Ye Feng did not avoid the blonde beauty in front of him, but there was no expression on his face. He just looked at it quietly.

The blonde immediately went to Ye Feng and pushed him toward the bed. After he sat on the bed, he began to shake his chest and buttocks on his legs and make a pose. He leaned his head against Ye Feng's face and breathed slightly toward Ye Feng's ears with his nose.

The blonde also untied the button of Ye Feng's shirt and felt it down Ye Feng's chest. Then, the blonde looked at Ye Feng in a daze and stood up with a frown.

The blonde stepped back and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "You have no response to me? Oh, my God! You don't have any obstacles, do you? "

At this time, Ye Feng took out a cigarette, lit one, took a deep breath, and then said to the blonde, "I do have obstacles, which should be called whore obstacles in technical terms!"

After hearing this, the blonde suddenly changed his face and scolded at Ye Feng angrily, "do you think I'm a bitch? Prostitutes? Is there any mistake? " Then he quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and began to put them on. His mouth was still murmuring, "God, it's the first time I've been treated like this..."

While smoking cigarettes, Ye Feng appreciates the complaining look of the blonde in front of her. Looking at her, she seems to have sold her. She is still very aggrieved and angry. He can't help laughing, "how? Have I misunderstood you? "

The blonde looks at Ye Feng incredulously, then turns around in front of Ye Feng and says to Ye Feng, "from what point do you think I am such a person who betrays my body?"

Ye Feng is smoking a cigarette way, "you say you are not this kind of person, but do is this kind of thing! Am I right about that? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the blonde was silent for a long time. She didn't speak for a long time. After she was dressed, she didn't say anything and walked directly to the door.

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the back of the blonde, but he saw that the blonde went to the door, holding the doorknob, but didn't open the door.

Seeing this blonde, Ye Feng couldn't help saying, "how? What are you hesitating about? Don't want to go again? "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the blonde immediately came back and sat on the sofa, holding her hands in front of her chest. She looked at Ye Feng and did not speak.

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

After taking a deep breath, the blonde said to Ye Feng, "would you mind giving me a cigarette?"

Ye Feng directly throws the cigarette box and lighter beside the bed towards the blonde. The blonde takes out a cigarette, lights one and smokes it.

Ye Feng saw that the blonde just smoked and didn't speak, but his eyes were a little red, and then he looked out of the window.

See blonde so, Ye Feng can't help but say, "you don't have to be so in front of me, I don't eat this set!"

But the blonde didn't speak, just smoking cigarettes, and tears have been flowing down, Ye Feng see in the eyes, also don't speak.

After a long time, the blonde's tears dried up and his cigarettes were finished. Then he stood up and took off his clothes again, but he said to Ye Feng, "you must have me today!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "this matter, I have only heard of men forcing women, but I have never seen women forcing men!" He said, "give me a reason!"

The blonde said faintly, "nothing. My brother is in their hands. If I don't sleep with you today, tomorrow I will receive my brother's body!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a tightly looking at the blonde way, "so say, you are forced to do so?"

The blonde nodded, shrugged and said, "believe it or not, I'm telling the truth!" Then he took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "yes, I'm dancing at night, but I never do physical trade. If they didn't bind my brother, I would never do it!"

Ye Feng stares at the blonde's eyes, then stands up and walks to the blonde's face.

Seeing this, the blonde thinks Ye Feng is ready to be herself. She slowly closes her eyes, but she can't wait for Ye Feng to contact her body.

After a while, he felt something on his shoulder and back. He immediately opened his eyes and saw that he had put on his clothes, and Ye Feng had already walked to the window, "you stay here tonight, and tomorrow I will say, I will pass you!"

Hearing this, the blonde looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you not interested in me? Or do you really have any obstacles? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked back at the blonde and said with a smile, "if I have life to come back, I'll go to you again..." Then he immediately asked, "by the way, what's your name? Where's the night dance? "

The blonde immediately said, "my name is salina. It's on the night show in this hotel!"

Ye Feng nodded, then turned to look out of the window, did not speak.

But the blonde stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng. At this time, he was holding the clothes on his shoulder, neither wearing nor taking off.Thinking of what Ye Feng said just now, I can't help but say to Ye Feng, "I only know you're going to jail. How? Will you die when you go in? "

Ye Feng did not speak at this time, suddenly thought of Salina just entered the door, and said to himself, I Virgil called her to come.

If you just want to solve your physiological needs before you go to Angolan prison, any one of you can do it. You don't need Virgil to come to salina in person.

Think of here, leaf maple heart next move, isn't this salina didn't tell the truth with oneself, oneself see her eyes of time, don't feel what cheat of twinkle.

At this time, Ye Feng turns around and stares at salina, but she doesn't speak. Seeing that, salina unconsciously steps back and stares at Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "they let you come to have sex with me, why can tell you I want to go to jail?"? And you said Virgil asked you to serve me? How do you know Virgil? "

Serena smell speech face slightly move to look at Ye Feng, eyes at this time began to flicker.

Ye Feng noticed that salina glanced at the door intentionally or unintentionally, which was an obvious hint that she wanted to escape.

In Salina just ready to run towards the door of a flash, Ye Feng has arrived behind her, directly will her waist up, a fell on the bed.

Did not wait for salina to get up, Ye Feng has come to the body in front of Salina, the body completely pressure on salina, completely pressure of her can't move.

Salina just about to reach out to push away Ye Feng, but Ye Feng grabbed her hand and pulled her back. Then she looked at salina and said, "at this time, don't you tell the truth?"

"I don't know what you mean," she said

Ye Feng sneered, "don't you say that? Do you believe I'm going to hang you naked out of the window and show you to the public? "

Salina didn't speak. Ye Feng immediately pulled salina out of bed and dragged her towards the window.

Until the window, see Ye Feng opened the window, salina this just loudly said, "I say!"

Ye Feng this just stopped action, looking back at salina way, "say!"

Salina took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "what I said before is all the truth!" With that, afraid that Ye Feng would continue to drag her to the window, he immediately added, "but I did hide something!"

Ye Feng released his hand, pushed salina to sit on the sofa, and then lit a flue, "my confirmatory friend Virgil, this time he called me and asked me to do this!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "how do you know Virgil?"

At this time, salina looks at the cigarette on Ye Feng's finger. Ye Feng immediately walks over and hands the cigarette to her.

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