Stephen didn't seem to understand what Ye Feng meant. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "will he take the initiative to find you?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Stephen and said, "I will not keep a low profile when I go to Angola this time. You say he is a prison bully. How can a prison bully allow a high-profile person to appear in his jurisdiction?"

Stephen can't help nodding when he hears the speech. He thinks that what Ye Feng said is reasonable, but then he thinks of another question. He immediately asks Ye Feng, "you are going to help me Virgil rescue her sister this time, shouldn't you keep a low profile?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Stephen, "if it's just a general prison, of course, it should be low-key. But in a prison like Angola, the strength does not allow you to keep a low-key. If you go in low-key, maybe you will keep a low-key to death, and no one will know!"

Stephen can't help pondering for a while, nodded, Ye Feng is right, Angola such a prison, what people are held inside? How can there be low-key people here?

Thinking of this, Stephen nodded to Ye Feng and said, "in a word, everything depends on you!" Then he immediately whispered to Ye Feng, "there is a man named polar bear in it. After you get there, you can find him. He should be able to help you at the key time!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "Virgil asked me to save his sister. He should have arranged a lot of people to meet me, right?"

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "the polar bear I introduced to you is not an ordinary person. He may not be able to help you kill and fight, but he can be said to know everything in it. As long as you want to know, he can almost know everything, and what you need in it, as long as it's not too strange, he can also help you get it! Virgil didn't arrange it for you

Ye Feng listened to what Stephen said and nodded. It seems that this kind of person is really more helpful than the so-called thugs.

Stephen then said to Ye Feng, "this is my old friend. When you get inside, just mention my name to polar bear and he will know what to do!"

Ye Feng nodded to Stephen and said, "thank you!"

Stephen stood up, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his military boots. Then he said to Ye Feng, "it's not you who thank me. If you can kill Matsumoto Musashi, it should be me who thank you. I also thank you for the gansk family."

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "no, you also said that I owe the gansk family! I should have returned it, too! "

Stephen nodded, and without much words, walked directly to the door. After going out, he turned back and said to Ye Feng, "you have a good rest. I'll let you know when you get to Hawaii!"

Ye Feng nodded to Stephen and watched him lie in bed after he closed the door. He thought about what he would look like after he arrived in Angola.

However, Ye Feng didn't think much about it. After all, he is thinking about it now. The situation there may change rapidly at that time. It's useless for you to figure out how to deal with it. It's better to leave time for a good rest.

It is estimated that after going into a prison like Angola, there will never be a day when we can have a good sleep until dawn.

Ye Feng closed his eyes, no longer think, really sleep until dawn, from the circular window to see out, outside is the sunrise.

Ye Feng immediately got out of the room after washing and went to the deck to breathe two mouthfuls of fresh air. Looking from a distance, he could see the coast of a continent from a distance.

At this time, Stephen's voice sounded behind him and said, "Hawaii is ahead. Let's have breakfast first. After that, let's get off the ship!"

Ye Feng followed Stephen to the restaurant and asked him, "do you want to get off the boat with me, too?"

Stephen said to Ye Feng, "that's right, but after we take you on board, we have to go back to the ship, and don't you want to meet people here? At that time, we will be responsible for watching you and not letting you act rashly! "

Then Stephen said with a bitter smile, "but maybe Virgil thinks highly of us. If you really want to act rashly, I'm afraid we can only do nothing about it."

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "don't worry. I won't act rashly. I just want to make sure my people are safe! I won't embarrass you! "

Stephen heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but smile, "if it's true, it's the best, I and my brothers are much more relaxed!"

They have already arrived at the restaurant. After they have finished their food, they sit on one side of the table. Stephen then says to Ye Feng, "we will give you a brand-new passport when we get to the shore later, so that you can fly to the United States. When you get there, someone will take care of you and give you another identity. But that's not a good identity, you know You have to find a way for the police to catch you and send you to the Angolan prison! "

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "do I have to figure out how to deal with these? Is there any mistake? "

But Stephen shrugged his shoulders and said, "I forgot to tell you that Matsumoto Musashi is also an eye-catching character in Angola. He can find out why you went in, so we have to ensure that you are really sentenced! You can't leave anything to Matsumoto Musashi to know. "Ye Feng heard Stephen say so, can't help but frown a way, "you won't be because you want me to deal with Matsumoto Musashi, so it's deliberately arranged?"

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "you're mistaken. This is Virgil's meaning. Virgil didn't ask you to kill Matsumoto Musashi. I just asked you to kill him. Everything else is a passing matter for you!"

Ye Feng nodded when he heard what Stephen said. In fact, Virgil should also know Matsumoto Musashi. As Stephen said, Virgil's purpose is to bring his sister Monica back to him. As for Matsumoto Musashi's death or fire, Virgil should not care.

As soon as Ye Feng finished his meal, Virgil's video phone call came. After Ye Feng got through, Virgil said with a smile to Ye Feng, "good morning, now you should have arrived in Hawaii?"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "it's almost here. I'm having breakfast on the boat. I'll get off the boat after dinner. Is everyone here?"

Virgil immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. I will do what I promise you. When you get to the airport, you will see Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu. However, Satan, I warn you, don't try to save them at the airport. I make an exception to meet them because I trust you. But if you have any questions, I will give you a chance Any improper behavior may cause unnecessary harm to the two lovely women

Ye Feng hummed coldly, "what I said also counts!"

As soon as Virgil heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "that's the best. I've arranged everything for you. From now on, I won't contact you any more. The next time I see you, we should meet in reality. I wish you success first!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more, but after a sound, he hung up and gave his mobile phone to Stephen.

After putting away his mobile phone, Stephen asked Ye Feng, "are you ready? All right, we're ready to get off the boat! "

Ye Feng nodded, and Stephen went to the deck, at this time to see the ship has been close to the port of Hawaii.

After the ship stopped, Stephen and Ye Feng began to get off the ship. When they arrived at the port, two cars drove outside the port to pick up Ye Feng and Stephen.

Not only Stephen, but also several of his men followed and got into another car.

As soon as Ye Feng and Stephen got on the bus, the car immediately started and headed for the airport in Hawaii.

On the way, Ye Feng looked out of the window, looking at the Tropical Hawaiian island. He thought that he could not remember the year of his last visit, and now he suddenly felt that things are right and people are wrong.

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