John turned and left. He could see that Ye Feng would not ask for any useful information. He had to think about it and then straighten out his mind. This case is absolutely not simple. It may be the only case that caused a sensation in the United States in his police career.

John went back to his office, sat down, lit a cigarette, kept pressing his temple, immediately thought of something, immediately grabbed the phone, dialed a number, "what's the news from the law and politics department?"

At the other end of the phone, he said, "my colleagues in the law and politics department are grasping. I'm here. As soon as the report comes out, I'll send it right away."

After he hung up, John took another puff of his cigarette, then dialed a number and asked, "when will the surveillance video be delivered?"

The guy at the other end of the phone immediately said, "I've got it. I'm on my way back to the Bureau. I'll be there soon!"

John answered with satisfaction. After he hung up the phone, he leaned back in his chair and began to think about the whole case. Then he suddenly thought of something. He immediately dialed a phone number and asked, "help me find the number of the bar association!"

After hanging up, John waited patiently for the call, but before the call came, his men had come with the surveillance video.

John immediately found the technical staff in the Bureau, connected the video to the computer, and began to watch one by one according to the time of the crime.

All the people in the team were transferred by John to watch the video. At the same time, the telephone of the bar association was also found. John immediately went to the office and called the bar association, "we need to find a lawyer for the murderer!"

At the other end of the phone, John asked if he had any special requirements, but John said to the phone, "no special requirements. I can speak English and understand the law."

The bar association said to help John arrange the time as soon as possible. John just said to arrange the time as soon as possible. After that, a police officer knocked on the door and asked John to come out to have a look. There was something on the video.

John immediately put down the phone and went out of the office. He went to a computer and looked at what was playing on the monitor. Ye Feng was indeed taken to the private room by a strong man.

A policeman can't help but say, "it seems that what the boy said is true. Before, he had been sitting here drinking and watching the performance, and then Brooke's men came over!"

John snorted coldly, "it doesn't mean anything. Maybe there was a deal between them. When he followed Brooke's men, did he mean a little resistance?"

Several police officers pondered for a while, but they could not help feeling that there was some truth in what John said.

John asked the police to tune Ye Feng out ten minutes before he entered the private room, but he didn't find any clues. Then he asked the police to tune out the video of Ye Feng entering the private room and leaving the private room after he killed.

A group of people are staring at the video. At this time, they suddenly find that a woman has also been taken in. John immediately asks people to pause the video and immediately asks, "what about this woman?"

People can't help shaking their heads, there is humanity, "when we arrive, the whole night is empty!"

Then someone immediately said, "I know this woman. She is the leading dancer of the night show. The poster of the night show in the elevator where we went to the night show is this woman. If I remember correctly, it should be called salina!"

After pondering for a while, John immediately asked people to continue playing the video. Without playing for a while, several of Brooke's men came out of the private room.

Before long, I saw a panic outside, and several of Brooke's men at the door immediately turned back into the private room.

John immediately clapped his hands at this time and said, "find this woman right away. She was at the scene when the crime happened, and she didn't find her body. She must know something!"

Then John asked the police officer to continue to play, and soon he saw that almost no one could be seen within the scope of the surveillance video. At this time, he saw a man sneaking towards the private room, and soon entered the private room.

John watched the video, and then asked his men to fast forward. A moment later, he saw the man who just went in and salina came out of the private room together, and ran towards the backstage direction. Soon after, Ye Feng came out of the private room, went to the side of the cage, and sat there without changing place.

After their police figure appeared in the video, John saw Ye Feng put down his pistol and began to surrender with his hands holding his head. Then the police came to control Ye Feng.

After watching the video, John pondered, "why did the killer let the man and the dancer go?" Then he took a look at a policeman beside him and said angrily, "what are you waiting for? Find out the whereabouts of the dancer and the man immediately! Even if I haven't found them all, I'll find them out! "

The policeman left the office in a hurry. Just at the door, a man in a suit and black glasses came in. He stood at the door and knocked, "who's officer John?"

John smell speech immediately looked at that man, eyebrow a wrinkly way, "I am John, who are you?"

The man immediately took out a business card from his briefcase and handed it to John. "I'm a lawyer from the bar association. My name is Hendry!"John took the business card, took a look at it, and then began to look at Hendry. But he didn't look 30, and he seemed to be in a daze. At first glance, he was a novice.

John then said to Hendry, "talk to me in my office!"

After taking Hendry to his office, he asked Hendry to sit down and poured a glass of water for him. Then he sat opposite Hendry and took out his cigarette and handed it to Hendry.

Hendry quickly reached out and refused, "sorry, I can't smoke!"

John took back the cigarette and lit it in his mouth. Then he took a look at it. Hendry said, "it's a good habit not to smoke. I haven't had enough cigarettes every day for so many years..."

Hendry took a drink from his teacup and immediately said to John, "I heard that I'm here to work as a lawyer for the murderer. Can I have a talk with my client first?"

After smoking a cigarette, John immediately nodded and said, "of course, it's the murderer's legal right and your obligation."

As soon as Hendry heard that Yan was about to get up, he heard John immediately say, "but I have to talk to you in advance!"

Hendry frowned at John and said, "I'm sorry, my client is a murderer. For the legitimate rights and interests of my client, I shouldn't talk too much with you!"

John frowned at Hendry and said, "you are right, but I have the responsibility and obligation to make a simple statement of the case to you."

Hendry smell speech but toward John said, "I came on the way to have a basic understanding of the case, for this case and the murderer I have a certain understanding!"

John frowned and said, "you already know the case? Who did you get to know? I'm in charge of this case. Who did you know about it? "

Hendry said to John, "our bar association has its own channel to understand the case."

After staring at Hendry for a long time, John said to Hendry, "OK, now that you have understood, I will not repeat it. But I want to remind you that the client you are acting for is a murderer who killed seven people in a row, and all of them were killed by one shot. We have reason to suspect that he is a professional killer, so you are his agent..."

Hendry stood up and said to John, "the professional ethics of a lawyer is that no matter whether my client is a murderer or not, I will only safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of my client. This is our lawyer's ethics. I don't treat him differently because he killed seven people. I hope you can understand me about that."

When John saw Hendry say that, he couldn't help thinking that the lawyer looked like a rookie, but his words were so sharp that he couldn't help looking at John differently.

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