Brooke then motioned to salina to sit down, and immediately stood up to pour a glass of wine for salina. He also said, "Miss salina, I've been watching your performance for more than a year. I want to meet Miss salina every time, but it's a pity that Miss salina never gives me this chance. It's really hard to give me this face today. I must invite Miss salina to drink A drink

But salina looked at Ye Feng and asked him, "is this your friend?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't know!"

As soon as salina heard this, she immediately stood up and took Ye Feng's hand. After he got up, she said to Brooke, "sorry, I don't drink with people I don't know!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "let's go!"

Ye Feng see this is a shrug, did not expect that salina in this night scene is so bold, unexpectedly so not to be face?

But as soon as she got to the door, she was stopped by some strong men. She immediately looked back at Brooke and said, "what do you mean?"

Brooke came to the door with two glasses of wine in his hand. When he got to salina's face, he immediately handed the glass to salina and said, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to have a drink with Miss salina. Doesn't miss salina agree to this?"

With a slight eyebrow movement, salina glanced at Brooke, and then at Ye Feng, who was standing on her side without any expression. She took the glass, drank it, put it back on the table, and said to Brooke, "the wine has been drunk, can we go?"

Brooke still stopped at the door and said to salina, "Miss salina, after drinking my wine from Brooke, that's my friend of Brooke. Since I'm a friend, why don't you sit down and have a chat?"

Salina said, "I don't have time to chat. I have to go backstage to prepare for the next performance..."

Brooke immediately took out a pile of gold, shook in front of Salina and said, "I'll take care of you tonight. I'll pay for your next performance. You just have to sit here and drink with me!"

Instead of looking at the money in Brooke's hand, salina said directly to Brooke, "I've seen so many men here. What do you think I don't know? Don't you want to sleep with me just because you have some money? I tell you, I'm not interested in you all! "

Brooke's face suddenly changed when he heard the speech. He spilled his money into the air, then took out a gun, pointed to Ye Feng and salina and said, "salina, I'm talking to you just for your face. You can ask about my name of Brooke. I've never been patient with women. I've made an exception for you. Don't toast or drink!"

But salina took a look at Brooke and said, "of course I know your name, Brooke. Isn't it the hooligan tycoon of Louisiana? It's good for nothing except a few stinky money in hand and a few thugs at the bottom of hand... "

As soon as Bruce heard this, his face suddenly changed. He immediately threw away his hand and pulled toward salina. He said fiercely, "I don't want to be shameful..."

But his hand has not yet drawn to salina's face, Ye Feng caught him. Brooke looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how dare you stop me?"

Ye Feng then said to Bruce with a smile, "how can I say that I'm also a big man. If I don't succeed in courtship, I have to start beating people. This is not what a man should do!"

Seeing this, several big men rushed in immediately. The man who led Ye Feng was the one who had just brought Ye Feng here. He was just about to stretch out his hand in front of Ye Feng, but he pulled Ye Feng's collar. He immediately felt a pain in his crotch. He didn't know what was going on. He had already fallen to the ground.

And Brooke and salina can't help but be stunned. The people who rush in behind are also stunned. They don't see how Ye Feng moves. The big man is on the ground in front of them.

Brooke at this time reaction come over, immediately toward the other a few stunned men yelled, "you still see what, don't give me hands?"

Those big men immediately rushed towards Ye Feng, surrounded Ye Feng in an instant, and looked at Ye Feng with evil spirits.

At the same time, Brooke drags salina toward the sofa in the private room and says, "do you think I have time to come here and spend time with you every day? You're right. I'm just going to have sex with you. Today, if you honestly satisfy me, all the money on the ground is yours. If you don't like it, I'll kill your Oriental boyfriend! "

While talking, salina has been dragged to the sofa by Brooke and pushed down on the sofa.

Salina was about to get up when Brooke pulled out a gun and immediately put it against salina's head. She said in a deep voice, "can you move it again?"

At this time, Ye Feng is surrounded by Brooke's men, but with the rest of his eyes, he can't help smiling.

Brooke at this time to see Ye Feng in this case, can't help but smile, can't help frowning, do salina's side, one hand around salina, one hand with a gun pointed at Ye Feng there.As soon as salina in Brooke's arms is about to wriggle to resist, Brooke coldly says to salina, "you can run away. As long as you leave the sofa, I'll shoot him right away!"

As soon as she heard this, salina's face suddenly changed. Although she met Brooke for the first time, she had heard of Brooke's name in Louisiana for a long time. Besides, her working environment was like this. She had heard of such a person for a long time.

It is said that this product started from drug trafficking. Now it almost controls the whole drug network in Louisiana, but the police just can't find any evidence of drug trafficking. Moreover, every time it's about to show up, a ghost will come out to help him carry the crime, so he can still be free from the law.

Brooke used to come to these night shows and other places, but he has rarely come since he developed. Recently, he often came here because he saw salina's poster when he was eating in a restaurant upstairs and entering the elevator, so he had some interest in her, so he came to support her.

Originally, Brooke also thought that as long as he was shocked, he would be able to deal with salina that night with a drop of US dollars. Unexpectedly, salina would not give face at all.

At first, Brooke felt that he was more interested in such a reserved woman as salina. Otherwise, what's the difference between her and those prostitutes who sell their bodies in the world of mortals?

That's why Brooke is patient and comes to hold up salina's show day by day. He has been able to win the favor of Salina in this way, but recently he has gradually lost his patience.

After all, I can't always run here every night for salina's sake. How many things do I have to do? My goal is just to go up. Now that I've given salina face, if she doesn't buy love, she can only come to the most simple and direct.

Just as Brooke saw a sullena who was arrogant on the stage and never looked at people in the eye, he would smile at a man sitting by the cage. He guessed that Ye Feng must have something to do with sullena, so he asked people to find Ye Feng and then ask people to go backstage to find her.

Now as long as we solve the problem of this Oriental little man, everything will be solved. Even if we don't kill Ye Feng, we can force salina to make a mistake as long as we fatten up this guy.

And Brooke has an evil idea in his heart. Since this salina has a relationship with this Oriental, he will go up to salina in front of this man for a while. This is what makes him feel the most comfortable.

Originally, Brooke thought that as long as the people on his side gave Ye Feng the priority, he didn't need to do anything at all. This counsellor should be scared to pee his pants.

But he didn't expect that this guy put down one of his subordinates without seeing clearly, and now he is surrounded, and he can still laugh.

At this time, the muzzle of Brooke's gun shook at Ye Feng and said, "what are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Brooke and said, "Oh, I couldn't think of a way to deal with something. Fortunately, you have come up with a way to deal with it! Of course I laughed

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