Amanda was standing by the sea. Seeing that the execution was about to take place, she looked around anxiously. But she still didn't see Tom. She couldn't help but worry. She couldn't help but walk in front of the crowd.

Amanda just went to the front of the crowd, heard a "bang" after the gunshot, Ye Feng then fell to the ground, Amanda whole people feel confused, Tom is not good to save Ye Feng, people? Is Ye Feng cheated?

After hearing the gunshot, the other onlookers were all awe inspiring. They had their own thoughts. It was hard to express their mixed feelings.

At this time, the head of the executive went to the place where Ye Feng fell, immediately took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of Ye Feng from various angles.

But see Ye Feng's chest is full of blood, obviously a shot in the chest, after a few photos, directly sent to Amanda by mobile phone.

Amanda was staring at the scene by the sea. Her mind was blank. She thought that she hadn't seen Satan for several years. Now she just met him again, and she had the pleasure of fish and water. Now she can only watch him die in front of her eyes.

At this time, the crowd around had begun to disperse slowly. Amanda slowly recovered and took out her mobile phone to have a look. Seeing the blood on Ye Feng's chest in the photo, her heart seemed to ache.

On the warship far away from the coast, the officer with a telescope saw that Ye Feng was shot and fell to the ground. He immediately put down his telescope and turned to AI Gehua and said, "general, the prisoner has been executed!"

AI Gehua was in a daze with a cigarette in his hand. After listening to what he said, his cigarette butt immediately fell to the ground. He looked up at his hands and looked at them in a daze. For a long time, he didn't recover.

At this time, the execution team went to four people to lift Ye Feng's limbs respectively, and carried him to the shore until he reached the beach on the side of the road. Then they put Ye Feng down.

Amanda stood on the side of the road, looked at Ye Feng lying on the beach, then jumped down from the side of the road, squatted beside Ye Feng and checked Ye Feng.

When Amanda opened Ye Feng's collar and looked at the wound on her chest, she frowned slightly, then stood up and said, "take his body and put it away first, and wait for the order from the superior!"

The executors immediately answered and carried Ye Feng to the side of the road. After going up, someone drove a pick-up truck. Several people immediately carried Ye Feng to the back of the pick-up truck and put it down.

The pickup truck immediately starts the car and drives away with Ye Feng's body. Amanda stands in the same place and takes a look from the rear window of the car. The driver is very familiar, isn't it Tom?

Amanda can't help but move when she sees this. For a moment, she seems to understand everything. She has been completely arranged by them since she started to take Ye Feng.

When Amanda was checking Ye Feng's wound just now, she obviously saw that Ye Feng's chest had no wound at all, but the clothes on her chest were full of blood.

This shows that the executioner should also be Tom's person. Obviously, he fired an empty bullet, but he didn't know when he put the packet of blood on Ye Feng's chest, and how Ye Feng exploded the packet of blood at the moment of shooting.

But it doesn't need Amanda to care. She only needs to know that Ye Feng isn't dead, she's just pretending to be dead, and Tom doesn't sell Ye Feng. She's really saving Ye Feng.

Amanda thought of this, can't help but slightly up the corner of her mouth, it seems that all her worries are redundant, in fact, Ye Feng and Tom have already discussed, so Ye Feng will be so self-confident.

Looking at the pickup truck in front of her, Amanda could not help murmuring, "are you going to see me again here?"

At this time, the pickup truck was driving farther and farther, but after passing the center of Stewart Island, it continued to drive south, and soon stopped at a seaside there.

After the car stopped, Tom took out two cigarettes and lit them. Then he opened the car door, went to the back and put a cigarette into Ye Feng's mouth. "OK, there's no one here!"

Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes, bit the bottom, and said with a smile to Tom, "it's so simple?" Then he sat up and looked around. Then he said to Tom, "but it's still Stewart Island. What are you going to do next?"

After Tom looked at the time, he said to Ye Feng, "the time has not come yet, just wait for a while!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, looks at Tom and says, "Stewart Island is surrounded by New Zealand military people. They want to leave Stewart Island, unless it's..."

Then he looked at Tom and said, "I guess it's right. Do you have people in the military?"

Tom said to Ye Feng, "Tianxing is more powerful than you think. It's not only New Zealand, but also our people all over the world! I can predict that Tianxing will become the most powerful private organization in the world in the next five years! And it's not like TSL at all! "

Listening to Tom's words, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a move. Then he got down from the back of the car and stood on the side of the road to look at dahaido. "You're not going to arrange a warship to pick me up, are you?"Although the mouth said so, but I know it is not, after all, if so, it is too blatant.

Sure enough, Tom shook his head and said, "it's not a warship, it's a submarine!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved and looked at Tom in surprise. He was really curious about this Virgil organization's Tianxing.

No matter how powerful the former TSL and the summit alliance were, they did not dare to directly use the New Zealand military. Now Tianxing's ability can directly penetrate into the New Zealand military. This really makes Ye Feng look at Virgil and Tianxing with new eyes.

However, Ye Feng can roughly guess how Virgil and Tianxing infiltrated the New Zealand military. It must be the cloning technology they secretly studied and Cao Yihai's brain wave technology.

Before Virgil wanted to win over himself, he didn't take these two as selling points to say that he could live forever. Although he was not moved, it didn't mean that others were not.

After all, Ye Feng is not interested in longevity. He just doesn't want to be threatened by Virgil. He knows that once he agrees and accepts Virgil's so-called longevity experiment, he will live for Virgil, not for himself, even if he lives for a thousand years.

Just thinking about it, one of Ye Feng's cigarettes had been smoked. Tom also threw the cigarette end and said to Ye Feng, "here it is

Ye Feng couldn't help but move. He followed Tom's eyes and looked into the distance. He really saw that half of the submarine had been exposed on the sea.

He couldn't help looking around and said, "you don't want me to swim, do you?"

Tom looked at Ye Feng and said, "just swim in. Now Stewart Island has been controlled by them. There are warships from the New Zealand government all around. If you get a motorboat or boat, it's easy for them to find it. You have to work hard and swim in it!"

Ye Feng can't help cursing secretly. He looks at Tom, but he doesn't look like he's joking with himself. He can't help taking a deep breath.

Tom then looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't worry, I've already done a good job with the people on the submarine. As long as you board, they will take you directly to the high seas, and then there will be ships to meet you!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng nodded to Tom, and then walked towards the sea. He swayed his head and moved his body. The sea is still a long way away from the submarine. It's an individual work.

When Ye Feng arrived at the seaside, Tom immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "Satan, have a good journey, have a chance, we'll see you in heaven!"

Ye Feng waved his hand without turning his head back. He scolded that the devil and you met in Tianxing. He went into the sea directly. After the sea overflowed his chest, he immediately went down and couldn't see Ye Feng pay for the water any more.

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