Tom stood in the same place and watched the waves coming one layer after another, but he never saw Ye Feng out of the sea. He was still thinking that he just knew Ye Feng had reached out, but he really didn't know how his water quality was.

But considering that Stewart Island is surrounded by the sea, as a person growing up here, good water quality should be the most basic requirement, right?

And at this time, but see the sea suddenly out of a head, it is Ye Feng, Tom this is completely relieved.

At this time, Ye Feng is swimming towards the submarine in the distance. It seems that the submarine is not far away, but the real swimming is like ten million water.

At this distance, Ye Feng swam for nearly an hour before he saw the submarine in front of him. After another ten minutes, Ye Feng finally climbed on the submarine.

To the submarine, Ye Feng sitting on the top of the submarine, just a few breaths, see the entrance of the top of the submarine has been opened, issued a burst of deflated steam sound.

After a while, a man in a New Zealand navy uniform climbed out and said to Ye Feng, "come on in, we'll start soon!"

Ye Feng nodded, then stood up and walked towards the entrance. After the man entered the submarine, he saw that the man immediately sealed the entrance, and then began to release pressure in the submarine.

After arriving at the bottom, that person also followed down, immediately toward leaf maple way, "you follow me, I change clothes for you!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He followed them to the front in the steel submarine. After a while, in front of an iron gate, the man immediately opened it and let Ye Feng in.

Ye Feng just went in, the man threw a set of navy uniform to Ye Feng way, "quickly change it!"

Without saying a word, Ye Feng took off all his wet clothes. After changing into the uniform of the Shanghai army, he took a look at himself in the mirror.

After changing clothes, the man said to Ye Feng, "you don't care about anything for a while, and don't talk to others. We'll take you to the high seas. Someone will meet you there!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, followed him to continue to walk in front, soon to a computer room, which also sat two navy, see Ye Feng came in, also took a look, on their own busy.

With Ye Feng, the man said to Ye Feng, "you stay here, don't go. It's estimated that you can get to the high seas in two or three hours!"

Ye Feng nodded to the man, and then he saw that the man left, and the iron door was closed again.

Ye Feng found a stool to sit down, looking at the two people in front of them are staring at the instrument in front of them, completely as if ye Feng does not exist.

Ye Feng looked for a while and saw that they didn't pay attention to themselves. He didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he began to close his eyes.

I don't know how long after that, the submarine suddenly began to vibrate. Ye Feng opened his eyes and looked at them. However, they still sat there calmly and looked at the instruments in front of them, as if they had been used to this situation for a long time.

This is the first time for Ye Feng to take a submarine, and he doesn't know what's going on here. However, after looking at the performance of the two soldiers, he knows that they must be OK, otherwise they would have been worried for a long time.

At this time, the iron door suddenly opened, and the man who brought Ye Feng came in immediately said to Ye Feng, "come out!"

Ye Feng frowned and immediately got up and went out. As soon as he went out, he heard the man whispering to Ye Feng, "there will be officers from nearby warships coming up to check. You can relax and think that nothing happened. You are the soldier of this submarine. Your name is fulangke!"

Ye Feng nodded to the man, who was just about to leave. He immediately turned back and added, "now the submarine is going up to Shanghai!"

Ye Feng nodded again, then went back to the original room and sat down. After about half an hour, the two soldiers stood up in front of him. One of them said to Ye Feng, "go out and line up!"

They opened the door and went out, regardless of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately followed him out. As the two men headed for the cabin of the submarine, he found that all the soldiers were standing here, neatly in two teams. Ye Feng immediately stood at the tail of one of the teams and straightened his waist like those soldiers.

After a while, the man who brought Ye Feng came in with two men in Navy officer's clothes. The officer walked back and forth in the crowd, then went to the front driver's seat to check the instrument recording the journey. Then he turned back to the humanitarian, "why did you appear in the waters of Stewart Island at that time?"

The man immediately came to salute and said, "there was a little trouble with the submarine at that time. There seemed to be something wrong with the air pressure system. That's why we went up to the sea urgently for maintenance!"

After looking at the man, the officer looked at the recorder again. Then he turned and walked in front of the two rows of soldiers. His eyes scanned every soldier, including Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't show any difference. He still has this psychological quality.After seeing the soldiers around, the officer nodded, "next time you encounter such a situation, you must report it to your superior. You can't make decisions without authorization!"

The man immediately stood at attention and said, "yes, sir!"

The officer nodded and then walked forward. After a quick sigh of relief, the man immediately turned around and followed the officer out of the submarine cabin.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, the man returned to the cabin of the boat. Then the court said, "take your place!"

The two rows of soldiers immediately dispersed and went to their posts. Ye Feng continued to follow the two soldiers in the cabin.

When passing by the man, the man whispered to Ye Feng, "you're ready. You'll be on the high seas in about 40 minutes!"

Ye Feng nodded, immediately followed the two soldiers back to the cabin, and continued to lie on the side there, closed his eyes.

After 40 minutes, the iron door opened again. The man called Ye Feng out and said to Ye Feng, "it's on the high seas. The submarine is floating. You only have 10 minutes to leave!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded after hearing the speech, and then followed the man out to wait under the hatch. After the submarine completely surfaced, the man went up and opened the hatch, and then came down to let Ye Feng climb up by himself.

Ye Feng immediately climbed up, but did not see other ships around the sea, immediately leaned over and asked, "where's the ship?"

But the man said to Ye Feng, "it's estimated that it's later than the scheduled time, but we can't wait here!" Then he took out a suit of swimming suit from the cabin and handed it to Ye Feng. "You put on this first and swim as far as you can. After a while, the submarine will go into the water and form an undercurrent. Don't be sucked in!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "what do you mean? Are you letting me live and die on the sea

The man put the swimsuit into Ye Feng's hand directly, and then said in a deep voice, "there is no way. Every behavior of our submarine will be recorded. I don't know how to repay it. If I stay here for a long time, I can't afford to go! I can only help you to this, good for it

Then the man left the cabin door, but he said, "I'll give you ten minutes to swim as far as you can. Don't be near here. I'm not responsible for that." Then he immediately closed the hatch and locked it.

Ye Feng saw this and scolded secretly. Who was Tom looking for? But when I think about it carefully, I feel that there is nothing wrong with them. After all, they are also at risk to save themselves. Just now, some officers suspected that they went on board to check.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately put on his swimming suit, then jumped into the sea and swam in one direction with all his strength. Just ten minutes later, he heard a strange noise coming from the sea behind him. Then he turned back and the submarine dived into the sea on time, and a whirlpool appeared in the surrounding sea.

Ye Feng saw that the vortex was behind him. Fortunately, he didn't stay for a moment. Otherwise, he would have been swept into the sea to feed the fish.

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