Amanda smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng said, "not difficult, but this matter I also dare not 100% guarantee what, I can only try to help them!"

But Ye Feng said to Amanda, "it's enough to have you. Don't expect too much. Then you'd better ensure your safety first!"

Amanda nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and asked him, "do you want me to call Tom for you? Why don't you keep talking? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "don't need it for the moment, wait a second!"

Amanda looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "still waiting? Don't you know that if you can't wait for your reply, you will go to action soon. I'm afraid you can't wait too long! "

Ye Feng said, "this depends on you to drag, you can give me another minute, I have one more hope."

Amanda listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "OK, I will help you fight for time, but this time the attitude is very tough, I'm afraid it won't be long, are you sure Tom will come to you?"

Ye Feng looked at Amanda and said, "I believe he's starting to tangle!"

Amanda heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded and said, "OK, then I'll go to drag for a while, you continue to wait here!"

Ye Feng nodded to Amanda. Amanda then took out a mobile phone and put it in front of Ye Feng and said, "keep this mobile phone. If Tom takes you away, we will rely on it to contact you!"

Ye Feng picked up Amanda's mobile phone and nodded, "don't worry!" Then he put the cell phone away.

Amanda stood up and looked at Ye Feng affectionately. Then she came to the door.

But the hand just stretched to the doorknob, but immediately turned and walked toward Ye Feng, to Ye Feng in front of him, immediately hugged Ye Feng, a tone to live Ye Feng.

Did not wait for Ye Feng back to God, immediately turned to go, this time has not turned back, directly opened the door and went out.

After waiting for the door to close, Ye Feng was relieved. Just now he said a lot to Amanda against his will, but he felt that Amanda was already in love with him.

When he thinks of this, Ye Feng can't help but be a little distracted. He takes advantage of Amanda's feelings for himself. Now he has some regrets. Women's feelings are the most difficult debt in the world, so this is also the reason why Ye Feng only plays with women for so many years. He doesn't want to have any emotional debt with women.

Ye Feng lights a cigarette and smokes it. Just after a cigarette, Ye Feng takes out Amanda and shows her mobile phone the time. It's already more than 3 p.m.

In other words, if the New Zealand special operations department really wants to do something to itself, it will only have about an hour and a half at most, which does not rule out that they want to execute themselves on the spot, that is, anytime and anywhere.

But when Ye Feng thought so, the door of the detention room opened again, and Tom's familiar face appeared in front of Ye Feng again.

But Ye Feng's face didn't show half dead surprised color, as if everything was in his control.

After Tom closed the door of the detention room, he came to Ye Feng. After looking at Ye Feng, he sat down. He immediately took out a cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng. Then he took out a lighter and lit it for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smokes cigarettes and still looks at Tom calmly. If Tom doesn't speak, he will never speak first.

Tom then lit himself a cigarette and asked Ye Feng, "come on, what do you want? You promised to come with me? "

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, then looked at Tom and said, "did you ask this question, or did Virgil ask it?"

Tom looked at Ye Feng for a moment, then let go, "Virgil asked, but I asked too!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, but his eyes have been staring at Tom. Then he sighs, "you didn't tell the truth, and Virgil didn't tell the truth!"

Tom's face is tiny to move to looking at leaf maple way, "what didn't tell the truth?"

Ye Feng said to Tom, "you Tianxing have already won over many people. In fact, there is no need to win over a man who has long wanted to retire! If you are worried that I will become your enemy in the future, you just need to watch the special operations department of the New Zealand government put me to death in order to prevent future trouble. But not only did you not do so, but also you revealed to me the core technology of Tianxing. This only shows one problem! "

Tom was smoking a cigarette, staring at Ye Feng in a daze, so that the ash on his fingertips grew old that he forgot to play it.

Ye Feng continues to smile at Tom. Seeing Tom's face, Ye Feng is sure that his guess is correct. Even if there may be a little error in the details, he can't be wrong in the general direction.

He took a puff of his cigarette and continued to smile at Tom. "It means you need me to help you right now."

Tom looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you know?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. This is what I want to ask you. If you are so anxious to draw me over, there must be something urgent to solve right now?"At this time, the cold sweat on Tom's forehead came out. He looked at Ye Feng in a daze. He didn't even dare to look into Ye Feng's eyes for fear that his mind would be completely seen through by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that Tom didn't speak. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter if you say it or not."

But Tom said to Ye Feng immediately, "I just heard that. It means that the best way to deal with a special person like you is to execute on the spot!"

Ye Feng heard Tom say so, can't help saying to him, "you don't care if I die later or now, you just need to say your business!"

Tom see Ye Feng a pair of oil and salt does not enter the appearance, really feel that he has no way to take Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Tom directly took out his mobile phone and said to Ye Feng, "you'd better talk to Virgil directly."

With that, Tom immediately dials Virgil's video phone, then plugs in the headset and hands it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took the mobile phone, put it on the table, put on the earphone, but did not look at the mobile phone. Instead, he leaned back and put his legs on the table.

At this time, the screen on the mobile phone lights up, and Virgil's familiar face appears on the screen again.

Virgil just saw the ceiling over there. He didn't see Ye Feng at all. At this time, he called on the phone, "Satan?"

Ye Feng said in an extremely lazy voice, "where are you! What's the matter, say it

Virgil then said to Ye Feng, "Satan, what I said to you before is not to show off anything to you, but to show you my sincerity in inviting you to join us! There is no other meaning. If you have any misunderstanding, I'm here to apologize to you... "

Ye Feng did not wait for Virgil to finish, immediately interrupted him, "apology is meaningless, if you really want to show your sincerity, don't hide, directly say what you are looking for me!"

After pondering for a while, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "well, you can talk fast, and I have nothing to hide!"

Then Virgil stopped for a moment, and then continued, "in fact, I'm in such a hurry to ask you to come here. It's really a very difficult matter. I want your help!"

Ye Feng said immediately, "you can talk about it for a while!"

Virgil immediately said, "I have a sister who is now in an Angolan prison in the United States!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "Angola?"

Virgil immediately affirmed, "that's right. It's Angola, which is known as the strictest and most frightening prison in the world

Ye Feng can't help but be awed. Of course, he has heard the name of Angola. He knows a lot about the legend of Angola. It is said that there are all death penalty criminals or extremely vicious people. It is said that in Angola, only those who perform well are qualified to be put in collective cells. Those who do not perform well may even put you near the kennel.

Moreover, there are few guards in the most wonderful prison, but few prisoners break out because Angola is surrounded by a river on three sides and a deep forest on one side. The river is full of crocodiles, and the forest is full of wild wolves, bears, leopards and other wild animals. Then they dare not even let the prisoners go.

However, some brave people once fled, but since they fled, no one has seen them any more, not only in Angolan prisons, but also in society.

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