The shark at the bottom of the sea kept jumping up at this time. The current around the shark formed a dark current. The shark rushed to the bottom of the sea and directly opened its mouth and rushed up from the bottom of Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng saw that the shark's mouth was about to bite himself, and then his body suddenly jumped forward and wiped the shark's mouth. At the same time, he reached out and grasped the edge of the shark's mouth, and grasped the shark's mouth. At the same time, he clamped his body on the shark's back in the air and clamped his legs tightly.

The meat on the shark's mouth was grabbed by Ye Feng, and it was in a sharp pain. It kept shaking its body, jumping out and falling on the sea.

When Ye Feng rushed up from the bottom of the sea, he had already made a good plan. To escape from the disaster, he had to control the shark. Otherwise, as long as the shark dived into the bottom of the sea again, he didn't know when the next attack would be. He could avoid one attack and couldn't escape every time.

So Ye Feng thought of this one, in the shark jump out of the sea at the moment to seize the shark's lips, this opportunity is only once, as long as the grasp will not let go.

The shark began to keep fighting, just like a dolphin, jumping out of the sea, which lasted for half an hour.

Ye Feng felt that the strength of the shark was as if it could never be used up. In this way, his own strength would be exhausted. At that time, he would inevitably become a dish of the shark.

At this time, the shark began to take Ye Feng to the bottom of the sea. It seemed that he wanted to drag Ye Feng to the bottom of the sea. But as soon as the shark sank to the bottom of the sea, Ye Feng grabbed the shark's mouth and pulled it up. As soon as the shark felt pain, he immediately began to float to the sea.

After a few reincarnations, the shark seems to have taken Ye Feng, and seems to have become more honest. He just floats on the sea and doesn't toss any more. He lets Ye Feng drive on his back.

Ye Feng can't help but feel proud, he actually tamed a shark? It seems that NIMA does not dare to write like this in his novels, but he actually does it.

Ye Feng rode on the shark's back and floated on the sea. I don't know how long later, when Ye Feng was about to despair, he suddenly saw a ship coming towards this side in the distance.

At this time, Ye Feng felt that he was about to lose his strength. He couldn't even cry out for help.

At this time, on the ship in the distance, a man was standing on the deck, looking around with a telescope. At this time, the telescope just came to Ye Feng's side. At first, he thought that he was floating on the sea. But when he looked at it, his face suddenly changed. The man on the sea was actually riding on a shark.

He immediately put down his telescope and asked the people behind him to come and have a look. When they heard this, they all looked unbelievable, but they all looked silly after using the telescope.

The ship soon arrived near Ye Feng, and the people on the deck immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "Hey, are you OK"

Ye Feng immediately waved to the ship, saying that he was OK.

The people on the boat immediately threw down a rope to Ye Feng's side. Ye Feng took hold of the rope and loosened the legs holding the shark's back. At the same time, he tried his best to pull it with all his remaining strength. He went directly to the side of the boat and began to climb up the rope.

And the shark in the sea broke away from Ye Feng, and immediately jumped out of the sea, opened his mouth and went in the direction of Ye Feng.

People on the deck can't help but feel awe inspiring. Originally, some people speculated that Ye Feng was just sitting on the floating body of the shark. Now they saw that the shark was so fierce that they were scared to spit out their eyes. Several people quickly pulled Ye Feng up.

Ye Feng just passed through the railings on the deck, and the shark's mouth came. His whole body hit the ship directly. After a loud bang, he felt that the whole ship was shocked, and then there was a loud bang. The shark fell directly into the sea, splashed a spray, and fell directly on the deck of the ship. Several people standing on the deck were all up and down He was soaked in sea water.

Ye Feng, who survived the disaster, was lying on the deck, looking at the blue sky and sighing his good luck.

Just looked at the blue sky for a while, I saw that several people had come around me, standing around me, looking at me in surprise.

Ye Feng this just stood up, immediately toward all around a few humanitarian thanks way, "thank you!" Then he took a look at the boat with Yu Guang and found that it should be just an ordinary fishing boat.

The leader said he didn't need to thank you, and then began to ask Ye Feng, "Why are you at sea? And what happened to that shark? "

Ye Feng didn't speak much. At this time, he saw that a boat several times bigger than this boat came not far away. He also sounded several whistles from time to time.

Ye Feng sees this, the heart next move, also don't know Tom and Virgil to oneself arrange of ship exactly is what appearance.

However, the people who saved themselves seemed to be ordinary fishermen. They should not be the ones who saved themselves. He immediately waved to the big ship in front of him and cried out.But his voice just shout out, immediately a person came up to cover Ye Feng's mouth, ferociously toward Ye Feng way, "don't shout, are you crazy?"

Ye Feng heart next move, these a few people seem very common, but come up to cover his mouth this, can see is some skill.

At the same time, Ye Feng saw a man walking to the side of the deck, his back bulged somewhere, obviously a gun was pinned there.

The leaf maple immediately heart next move, it seems that this fishing boat is not on the surface looks so simple.

The man stood on the side of the deck and took a look through the telescope. He immediately winked at the man who covered Ye Feng's mouth behind him. They immediately took Ye Feng and walked towards the cabin.

Ye Feng took advantage of this opportunity to hit one of them in the abdomen with an elbow. At the same time, when the other was surprised, he immediately turned around and buckled the man. In an instant, he pulled out the pistol pinned on the man's back waist. At the same time, he strangled the man and put the muzzle of the gun against the man's head.

Several other people can't help looking at Ye Feng when they see this sudden change. Obviously, they all underestimate Ye Feng. They don't think Ye Feng can subdue their two partners in an instant. At this time, when they think of Ye Feng riding a shark on the sea, they feel that it's absolutely not accidental.

The head of that person present situation eyebrow slightly a wrinkly, immediately toward leaf maple way, "you exactly who?"

Ye Feng asked the humanitarian, "who are you, why are you driving a fishing boat, but everyone has a pistol behind you?"

As soon as the man's eyes turned, he immediately said, "we are fishermen. Recently, this sea area is not peaceful. We take guns to prevent pirates!"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "cheat who?"? Anti piracy, how can I look at you like pirates? "

As soon as the man was about to speak, one of the people around him immediately said, "Captain, what do you have to say to him? Just kill him and it's over!"

Ye Feng at this time immediately raised a gun to talk to that person is a gun, instantly knocked out the gun that person is holding in the hand.

The man didn't react, so the gun went off and fell into the sea.

Everyone was shocked. It was impossible for them to practice this kind of shooting method in ten or eight years. At this time, they realized that they had met experts.

At this time, the head kept speculating in his heart, and at the same time, he kept looking at Ye Feng and said, "who are you?"

At the same time, the big ship in the distance had come this way. The people on the deck had seen the situation on the ship with binoculars, and heard the gunshot just put by Ye Feng.

The ship immediately began to whistle, Ye Feng and several people on the fishing boat unconsciously looked at the ship.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a man with sunglasses standing on the deck. He was staring at him all the time. He never moved his place. His heart couldn't help moving.

And a few people on the fishing boat kept asking the leader, "Captain, what should we do now?"

The leader kept scratching his hair and muttering, "shut up, all the plans have been disrupted, let me think about it!"

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