When Ye Feng thought of this, he asked Virgil, "what did your sister do? Why did she go to Angola?"

After taking a deep breath, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "you don't need to know this. I just want to tell you that I hope you can help me save my sister. After that, I can promise you anything you want!"

After listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng can't help looking at Virgil in the video. Until Virgil asks whether Ye Feng is in the video phone, Ye Feng comes back to herself.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Virgil, "you can agree to any of my requests?"

Virgil said solemnly to Ye Feng, "yes, as long as you can get out of Monica, I can promise you anything!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears that the name of Monica is so familiar that he blurts out immediately, "Monica? Monica from the cross? "

Virgil could not help but wonder, "the cross guard? What kind of organization is this? "

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng could not help but look at Tom and say, "do you know the cross guard?"

Tom looked at Ye Feng in amazement and then shook his head. "I haven't heard of it. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, wondering if the cross guard is just Cao Yihai's setting in the virtual world, and there is no such organization in the real world?

So that is to say, in the real world, the Monika and Diago in my mind, as well as the whole cross guard, do not exist at all?

Virgil heard that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately asked Ye Feng, "how? Do you know my sister? "

Ye Feng came back to his senses. Instead of answering Virgil's question, he asked him, "since you can promise me anything and have such ability, it should be a piece of cake for you to enter Angolan prison? What else do you want me to do?

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "it's not a problem to get involved in Angola. We've got several people involved, but if we want to get out, that's the problem! I think if anyone else in the world is sure to come out of Angolan prison, there will be no other person to choose but Satan! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. After thinking for a long time, he said to Virgil, "no, even if I mixed in, I was in the men's prison. Your sister Monica should be in the women's prison. I can't go in!"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "you may not understand the reality of Angola. It's a mixed prison, regardless of gender. That's why I want you to rescue her as soon as possible. As long as you can complete this task, I will try my best to help you achieve any request!"

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Feng said to Virgil, "I need to think about it for a while!"

Virgil said impatiently to Ye Feng, "then you have to hurry up. You and I don't have much time to wait. I know all about your situation. You may be pulled out to execute the death penalty at any time, and my sister may be in danger in prison at any time, so the most important thing we need is time!"

Ye Feng then said to Virgil in a sarcastic tone, "in fact, what you don't lack is time. Even if Monica encounters an accident in prison, you can use your cloning and brain wave technology to regenerate her!"

Vergil was shocked, and then said to Ye Feng, "I admit that the combination of these two technologies is not mature. I can't guarantee the success rate, especially with my own sister's life. Therefore, this time I owe you a favor. Even if you don't think about my face, you should think about Dante's face. After all, you have known each other for so many years!"

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng asked Virgil, "don't you hate me for Dante Emma's death?"

Virgil sneered, "that fool, I am speechless. At that time, I invited him to join us. He insisted on fulfilling his own dream. My God, I have such a stupid brother. Is it really sad that his dream is to die on Stewart Island? And I've heard from Tom that Dante died in the hands of dromus, which has nothing to do with you. Besides, the relationship between Dante and me can't be compared with my sister Monica. I can even give my life for her... "

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng immediately said to Virgil, "OK, I promise you, just remember what you just said!"

As soon as Virgil heard this, he said excitedly to Ye Feng, "Satan, I've been waiting for your words. With your participation, we'll go to heaven in the future..."

Ye Feng immediately interrupts Virgil's words and says, "you make it clear that I just promise to help you save your sister Monica, but I don't promise to join you in Tianxing!"

Virgil was stunned and then said with an embarrassed smile, "OK, we can only save Monica this time after joining those who don't join us."

But Ye Feng coldly said to Virgil, "no later, I said, I'm not interested in you Tianxing. I'm not interested in you now, and I won't be interested in you in the future!"

Virgil's face moved slightly, but he said to Ye Feng, "yes, this matter will stop. We will cooperate this time. I will never look for you again!"Ye Feng, after a hum, said to Virgil, "that's it!"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "please give the phone to Tom!"

Ye Feng put the earphone down on the table, pushed it in front of Tom and said, "Virgil is looking for you!"

Tom immediately picked up the earphone and put it on. Then he took his cell phone to himself and listened to what Virgil was saying on the phone, but he didn't say a word and just nodded.

Finally, Tom hung up and put away his cell phone and earphone. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Virgil said you have agreed?"

Ye Feng nodded and looked at Tom, but Tom said, "OK, wait. After Amanda takes you out of the interrogation building, I'll take you away!"

With that, Tom didn't say anything more to Ye Feng and left the detention room directly.

Not long after Tom left, Amanda came back and said to Ye Feng with a heavy face, "someone will come and take you away soon. The death penalty is on Stewart Island!"

Ye Feng can't help but look up at Amanda, and then nodded.

Amanda asked Ye Feng, "Tom was here just now? Did you get along with him? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "he said that after you take me away from the investigation building, he will take action!"

Amanda listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "I will not take you away, but by other people!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "this is the best way. At least I don't have to worry. You will get hurt in the chaos!"

Amanda was moved to look at Ye Feng for a while, then looked at Ye Feng with questioning eyes and said, "but I doubt very much how Tom will take you away from Stuart Island alive. As I said before, Stuart island is now surrounded by warships of our New Zealand military, and there is almost no possibility to leave here!"

Ye Feng also looked at Amanda thoughtfully, then nodded and said, "I'm not very clear about that! Let's see the details then! " Then he asked Amanda, "when are they coming?"

Amanda took out her cell phone, looked at the time and said, "there should be more than half an hour left!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "don't you want to execute it immediately? So long? "

Amanda went to the door and locked it. She said, "they need to be ready, too. Come on, we don't have much time."

At this time, Ye Feng saw Amanda walk towards her side and take off her clothes. She couldn't help but feel awe struck. What's the meaning of short time?

Just thinking about it, Amanda has taken off her upper body and started to take off her pants. Soon there is only a small inside. Then she sits on Ye Feng's leg, hooks Ye Feng's neck with her hands and says, "I don't know when to see you again this time. Can you leave me some memories?"

Ye Feng just looked up to Amanda, see Amanda immediately bent down to kiss Ye Feng's lips.

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