After listening to what Stephen said, Ye Feng can't help but move. It seems that Dixie's level in Tianxing is really not low. People like Stephen have only seen six stars here at most. Moreover, according to Stephen's tone, it seems that six stars are already very high level for them. You can imagine what nine stars mean for Stephen.

However, Ye Feng didn't say much. Now his goal and goal are not perfect. At present, just a little understanding is enough. His goal is the Angolan prison in Louisiana, the United States.

Very soon, Stephen sent Ye Feng to the gate. He had a look at the time. It was less than ten minutes before he was about to check in. Stephen held Ye Feng's hand and said, "when you get to Louisiana, remember what I said!"

Ye Feng nodded to Stephen and said in a deep voice, "I know!" And he squeezed Stephen's hand.

After a while, the gate began to open, and Ye Feng went directly to check in, and then boarded the plane.

After they watched Ye Feng get on the plane, they sat at the gate. After all, there was an order. They had to watch Ye Feng get on the plane with their own eyes, and then watch Ye Feng's plane take off before they could leave.

After Ye Feng got on the plane, with the help of the stewardess, he found his position. As soon as he sat down, he saw a man with sunglasses coming towards him. Then he sat next to Ye Feng, took out a briefcase from his suitcase and gave it to Ye Feng. He said in a deep voice, "at this time, your new identity after you get off the plane, someone will pick you up when you get out of the airport!"

Ye Feng's heart moves down and says that it's no wonder that Steven and his wife don't need to fly with them. It turns out that Virgil already has other arrangements. After taking the kraft paper bag, he takes a look at the man beside him. However, he sees that the man closes his suitcase, stands up to put it away, and then sits there with his eyes closed, as if he doesn't know Ye Feng at all.

Ye Feng didn't look much, so he opened the kraft paper bag. Inside was a new passport and ID card, and a stack of dollars. In the photo, he was still himself, but his name was Jeter Lee.

After collecting the kraft paper bag, Ye Feng also began to close his eyes and take a rest without saying a word. After the plane took off, Ye Feng directly slept on the plane.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, the stewardess has begun to remind all passengers to get off the plane. Ye Feng takes another look at the man beside him, but he has already disappeared.

Ye Feng immediately looked around and didn't find out where this guy had gone, but it was on the plane after all. This cargo can't jump in mid air.

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. After all, this guy is just a contact arranged by Virgil. It's not too important.

After the plane landed safely, Ye Feng immediately got off the plane and got on the airport bus. On the airport bus, Ye Feng saw the contact person again, but he didn't pay attention to himself at all. He just sat there reading the newspaper.

When the airport bus arrived at the exit, Ye Feng immediately got off and left the exit. He saw a pizza hut beside the exit and ordered a pizza. Then he came out of the pizza hut. Next to a row of cars on the side of the road, a fat black man in a red shirt held a sign, which said in English, "Jeter Lee from Hawaii!"

While eating the pizza, Ye Feng walked over and nodded to the fat man. The fat man then took out a picture from the upper pocket of his flowered shirt. After looking at Ye Feng, he immediately nodded and opened the back door of Chevrolet. "Please get on the bus!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much either. After sitting up, he was eating pizza and looking out of the window. At this time, he saw that the contact was holding a mobile phone and staring at the Chevy Ye Feng was riding. It seemed that he was saying something. Ye Feng thought to himself that he was reporting something to Virgil.

While driving the car, the black fat man listened to the heavy metal music on the stereo. His body was still shaking with the rhythm of the music, and even sang a few words when he was singing inside.

After eating the pizza, Ye Feng put the pizza box aside, wiped his mouth and observed the fat man in front of him.

At this time, the black fat man also looked at Ye Feng from the rear mirror. Seeing Ye Feng looking at him, he immediately said with a smile, "Hello, I'm OMAC!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Hello, oumark, where are we going now?"

The fat man immediately said, "of course, it's the best hotel in Louisiana! You are our VIP

Ye Feng frowned. He didn't know what kind of VIP he was and whose VIP he was. But Ye Feng didn't ask much. He looked out of the window and enjoyed the scenery.

Soon o'mark drove Chevron to the gate of a hotel. The hotel is about ten or twenty floors. It seems that it has been for some years. Even the tiles at the door have fallen off. How can it be the best hotel in Louisiana?

After the car stopped, OMAC immediately got off and helped Ye Feng open the door. Then he took Ye Feng into the hotel lobby to check in. He also turned back and said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Jett, your ID card!"

Ye Fenggang is going to take it out of his pocket, but he thinks it's Cao Yihai's ID card in his pocket. Then he opens the kraft paper bag, takes out Jet Li's ID card and hands it to oumark.Oumark took Ye Feng's ID card to help Ye Feng handle the check-in procedures. Then he gave the room card and ID card back to Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Jett, I'll go first."

Ye Feng nodded, and then remembered that there was a pile of dollars in the kraft paper bag. He immediately put his hand in and took out one and handed it to oumark, "thank you!"

Oumark immediately took it and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I should thank you, Mr. Jett. I wish you a pleasant trip in Louisiana!" With that, he waved to Ye Feng and walked away happily.

Seeing oumark's expression, Ye Feng once thought whether he really came to Louisiana to travel.

Ye Feng also didn't think much, then took the ID card and room card into the elevator, to his floor, found his room door, brush room card into.

After putting down the things in his hand, Ye Feng went to the window and looked out of the window, but he saw that not far from the window was a forest that seemed to have no end, and there seemed to be an open place in that forest, but it was too far away to see clearly.

Just at this time, the landline of the room suddenly rang. Ye Feng immediately went to pick up the phone, and heard Stephen's voice on the phone and said, "you stand at the window and look at the forest, you should see the Angolan prison!"

Ye Feng immediately remembered that he had just seen the vague empty space in the window, and his heart could not help but move. It seemed that he had deliberately arranged to stay in this hotel.

At this time, Stephen said to Ye Feng, "you'll stay in this hotel tonight. Let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Ye Feng asked Stephen, "tomorrow, what else?"

Stephen said to Ye Feng, "it is estimated that you will kill people in order to enter Angola. You will not do it on purpose, so we have arranged it. You will know tomorrow!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, just want to say what, Stephen immediately hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Ye Feng went to the window again and looked at the distance. However, he still couldn't see clearly from a distance, so he simply didn't look at it. Instead, he thought about what Stephen had arranged for himself.

Just thinking about it, when there was a knock on the door, Ye Feng got up and went to the door and asked who it was. A woman's voice outside said, "room service!"

Ye Feng frowned and opened the door. He secretly said that he had just checked in and didn't call room service. As soon as the door was opened, he saw a blonde, blue eyed, sexy creature standing at the door. He immediately rushed towards Ye Feng, hugged Ye Feng and began to kiss Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng hurriedly pushed away the creature, frowned and said, "get out!"

The creature said to Ye Feng, "Virgil asked me to serve you!"

Ye Feng frowned again and said, "I don't need this kind of service!"

But Youwu said to Yefeng, "after you go in, you don't know when you can come out. You should enjoy your life before you go in!" On the one hand, he said, and on the other hand, he took off his few clothes.

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