At this time, the huge ship had stopped at the side of the fishing boat, and a dozen people appeared on the deck, each with heavy weapons in his hand, facing everyone on the fishing boat.

Seeing this, those people all raised their hands to surrender, and there was no need to think about any more plans. At this time, life protection is more important than anything.

Soon a rope ladder was put down on the ship, and several big men with guns immediately came down. After they came down, they immediately smashed several people down with the butt of their guns, leaving only Ye Feng and his hostage.

Several people are surrounded by Ye Feng and the hostage. One of the black people comes up and knocks the hostage in front of Ye Feng. At this time, Ye Feng is left alone.

Then the black man came up to Ye Feng, looked up and down, and asked, "Satan?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately know each other's identity, immediately toward each other way, "Virgil?"

That black a listen to this words, immediately go to toward leaf maple a nod, "first board!"

Ye Feng immediately climbed up the rope ladder. He didn't care who was on the fishing boat. It had nothing to do with him.

When Ye Feng climbed to the deck of the ship, the man on the fishing boat immediately asked Ye Feng, "what do you do with these people?"

Ye Feng leaned over and looked at the people on the fishing boat who were lying on the deck. They just saved themselves and wanted to kill themselves, but they all looked at themselves with begging eyes.

Ye Feng sighed a little, then toward the humanitarian, "they are ordinary fishermen, because they often meet pirates recently, so they all take guns, let them go!"

The black man looked at a few people on the ground with questioning eyes, and said, "fishermen?" But with a wave of his hand, everyone climbed up the rope ladder.

The people lying on the fishing boat deck were all relieved at this time, and they could not help throwing a look of thanks to Ye Feng on the side of the giant ship deck.

When those people on the ship just got on the deck, the leader gave a wink. In an instant, several people raised their guns and shot at the people on the fishing boat deck below. Suddenly, several people on the fishing boat fell into a pool of blood.

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the deck of the fishing boat. Then he looked at the black man on the ship.

The black man just shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's no good to offend our natural people!"

Ye Feng looked at the man thoughtfully, but the black man was indifferent, as if killing several people was not worth mentioning.

At this time, the black man went to the cabin door and turned to Ye Feng. "Please come in and have a rest. We have prepared a room for you!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much, so he walked directly over and followed the black man to the cabin.

The black man on the road was polite. He took the initiative to introduce himself to Ye Feng and said, "my name is Steven. I've heard a lot about you. You can say that you are my idol!"

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. Until he got to the door of a cabin lounge, Stephen said to Ye Feng, "this is your room. There are clean clothes and a separate bathroom in it!"

Ye Feng nodded and went into the cabin, but Stephen was blocked at the door, looking at Ye Feng with a look of ignorance. "I know you are angry with me because of those people on the fishing boat, but you know, those people are not good at it. They are not fishermen at all, and the blood on their hands may not be less than me!"

Then Stephen turned and left, saying nothing more.

Ye Feng looks at Stephen's back and ponders. Maybe Stephen is right. In fact, he also knows that those people are not good people. He pities them just because they saved himself.

Maybe Stephen was right. They were going to kill themselves without asking for anything. This shows that these people are not good at it. They don't know how much innocent blood they have on their hands, so they really don't deserve sympathy.

Ye Feng immediately closed the door, went into the bathroom to take a shower, put on clean clothes, lay on the bed for a rest, saw a box of cigarettes and lighters beside the bed, and immediately lit a cigarette.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Ye Feng got up and opened the door. He saw a strange face, wearing a suit, a tie and a pair of gold glasses.

Gold glasses man saw Ye Feng open the door, immediately nodded, then gave Ye Feng a mobile phone, turned and left.

Ye Feng took the mobile phone and took a look. He knew that it must be Virgil's own phone.

As soon as he got to the bedside, the phone rang. Ye Feng connected immediately, and saw Virgil's familiar face on the phone.

Virgil immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'm very sorry, there's a little problem in the rescue operation. These guys don't have a worry. That's why I desperately need people like you to join us..."

"I know you don't want to hear this. Forget it, don't say this! Now that you have been rescued, I am relieved. Now the ship you are on will sail to Hawaii. Then you will have a new identity and fly directly to Louisiana, USA. when you get there, someone will connect with you! "Ye Feng nodded and said, "I have no problem here! But Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, can I see one side? "

After listening to the speech, Virgil said, "video phone is OK. Don't meet in reality! We all know who you are and what skills you have. If I don't have this insurance, I'm really worried that you will disappear from now on. Please forgive my lack of confidence! "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "if you think so and say so, it means that you don't know me. I either don't agree with you. Since I agree with you, even if you don't have Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu in your hand, I will help you save people. If I don't want to save people, don't say you have two hostages in your hand. Even if you hold a gun against my head, I may not answer It's up to you

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll arrange it. Anyway, it will take at least one day for this ship to go to Hawaii. When you come to Hawaii, I can arrange you to meet them, but I can only see them. I can't touch them!"

Ye Feng didn't say much, just said to Virgil, "yes!"

Virgil didn't say much at this time, just said to Ye Feng, "then everything depends on you! Waiting for your good news

After Virgil hung up the video call, Ye Feng also put away his mobile phone. At this time, from the clothes he changed, he found Amanda's mobile phone.

Fortunately, the quality of the mobile phone was good, but there wasn't too much electricity left. He immediately picked up the mobile phone and found Amanda's number in the address book to dial it.

As soon as the phone rang, it was connected, and Amanda's voice said, "is that you?"

Ye Feng immediately said in a deep voice, "it's me. I'm safe now!"

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God, you're OK. You know, I've been holding this phone and waiting for your news since you were taken away by Tom."

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "Well! I'll give you peace of mind. You can feel at ease now! "

Amanda breathed a sigh of relief and then said to Ye Feng, "just temporarily relieved. Now what do they ask you to do?"

Ye Feng said to Amanda, "don't worry about the next thing! I know how to deal with it myself

But Amanda said to Ye Feng, "no matter what, don't you know how worried I am about you? I give you this call, is to let you always contact me! Maybe I can help you! "

Ye Feng thought that after he went to Louisiana, he was going to jail. At that time, he couldn't take this mobile phone. How could he keep in touch with Amanda?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Amanda, "I'm expected to be very busy next. Maybe I don't have much time to contact you. You don't have to look for me. I'll call you after I'm busy!"

Amanda pondered for a long time. She didn't speak for a long time. After a while, she said, "so, you must be very dangerous this time?"

Ye Feng was also silent for a while before he said to Amanda, "if I don't contact you within a year, forget me!"

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