When Ye Feng entered the elevator again, he found a poster on the back of the elevator, which was just to publicize that there was an erotic dance activity on the ground floor, and the publicity photo was actually salina in erotic clothes.

After staring at the poster for a while, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, and then pressed the button on the ground floor, and the elevator immediately started downward.

Before the elevator door was opened, Ye Feng faintly heard the noisy music outside the elevator door. After the elevator door was opened, the sound became more dynamic and loud.

Besides, there are quite a few boys and girls near the door of the elevator. They have all kinds of skin color. They all have dragon and phoenix patterns, and even have colorful hair.

After Ye Feng came out, the people standing at the door could not help looking at Ye Feng. After all, Ye Feng seemed to be out of tune with them.

However, Ye Feng did not stop, but directly along the corridor to continue to walk forward, on the road Ye Feng also saw someone here taking drugs, issued a strange smell, smell very uncomfortable.

Ye Feng walked all the way to the innermost door and was stopped by a black man in a suit. He pointed to the sign beside him, which said that it would cost $1000 to enter the infield.

Ye Feng directly takes out his wallet, takes out a thousand dollars and hands it to the black man. The black man immediately lets Ye Feng go.

The people in the night show look a little more serious than those in the hallways. After all, a thousand dollars ticket is not something that the little bastards can afford.

The people who can buy tickets to come in for consumption are at least much better than those gangsters outside, but they are only income.

At this time, in the middle of the empty night, there is a huge cage. In the cage, there are three beautiful women in bikini playing at the edge of the cage. They are swaying with the rhythm of the music. There is no dancing posture at all. They are just seducing those crazy men around the cage to shout for them.

There are even a few men who are quite wild. They directly pull the cage and stretch the money into the cage. The dancers immediately come over and let the men put their money into their bras or even underwear. Some men take the opportunity to take advantage of it, but the dancers are still happy.

The beauty of these dancers can't be compared with that of Salina at all, which makes these men unable to control themselves. If salina comes out, I don't know what will happen to these men.

At this time, Ye Feng just saw a guest who was leaning against the cage walk away. He immediately went to sit down, lit a cigarette, looked around, and looked at almost all the people who could be seen.

At this moment, the music suddenly stopped, and then the three dancers immediately went backstage from the exit of the cage. Then a black man came up, dressed in a glittering suit, went to the middle of the cage with a microphone, and began to introduce the following program.

Then someone yelled, "let's just watch salina. Let's get salina out, or we'll refund the ticket!"

Listening to this man's cry, others immediately began to coax, and then someone took the lead and began to clap the table, calling salina's name.

At first, the black host pretended not to hear it and continued to talk to himself about the following program. But now he found that the whole show was all called salina's name, and then he explained, "salina is a little uncomfortable tonight..."

On hearing this, the people below immediately began to coax for refund. The voice of the host was a little embarrassed. He immediately said wait a moment, and he went to call salina.

Ye Feng sat there watching the host leave the cage, the surrounding calls and curses are still in an endless stream, the secret way seems that salina is the pillar of this field.

But Ye Feng knew that if she listened to her own words, she would have left here and would not come back.

But just less than ten minutes later, Ye Feng was ready to leave, but the host came back, excited and said to everyone, "tell you a good news, salina knows that you think so, she is on the way to come, sick will play for you!"

As soon as the people below heard this, they immediately burst into boiling, whistling, whistling, and clapping the table.

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow also can't help a wrinkle, and sat back, he didn't expect that salina actually will come back.

After another performance in the cage, people outside the cage began to urge salina to come on stage. The host came up and immediately said, "the next program..." Then he exclaimed loudly and excitedly, "Welcome Serena... "

The outside of the cage was boiling, and then the music began to ring. The host immediately withdrew from the cage, only to see that salina had put on her exposed clothes and came in, dancing with the music.

Many men around the cage began to excitedly call out the name of Salina, and even many people have been around the cage, have to take out money to reach out to salina.

However, salina seems to be different from the previous dancers. First, she dances alone. Second, she always stands in the middle of the cage and doesn't take the money from the men, so that the men don't take advantage of it. But the more so, the more excited the men are. Some even drink high and directly pull the bars of the cage and keep shaking.Salina didn't care about the men. She just danced. When the music stopped, she took a polite hand from the ground and walked towards the cage. The men threw the money directly into the hat in Salina's hand.

At this time, salina turns around and just walks in front of Ye Feng. When she sees Ye Feng, her face suddenly moves and she stares at Ye Feng on the spot.

The man who was waiting for the money behind was a little worried and kept calling salina's name.

After nodding to Ye Feng with a smile, salina walked to the other side with her hat. After a while, the mouth of the hat in Salina's hand was full of money.

Salina immediately went to the middle of the cage, bowed to the crowd, and then looked in the direction of Ye Feng. After smiling at Ye Feng, she went back to the backstage.

At this time, Ye Feng felt his shoulder sink, side head a look, but see a big man is reaching out to grasp his shoulder, a face angry looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng eyebrows slightly a wrinkle way, "recognize the wrong person?"

But the man said, "Mr. Brooke wants to see you!"

Ye Feng frowned a little, but saw that the big man pointed to another place, but saw that there was a small private room with a few people who were about the same size as the big man standing at the door. On the sofa in the private room, a man who looked like a decent gentleman was staring at Ye Feng. After seeing Ye Feng, he immediately waved!

Ye Feng's heart moved when he saw this, but he went over there. As soon as he entered the private room, Brooke said to Ye Feng, "please sit down!"

Ye Feng is not polite to him. He sits directly on the sofa. Brooke pours a glass of wine for Ye Feng with a bottle and a glass. Then he says to Ye Feng, "it seems that you are very familiar with salina?"

After Ye Feng took a sip of the wine, he said, "I'm familiar with it! What's the matter? "

Brooke smell speech a smile way, "familiar with good, want to ask you to help introduce!"

Just then, listening to the boiling outside, Ye Feng looked out of the private room, but saw that salina was coming here under the leadership of a big man. On the way, many men were going crazy. They could not help but squeeze up and wanted to kiss Fangze, but they were blocked by several big men.

There was no expression on salina's face. At this time, she saw that Ye Feng was also sitting in the private room. Her face moved slightly and walked quickly.

As soon as he entered the private room, Brooke stood up and said with a smile to salina, "Miss salina, it's better to meet her than to be famous. I've come to visit her so many times, but I still appreciate her face so closely."

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't think I know you," she said to Brooke

At this time, a big man said to salina, "don't you know? You get a bunch of flowers and a $10000 reward backstage every day. It's Mr. Brooke's masterpiece

Brooke, however, said to his subordinates with a "complaining" look, "don't be abrupt, you go out first!"

Salina said to Brooke, "it's Mr. Brooke. Thank you very much."

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