Ye Feng stood up, looked out of the window, and then said to salina, "it's still early now. Let's go down for dinner first!"

Then he walked towards the door, passing by salina, and said, "put on your clothes. No matter how lustful I am, I won't do it in broad daylight, will I?"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, salina this just put on the clothes again, when she put on the clothes to go out of the door, see Ye Feng is back against the wall by the door smoking.

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette. When she sees salina coming out, she immediately nods and walks towards the elevator. Salina follows Ye Feng.

Two people into the elevator, Ye Feng glanced at the monitor in the elevator, nothing and salina said, to the downstairs restaurant, Ye Feng directly went in to pick a quiet table to sit down.

Salina sits opposite Ye Feng and stares at Ye Feng. She doesn't know whether she is curious about Ye Feng or whether there are other factors. She looks at Ye Feng all the way and feels that he is different.

After Ye Feng ordered some things, she handed the menu to salina and asked her what she needed to eat. Salina also casually ordered a few things and gave the menu to the waiter.

After waiting for the waiter to leave, salina said to Ye Feng, "thank you!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly at salina and said, "thank you? Thank me for what? "

Salina then said to Ye Feng, "nothing, just want to thank you!"

Ye Feng didn't speak, just shrugged. Until the waiter brought up all the dishes they ordered, Ye Feng picked up the knife and fork and said to salina, "eat it!"

Salina didn't say much. She picked up the knife and fork and kept looking at Ye Feng while eating.

She found that sometimes, when she looked at Ye Feng, Ye Feng just looked at herself, but did not avoid her eyes.

It's himself. Sometimes when he looks at Ye Feng and looks at himself, he intentionally or unintentionally wants to avoid Ye Feng's eyes. It's not what's in his heart, but he feels that Ye Feng's eyes are burning. It's estimated that few of the people who look at him will stick to it.

Ye Feng still doesn't speak until the meal is finished. She still looks at salina, who is eating slowly.

After waiting for the waiter to come, clear up the dishes on the table and serve the fruit plate after dinner, Ye Feng said to salina, "after eating the fruit, you leave here immediately!"

Salina just picked up a watermelon, listen to Ye Feng said, can't help staring at Ye Feng surprised way, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's meaningless. Listen to me. After eating, you'll leave immediately!"

Then salina said, "no, my brother is still in Virgil's hands."

At this time, Ye Feng reaches for salina's mobile phone and dials Virgil's phone. Just after the phone rings a few times, Virgil's voice says, "how about it?"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "it's me!"

Virgil heard Ye Feng's voice and said, "is it you?"

Ye Feng then said to Virgil, "don't be surprised. I know your purpose of asking salina to come to me is not simply to solve my physiological needs before I go to prison! Leave her and his brother alone

Virgil said with a smile, "what do you mean? I don't quite understand you

Ye Feng then said to Virgil, "if it is like this, then it's boring. Do you have to pick out what you know?"

Virgil pondered for a while, and said to Ye Feng, "I also want to help you get into prison as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "I have my own way, so you don't have to worry about it. It's so decided!"

Virgil was silent again, and then he said to Ye Feng, "are you really moved after seeing the beauty of Salina? That's not good. Personal feelings are the most taboo in our business! "

But Ye Feng said to Virgil, "I don't need you to teach me how to do things, but if you don't let salina and her brother go, I won't say anything cruel. Even if I deliberately delay the time to save your sister, it's estimated that it's an unspeakable injury to your sister!"

After pondering for a while, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "OK, I promise you, but you'd better have your own way!" Then he hung up.

Ye Feng just took a look at the mobile phone, and then returned it to her with a face of surprise. She kept staring at her looking at salina, "take the mobile phone and go!"

But salina said to Ye Feng, "why do you let him let me and my brother go? Am I in danger?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't have to worry about it. Go quickly. I believe your brother will come to you soon!"

But salina still looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "if you don't make it clear to me, I won't go!"

Ye Feng smell speech but stare at salina way, "if you still want your brother safe, you don't ask so many things!"

Salina said to Ye Feng, "you just talked to Virgil. Although I don't know what he was talking about, I can understand from your words that Virgil asked me to come to you not only to solve your physiological needs, right?"Ye Feng looked at salina and said, "sometimes, reality is more nonsense than movies and novels. You can just know that life is not easy. When your brother comes back, take him away from here and stop having any contact with Virgil! Forget him! He and you are people of two worlds

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, salina nodded her head and then said to Ye Feng, "what about you?"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "what me?"

Salina said, "can't you contact me in the future?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move looking at salina, but see salina look at their own eyes and before some are not the same, roughly know salina now state of mind.

After taking a deep breath, he said firmly, "remember what I said to you? Curiosity Kills cats. If I guess correctly, you were also attracted by Virgil's mystery. Just like you see me now, I can tell you, don't try to get to know someone you don't know. It's very dangerous for you! "

Salina looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you are also very dangerous?"

Ye Feng said to salina, "the risk factor is quite high. It may make you regret for a lifetime, even if you don't have the chance to regret!"

When salina wants to say something else, Ye Feng doesn't give salina another chance to talk, "go now!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, salina can't help but stare at Ye Feng, then stand up, turn around and go.

Ye Feng saw that after salina left, she immediately stood up and walked towards the door of the hotel. Unexpectedly, she just arrived at the door, but saw that salina did not know where she came up suddenly. She hugged Ye Feng and kissed Ye Feng.

Ye Feng pushed away salina and said, "let you go! Don't you understand? "

Salina then said to Ye Feng, "although I don't know what the purpose of Virgil's asking me to come to you is, I feel that you just saved me. I don't think I can repay you..."

Ye Feng did not wait for salina to finish, immediately toward salina way, "don't you repay, hurry to go!" With that, Ye Feng immediately turned and left.

Salina stands in the same place and stares at Ye Feng's back. She can't help feeling sad. For her, it's because of her lack of charm that Ye Feng has no interest in herself. She is so devoted to her, and even refuses to be thousands of miles away.

But in the end, salina left the hotel in disappointment. She never knew that Virgil's purpose of letting her come here was to let her die.

Her role is not only to meet Ye Feng's physiological needs, but also to die in Ye Feng's room, and then let Ye Feng become the murderer of Salina, so that she can enter the Angolan prison.

Ye Feng has seen through Virgil, but salina doesn't see through these. However, after Ye Feng reminds her, she also feels something. Because of this, she is more interested in Ye Feng. Unfortunately, Ye Feng has no interest in her at all, which makes salina feel a little lost. She even feels that even if it's dangerous to be with Ye Feng, she would rather stay with Ye Feng I want to take the risk.

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