! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, in the heart immediately a joy, on the face but a face embarrassed way, "this matter is not difficult you?"

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