Ye Feng stares at the door at this time, but suddenly there is a knock on the door. Ye Feng's heart moves and goes to the door and asks who it is.

Outside came Stephen's voice. "It's me, Stephen!"

Ye Feng at this time heart next move, if this Stephen is to revenge for gansk, won't be so blatant?

Thinking that Ye Feng still opened the door, he didn't worry about how much advantage Stephen and his close body could take.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Stephen was standing at the door, but he had no weapon in his hand. When he saw that Ye Feng opened the door, he immediately nodded to Ye Feng, "can I come in?"

Ye Feng looked at Stephen and nodded to him. Then he went back to the bed and sat down. Then he said, "come in and sit down!"

After Stephen came in and sat down, he looked at Ye Feng, took out a cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng. After he lit it, he lit one himself and said, "Satan, actually I know you can see the relationship between me and gansk!"

Ye Feng can't help but move. He just thinks that Stephen may come to find himself to avenge gansk, but he really doesn't think that Stephen will come to find himself to confess.

He couldn't help staring at Stephen and said, "yes, I recognized that you should have a lot to do with gansk from the way you shot!"

Stephen took a puff of smoke, and then sighed to Ye Feng, "I'll talk to you for a long time. You may not know that gansk has passed away!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng frowned at Stephen and said, "is gansk dead? How did he die? About me? "

Stephen continued to smoke cigarettes, after a while pondering, this toward Ye Feng continued to say, "can be said to be related, can also say not related, to be exact, should be you indirectly killed him!"

Ye Feng stares at Stephen and says, "what's going on? My fight with gansk was a fight between gentlemen. I never thought of killing him

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "I know that. Gansk told me before he died. He didn't blame you at all. He only blamed himself for not being good at learning."

Ye Feng was relieved, but he looked at Stephen in surprise and said, "so how did he die?"

Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "you and gansk are so familiar. You should know that gansk actually has a proud son."

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression tiny move way, "you mean, gansk that Japanese apprentice and adopted son, Matsumoto Musashi?"

Stephen immediately nodded, "yes, that guy killed the gansk family while they were away on holiday in the United States!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately move, originally dead still more than gansk a, incredibly is the whole family?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Stephen, "gansk has always regarded Matsumoto Musashi as his son. Why did he do this?"

Stephen immediately said, "you know gansk has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. Unfortunately, he has no children. But the second year after you hurt his hand, he received a call from a woman saying that she was dying. He hoped gansk would go to the United States to see her for the last time. Gansk rushed to the United States for more than a month and told me that he had children A son is a seed left by her many years ago when she was on holiday in the United States. He has passed the DNA test and confirmed that it was his first day. At that time, he was 17 years old, so gansk wanted to go to the United States and marry the woman. From then on, there were three people in his family, and he didn't ask about the world any more! "

At this time, Ye Feng roughly understood what was going on. He immediately said to Stephen, "since he wants to retire and has a son, of course he wants to leave all his assets to his son, so..."

Stephen nodded and said, "that's right, but gansk still left Matsumoto Musashi more than $10 million. Then he went to the United States and told Matsumoto Musashi and me that he didn't need to go to him anymore. He didn't ask anything from now on, just wanted to spend his old age peacefully!"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "ten million dollars, compared with the wealth that gansk has accumulated over the years, is it a drop in the bucket?"

Stephen shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, gansk's family also left a lot of legacies. He joined the seals in those years, which was purely a personal interest! So Matsumoto Musashi went to America and found gansk! He said he lost a sum of money and wanted Stephen to help him! "

Then Stephen explained to Ye Feng, "this Matsumoto Musashi is a drug addict, a drinker, a gambler and a woman. It can be said that he has all five poisons. Besides all the people he has saved for so many years, gansk has also paid you a lot of money. Even if gansk left him 10 million, he only used it up in less than half a month! So this time, gansk didn't promise Matsumoto Musashi any more, and he also painstakingly advised Matsumoto Musashi to quit drugs and gambling! That night, the gansk family was found to have been killed, and all the valuable things in the family were swept away. More than a month later, Matsumoto Musashi was arrested in Las Vegas for a drunken fight. The police found the watch gansk was wearing before his death on his body, and the bloodstain of gansk was found on that watch, so they decided that he was the gansk family The murdererWhen Ye Feng heard this, he sighed, "gansk really died!" Then he looked at Stephen and said, "you don't want me to avenge him, do you?"

Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "that's right! You can take it as if you owe him. If his hand is not broken by you, he will not die! "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "why don't you go to Matsumoto Musashi by yourself? Matsumoto Musashi is not so terrible, is he

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "Matsumoto Musashi is really not good most of the time, but his combat effectiveness has no effect after taking drugs every time. I can't be his opponent at all!" Then he opened his clothes, but saw a gunshot wound in his chest.

Stephen continued to say to Ye Feng, "I didn't find him. I found him before the police found him. I almost couldn't come back! The time when the police could catch him was just the time when he was a drug addict. If not, I don't know when to catch him! "

Speaking of this, Stephen said in a low voice, "after that, even if I wanted to revenge, I would not have a chance. Matsumoto Musashi was locked up in the Angolan prison in the United States, which is the legendary devil prison that can only enter but can not come out!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help but slightly a frown ground looking at Stephen way, "so you want me to help you go in?"

Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know you are going to help Virgil go to Angola prison to save his sister this time, so can you solve Matsumoto Musashi by the way?"

Ye Feng looked at Stephen coldly and said, "you also said that Angolan prison can go in, but not out. If you really want revenge, you don't want to leave!"

Stephen said to Ye Feng, "I'm afraid you don't know that Matsumoto Musashi has become a prison bully in Angola in less than a year. He knows me. As long as I go in, I can't get close to him. I'm already dead. I'm not afraid of death, but I don't think it's worth it!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng looked at Stephen and said, "he has become a prison bully?"

Stephen immediately nodded and said, "not only that, I heard that he has successfully detoxified! Now his fighting power is at its heyday! So in this world, maybe no one but you can take revenge for gansk! "

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice and said, "even if gansk is not injured, he may not be Matsumoto Musashi's opponent, but at least there is a chance of life. This is your indirect debt to him, and you should pay it back!"

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng nodded to Stephen and said, "OK, I promise you!"

When Stephen heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you really agree?"

Ye Feng solemnly nodded and said, "yes, you're right. I have a little responsibility. Besides, even if I don't look for Matsumoto Musashi, he should take the initiative to look for me after I go to Angola!"

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