When Amanda heard what Ye Feng said, she immediately pondered for a long time. She just thought that she had just met Ye Feng again, and that she would have to part again. Moreover, listening to Ye Feng's tone, she felt as if he was going to die this time, or even die without life.

In terms of emotion, Amanda can't accept it, but in terms of reality, Amanda can't change anything, so when she thinks of these, Amanda can only sigh helplessly. She doesn't say anything more to Ye Feng, but at last she says be careful with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't say much to Amanda, but after a few casual greetings, he hung up the phone. After all, since his reunion with Amanda, Ye Feng has been using Amanda's constant feelings for himself.

But at this time, Ye Feng realizes that Amanda seems to have a real feeling for himself, and he also feels that he owes Amanda a little, so he doesn't want to let Amanda have any emotional dependence on himself.

At that time, if you really can't come back in Angola, there's no need for Amanda to worry about herself. What's more, Ye Feng feels that even if she really retreats from Angola, she doesn't plan to retire with Amanda, so there's no need to involve more.

After he hung up Amanda's phone, Ye Feng sat by the bed and closed his eyes. It was only at dinner time that someone came to ask Ye Feng to go to the canteen for dinner.

The canteen here is the kind of western style buffet, what you want to eat, just order your own.

Ye Feng after eating, also feel not sleepy, directly on the deck, standing on the side of the boat, looking at the deep blue water, a daze.

After a while, I heard a sound of footwork behind me. When I looked around, I saw that it was really Steven, a black man who had saved himself from the boat.

Stephen, carrying two bottles of beer, went to Ye Feng and handed him a bottle. He put it on the railing and drank it by himself. Instead of looking at Ye Feng, he looked into the distance.

After Ye Feng took a sip of the beer, he took a look at Stephen and said, "what do you do under Virgil?"

Stephen shrugged and said, "what else can our little characters do? It's nothing more than doing some field work and running errands! How can I compare with you great gods

Ye Feng stares at Stephen, and really feels that he has never heard the name of Stephen before, let alone seen him.

At this time, he could not help but ask Stephen, "how many years have you been in Tianxing?"

after a shrug and a sip of beer, Stephen said, "not many years, just a little more than a year!"

Ye Feng asked Stephen, "what did you do before you joined Tianxing?"

Stephen said to Ye Feng, "I used to be a member of the French Panther team. After I retired, I was recruited by Tianxing! For more than a year, I've been working hard on boats and field work! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "the black leopard commandos are the Russian special forces in the French marine corps, aren't they?"

Stephen nodded, and then listened to Ye Feng ask himself, "is your captain gansk OK?"

Stephen can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "do you know Colonel gansk?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've been to France for several times before. I've done business with him twice. There's a gunshot wound on my shoulder, which is the mark that gansk left for me!"

But Stephen looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "have you ever been shot by Colonel gansk?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what's so strange about this?"

But Stephen said, "my impression of Colonel gansk shaking with a gunner is that he can hit you?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "before gansk met me, he was the sharpshooter in your seal team. Don't you know? The reason why his hand trembles is that I have broken it with a dagger! "

When Stephen heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. After a long time, he came back to himself. Then he sighed, "we really don't know about this. We just thought he was caused by drinking, but there are many legends in the community!"

After drinking a mouthful of beer, Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's nothing if you don't say it. I won't say it if I do!"

Stephen can't help but look at Ye Feng, and then said to him, "but if it was me, I would say that I was injured by the famous Satan, and I shot Satan, not to mention the tendon of one hand. Even if you cut off the back of the hand, it's enough for me to boast about the rest of my life!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are not Colonel gansk. You can't understand his idea, and I can't understand his idea!"

Stephen can't help nodding, then took a look at Ye Feng, then took the bottle and touched the bottle in Ye Feng's hand and said, "I apologize for today's thing with you!"

But Ye Feng looked at Stephen in surprise and said, "excuse me? Today, you saved me. I didn't thank you. Why do you apologize to me? "

But Stephen shrugged his shoulders and said, "to kill those pirates, I should at least say hello to you in advance. I killed them without warning. I didn't say it to you. I really shouldn't!"Ye Feng actually knew that Stephen was talking about it, but he just pretended not to know it. At this time, he shrugged his shoulders to Stephen and said, "it doesn't matter. I don't know them either. It's just because you are late. I've been wandering on the sea for a long time, and almost fed the shark. They saved me, so I feel a little pity."

As soon as Stephen heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I have to explain about being late!"

Ye Feng shrugged, patted Stephen on the shoulder and said, "it's impossible for everything in the world to have a perfect explanation, and you're not my man. You're only obedient to Tianxing. As long as you can explain the past in Tianxing, this explanation is not very important to me!"

When Stephen heard this, he could not help sighing. Then he banged a cup with Ye Feng and said, "thank you!"

After drinking the rest of the wine, Ye Feng directly threw the bottle into the sea, then patted Stephen on the shoulder and said, "good night!"

Stephen drinks beer, nods to Ye Feng, and looks at Ye Feng. He immediately turns and walks towards the cabin. Looking at Ye Feng's back, Stephen's eyes move unconsciously.

At this time, Stephen also threw his bottle into the air, then took out his gun, bang a gun, then the bottle broke and fell to the bottom of the sea.

Stephen quickly put away the gun and murmured, "so you admit that you broke gansk's wrist?"

After returning to the cabin, Ye Feng directly lies on the bed and closes his eyes. He will arrive in Hawaii tomorrow. According to Virgil, he can see Scarlett Kezhuo wanqiu tomorrow. He is thinking whether he wants to save Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu in Hawaii first.

However, since Virgil dares to promise himself to see Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu in Hawaii, he will not be afraid to save them, or even be fully prepared.

Ye Feng is not afraid that Virgil will do harm to her, but that if she makes any rash moves, Virgil will do harm to Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng heard a slight sound of footsteps outside the door of his cabin. Ye Feng immediately frowned and hummed coldly. It seems that his guess is not wrong at all. Stephen and gansk really have something to do with each other.

At that time, Ye Feng didn't have these ideas when he saw Stephen. However, when they boarded the ship and shot at the pirates on the fishing boat, Ye Feng noticed that when Stephen took out his pistol, he deliberately turned his hand a few times before he grasped the pistol and fired at the pirates.

If it's just because of the skill of taking out the gun and the image of gansk, Steven doesn't think much about it. Many people like to add some cool actions when taking out the gun. It's not surprising. The key is that Stephen has the action of swinging the gun when shooting. That action is exactly the same as that of gansk, which makes Ye Feng associate with gansk.

What's more, Stephen and gansk are both from the French seal commandos, which makes Ye Feng have some doubts about Stephen's identity. Unexpectedly, he didn't guess wrong at all. Isn't Stephen coming to avenge himself for gansk?

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