After taking a puff, salina immediately said, "I'm just a dancer. I met Virgil two years ago and had a relationship with him, but then he disappeared and left me a sum of money. We haven't contacted each other since then. Until a few days ago, I received a call from him. He told me about it and asked me to serve one of his guests You can give me a lot of money after you finish it! "

Yefeng listen to salina said, can't help but look at salina way, "so you are Virgil's mistress?"

But salina's face changed, disdaining to say, "what mistress, I thought it was true love, who knows he will suddenly disappear?"

Ye Feng is toward salina way, "that you are for money?"

Salina looked at Ye Feng and said, "I said, what I told you before was true. At that time, I refused him. I also asked him what he thought of me as. I was dancing at night, but I'm not a prostitute. Besides, I didn't move a dime of the money he left. I just wanted to hit him in the face if I met him again one day, but I didn't know I'm sorry I didn't get the chance. This time he gave me money again. I scolded him on the spot and then hung up! "

Then salina took a puff of her cigarette and continued, "who knows, the next day he called me again, saying that my brother was in his hands, forcing me to come to you!"

Ye Feng looked at salina thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he said, "in addition to sleeping with me, there is no other task?"

Salina shrugged her shoulders and said, "what I've received is this task. After it's finished, I'll not only release my brother, but also give me a sum of money!"

But Ye Feng frowned and thought for a while, is Virgil crazy? In order to save his sister, Monica, even the woman she once was willing to call out to spend the night with her?

But after careful thinking, I think it's nothing. Maybe in Salina's life, I'll pay more attention to the relationship with Virgil. However, Virgil thinks that it's just one of the many women he's slept with. There's no relationship at all.

In fact, in the final analysis, it's more than Virgil. How many women have slept with before, how many can I still remember? Who will also keep the feelings in mind? That's just the special physiological needs of a special period.

But the difference between Ye Feng and Virgil is that although he didn't have any feelings with those women, he didn't let the women he had slept with come out again to do this kind of thing.

Think of here, ye Fengchao River salina stretched out her hand and said, "give me your mobile phone!"

Salina was stunned and looked at Ye Feng, then took out her mobile phone and handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took salina's mobile phone, opened the address book and said to salina, "which is Virgil's number?"

Upon hearing this, salina immediately got up to grab Ye Feng's mobile phone and said, "you can't talk to him on the phone. He said on the phone that if you go to him for this, he won't let my brother go!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. Does Virgil still have such a request? Do you want to do good without being famous? Don't you want to thank a blonde for your enjoyment?

Ye Feng thought, can't help but see a few more eyes of Salina, pondered for a long time, the words of Salina, how true and how false?

Thinking about Ye Feng's opening of Salina's mobile phone photo album, one by one, I find that most of the photos in the album are pictures of Salina dancing at night or changing clothes backstage, and there are several videos of her dancing at night.

Ye Feng specially took a look at the time of these photos and videos, some a few days ago, some more than a month, or even more.

And these photos of Salina look very sexy, especially in the video, salina is quite hot. When dancing, many men are shouting for her, and the atmosphere is quite warm. From the eyes of those men, we can see that salina is quite welcomed.

Then Ye Feng also found that there were pictures of Salina dressed more formally, and the background environment was not in the night show, but there were no photos of the opposite sex men.

Ye Feng can't help but look up at salina and say, "since you have such a relationship with your brother, you don't have a picture of him in your mobile phone, let alone a group photo!"

Salina smell speech but eye socket a red ground looking at Ye Feng, after a long time just took a deep breath of airway, "to tell you the truth, my brother and I don't have a good relationship!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, don't speak, just stare at salina to see.

But listen to salina continue to say, "my brother and I used to have a good relationship, but since he knew I was working at night, he didn't talk to me anymore!"

Ye Feng smell speech but looking at salina way, "then why do you want to dance at night?"

Salina continued to smoke a cigarette and said, "I used to be a dancer, but I couldn't find any decent job at all. Besides, we lost our parents very early, leaving me and my brother alone. He needs money to go to university. My previous salary is not enough for these expenses. In order to provide for my brother to go to school, I can only choose this job, although it's not very decent, But the pay is really not low! "Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but move. After seeing salina for a long time, he said, "since you are so short of money, why don't you accept Virgil's money? With my understanding and guess of him, what he gives you should be a lot of money!"

After hearing this, salina said immediately, "he did give me a lot of money. Before I left, he gave me a lot of money. I thought I was his girlfriend at that time and accepted it. But the money he gave me before he disappeared made me feel that it was my selling money. I would never accept it. Besides, I have hands and feet, and I have the ability to earn money by myself. Why should I take it How about the facilities? If I accept the money, I will admit that I am selling it? I'm an entertainer, not a prostitute

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders again. At this time, she sees that salina takes her mobile phone from Ye Feng's hand and looks for it in the photo album for a while. Then she opens a photo and hands it to Ye Feng, saying, "this is my brother!"

Ye Feng took a look at the mobile phone, but saw a picture of Salina and a blonde boy. The sister and brother were very happy with each other. It seemed that at least in this picture, the relationship between the sister and brother was very good.

Salina then said to Ye Feng, "this was taken when I went to school to see him in his junior year. I haven't seen him for more than a year!"

Ye Feng returned the mobile phone to salina, then said, "or that sentence, you stay here tonight, don't need to accompany me, tomorrow you go to your brother, I'll do my business!"

Salina smell speech can't help looking at Ye Feng way, "you really don't want me?"

Ye Feng took a look at salina and said, "I'm not interested in you!"

After hearing that her face has changed for several times, salina has a sense of loss. After all, salina is very confident about her appearance and figure. Not only at night, but even in life, she doesn't know how many wild bees and butterflies are around her. Some people even wait for him downstairs where she lives every day until she calls the police and even moves away. But Ye Feng is a little bit shy of herself No interest, this is a blow to a team full of self-confidence.

At this time, salina said to Ye Feng, "what if I am voluntary?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at salina and said, "you are just curious about me because I refused you. It's not voluntary. And the purpose of my coming this time is not to sleep with beautiful women! There are more important things to do

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, salina said to Ye Feng, "what do you and Virgil do?"

Ye Feng took a look at salina and said, "you'd better not know. And after this event, if Virgil gives you money, you'll take it and leave the city. Never see Virgil again!"

The more Ye Feng said that, the more curious salina said, "I don't think you are a vicious person. Why do you want to go to prison?"

Ye Feng then stares at salina and says, "I'm curious to kill the cat. I know too much. It's not good for you!"

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