After a series of ups and downs, Amanda tidies up her clothes and kisses Ye Feng's mouth affectionately. After two times of love, she releases Ye Feng's mouth and looks at Ye Feng, which makes her kind of go back to the time when they first met.

Ye Feng did not expect that Amanda would take the initiative. The last time she saw Amanda, she was still very shy and waiting for her to take the initiative to hook up with her. This time, she was just like a girl who had already started.

However, from Amanda's movements and physiological reactions, Ye Feng can also see that after so many years, Amanda has never had a man, at least not much of this kind of life. Although she takes the initiative, her movements are still as strange as a virgin.

Amanda is also looking at Ye Feng with a satisfied face. For so many years, since Ye Feng completely disappeared after a romantic night, Amanda has never found a man, and even made many people feel that her sexual orientation was problematic.

Now, after so many years of emotional backlog suddenly broke out, Amanda felt as if she had returned to the original general, the original feeling was as wonderful as the first time.

At this time, Amanda felt that she had a thousand words in her heart. She wanted to talk to Ye Feng, and like other girls, she said some love words to her beloved.

At this time, however, there was a knock on the door outside the detention room. Amanda came to the door, straightened her clothes again, smoothed her hair again, and then opened the door.

A man at the door immediately whispered to Amanda, "here comes the man who took Satan!"

Amanda just nodded, then looked back at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was tidying his pants. She could not help thinking of the scene just now. She looked at Ye Feng with her eyes full of spring and said, "they're coming!"

Ye Feng nodded, then lit a cigarette, while waiting for people outside to come in.

Before Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, a dozen people came to the door, all armed with equipment. When they got to the door, they handed over to Amanda and said, "can I take it away?"

Amanda then looked back at Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng smoked his last cigarette leisurely. After putting it out, she nodded and said, "OK!"

More than a dozen people immediately came in. The leader immediately took out his handcuffs and walked towards Ye Feng. The other ten people were standing around to prevent Ye Feng from resisting or any accident.

Ye Feng did not resist, but let the other side will be his handcuffs, this just stood up, nothing said to the door.

Walking to Amanda's side at the door, Ye Feng glanced at Amanda, winked at her, and immediately walked away without looking back.

Amanda can't help but move when she looks at Ye Feng's death. She just wants to catch up with Ye Feng. She doesn't want the dozen people to follow Ye Feng immediately. She doesn't give Amanda a chance to talk to Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng was taken out of the investigation building, he found that there were people everywhere outside the investigation building. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that people from the whole Stewart Island have come here.

When they didn't see Ye Feng coming out, they were all talking about it. After all, many of them used to be TSL. Who hasn't heard of the name of Satan? That's No.1 of TSL. Even many people just heard the name, and they haven't seen Ye Feng at all.

Now that we are going to execute No.1, who used to be a TSL, everyone wants to come and see the excitement. After all, they have been in an island or an organization, and Satan is a hero in their heart. Many people feel sorry for his death, and some secretly applaud him.

In a word, at the door of the interrogation building at this time, there are people who come to see the excitement with whatever purpose. No matter what the purpose is, they all want to give Satan a ride.

Ye Feng walked out of the investigation building. Seeing this scene, he stopped and looked at the crowd. Then he sighed. He didn't say anything and immediately turned around and left.

More than a dozen people went to the front of Ye Feng to help open the way, and soon the onlookers in front of him went to both sides to watch Ye Feng follow the people to the seaside.

Wait for Ye Feng to follow that person to walk through the crowd, the crowd of onlookers automatically follow behind, a group of thousands of people marching toward the seaside.

Amanda then chased out of the interrogation building, got into a Mercedes Benz, followed the crowd all the way, and slowly headed for the seaside.

Amanda was mainly worried about whether Tom could be in the public, so she was driving and looking around, searching for Tom's whereabouts everywhere. However, Amanda did not find Tom's whereabouts from the beginning to the end.

Although it's a long way to the seaside, it's really fast to walk. It's only half an hour before you can see the coast.

Ye Feng has been walking calmly in front, even the more than a dozen people escorting Ye Feng feel a little surprised, a dying man can be so calm, heart to heart, if you change to be yourself, you can't do it, anyway, you have to struggle to resist, but Ye Feng seems to be willing to die, there is no meaning to resist.Soon to the seaside road, Ye Feng stood on the side of the road, more than a dozen soldiers jumped from the side of the road to the beach below, and then looked back at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng stood on the side of the road and looked back at the people behind him. Then he didn't say anything and jumped directly from the side of the road.

When he got to the beach, Ye Feng continued to walk in front of him. He didn't know where these people were going to carry out the death penalty. He just followed them to the beach.

The onlookers on the roadside were photographed in several rows, but they didn't follow. The whole road seemed to be full of people.

At this time, Amanda's Mercedes Benz also came over, stopped at the side of the road and got off immediately. Amanda just got off the car and began to look around, but still didn't see Tom.

Compared with Amanda, Ye Feng doesn't worry about this. Since Tom said so, there must be his way, because he doesn't have to play with himself at all.

If they really want to die by themselves, Tom and Virgil don't need to show up at all. They just let the New Zealand government execute them. They just watch the fun secretly. Why do they do it so much? So Ye Feng believes that Tom must be preparing something.

At this time, the dozen soldiers had stopped, and they were less than ten meters away from the sea.

Among them, the man at the head looked back at Ye Feng, waiting for Ye Feng to slowly approach. Then he said to Ye Feng, "right here?"

Ye Feng nodded, and the man asked Ye Feng, "do you have anything else to say in the end?"

Ye Feng shook his head, the man immediately asked Ye Feng, "what else do you want?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, toward the humanitarian, "want to smoke a cigarette!"

The man smell speech immediately hand out a cigarette, then take out a to leaf maple point.

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette leisurely and looks at the sea in the distance. At this time, he notices that a warship is stopping there on the sea not far away.

In the captain's cabin above the warship, AI Gehua and several officers were standing there. AI Gehua had been looking at the situation by the sea with a telescope. He saw Ye Feng standing by the sea smoking a cigarette. Then he put down his telescope and handed it to an officer beside him. He sighed, "just let me know after the shooting is over!"

The officer with the telescope looked at Edgar in surprise and said, "general, don't you see?"

AI Gehua shrugged and said, "what's good about killing people?"

The officer didn't say a word, but he saw AI Gehua go to one side, light a cigarette, smoke a mouthful, and say leisurely, "old friend, I'm here to give you the last ride!"

At this time, Ye Feng finished his last cigarette and flicked the butt toward the sea.

After the head behind him saw it, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "OK?"

Ye Feng looked back at the man and nodded.

The man immediately raised his hand and said in a loud voice, "ready!"

More than a dozen people immediately began to load the machine gun, aiming at Ye Feng at the same time.

People on the side of the road heard the sound of machine gun loading coming from the sea. They couldn't help but look forward to Ye Feng. A generation of Xiaoxiong will die here!

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