John didn't have much to say. He got up and took Hendry to the interrogation room where Ye Feng was. On the way, John was so eager to speak that he didn't open his mouth. He found that he had nothing to say with the lawyer, and it was impossible to change the lawyer at this time.

After all, the bar association has its own rules. No one has the right to change a lawyer unless the client asks for a change of lawyer. Hendry is so principled. Even if he does make this call, Hendry will not compromise.

However, John firmly believes that there is no big problem with Ye Feng's case. This guy has already surrendered himself and confessed to the murder. The only problem is whether to make a case in the case, which has nothing to do with lawyers. It needs the police to continue to investigate.

After arriving at Ye Feng's interrogation room, John opened the door and said to Ye Feng, "this is Hendry, an aid lawyer sent to you by the bar association. Take a look. If you are not satisfied, you can apply for a change of lawyer!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the door to see one eye, then toward the door of Hendry saw one eye.

Henry immediately came over, took out a business card and handed it to Ye Feng. "Hello, I'm Hendry. I'm a lawyer from the bar association. I've been working as a trainee lawyer for two years and one month. Your case is the fourth one I've accepted."

Ye Feng took a look at the business card and asked Hendry, "can you tell me about your three previous cases?"

Hendry immediately said, "yes, the first case I accepted was divorce, the second was theft, and the third was financial disputes."

John couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that you are more suitable for family disputes. This is a homicide case. What do you think of the bar association?"

Said also "goodwill" to remind a Ye Feng way, "don't say I don't remind you, you have the right to change the lawyer, if necessary, I can help you to contact the bar association again, take a more professional picture for you!"

Unexpectedly, before John finished, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said to Hendry, "very good, I'm very satisfied!"

Hendry smell speech immediately toward the night visit stretched out a hand, originally want to shake hands with Ye Feng, but found Ye Feng's hand was handcuffed in the back, immediately embarrassed smile, "thank you!"

John can't help but frown and say to Ye Feng, "the nature of the case he dealt with before is totally different from your case. Your case is a homicide case. Have you considered it clearly?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "no problem, I don't care, as long as it's to help me, I can!"

As soon as Hendry heard this, he went to the door and said to John, "it's time for me and my client. I hope you can go out for a while."

John took a look at Ye Feng, then looked at Hendry, then shrugged his shoulders, just about to go out, but heard Hendry say, "I hope the monitoring here can be turned off!"

After hearing Hendry say this, John took a look at the surveillance camera in the interrogation room, then shrugged his shoulders and turned to get out of the interrogation room.

Hendry took his briefcase and sat opposite Ye Feng. He took out a book and paper from it and put it on the table. After the red light on the surveillance video went out, he said to Ye Feng, "Mr. jetty Lee! Now you can tell me the facts of the case. There's no need to hide it. I'm defending your rights and interests! "

But Ye Feng said to Hendry, "in fact, you don't need to know too much. My goal is to be in prison!"

Hendry could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "Mr. jetty Lee, I don't quite understand what you mean!"

Ye Feng shrugged and asked Hendry if he had any cigarettes. Hendry shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't smoke, and I don't have the habit of buying cigarettes!"

Ye Feng looked at Hendry and said, "go out and buy a bag!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng, but he stood up, opened the door of the interrogation room, went to the vending machine at the end of the aisle, bought a pack of cigarettes and lighters, bought two bottles of pure water, and went back to the interrogation room.

Before and after sitting in front of Ye Feng, Hendry opened the cigarette and electrified Ye Feng. Then he sat opposite Ye Feng, unscrewed the cap of the purified water bottle, took a drink, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Mr. jetty Li, I hope you understand that I am not a prosecutor or a inspector, I am your lawyer!"

Then he took out a stack of documents from his briefcase, put them on the table, pushed them to Ye Feng and said, "there is a contract here. I will provide the most professional legal knowledge and legal protection to the police station, the prosecutor's office and the court on your behalf. Although you can rest assured about this, what you are talking to me now, I can't tell a third person without your authorization Yes

After looking at the contract documents on the desk, Ye Feng looked up at Hendry and said, "I'm very sorry, I didn't say what I asked of my lawyer just now!"

Hendry immediately said to Yefeng, "it doesn't matter. You can say it now!"

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to Hendry, "the police have all pleaded guilty to my charges of murder! My request is to close the case and sentence as soon as possible, and to go to prison as soon as possible! "Hendry can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "If it's like this, you don't need a lawyer at all, just plead guilty!"

But Ye Feng said to Hendry, "confession doesn't mean you can get a sentence right away. I said, I need to close the case and get a sentence as soon as possible!"

Then, without waiting for Hendry to speak, he immediately said, "if you can do this, I will sign the contract in front of you. If you can't, please leave now. Don't waste your time. Go to the bar association and find me a lawyer who can meet my requirements!"

Hendry hears a burst of silence and stares at Ye Feng. After a long time, he says to Ye Feng, "can I ask why?"

Ye Feng then looked up at the surveillance camera and shrugged at Hendry. "I killed Brooke on purpose. I know his identity very well. It's not too much to describe him as a heinous man! There's no guilt in killing such people! "

Hendry frowned and said, "why? Do you see yourself as a sanction on the edge of the law? "

Ye Feng can't help but smile, "I'm not so boring, so much injustice in time, how much can I manage?"

Hendry can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise. "Then I don't understand. What's the purpose of you looking for Brooke to kill?"

After staring at Hendry for a long time, Ye Feng said, "I think what I said just now is very clear. You haven't paid attention to what I said?"

Hendry was stunned, then thought about Ye Feng's words, immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "your purpose is to go to prison?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile to Hendry, "you're not stupid, that's what happened!"

Hendry frowned and said, "it's the first time I've met someone who wants to go to jail. But if you want to go to jail, there are many ways. Why kill people?"

Ye Feng said to Hendry, "you can go to jail for a small case, but you may not be able to go to Angola jail!"

Hendry a listen to this words, this just completely understand the purpose of Ye Feng, surprised to look at Ye Feng way, "do you want to go to Angola prison?"

Ye Feng shrugged, then looked at Hendry and said, "if I didn't sign a contract with you in the end, would you expose what I'm talking to you now?"

Hendry said to Ye Feng, "no, there is no contract, but our lawyers have their own integrity!"

Ye Feng just lit a little, smoked a cigarette and said, "I'm going to Angola to deal with my own affairs. If you can help me, you can help me. If you can't, you can change people. It's so simple!"

Hendry looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "OK, I can!"

Listen to Hendry say so, Ye Feng just said to Ye Feng at this time, "OK, then come according to my request, help me to plead guilty as soon as possible, convict me as soon as possible, and go to prison as soon as possible, that's all!"

Hendry immediately nodded and said, "OK, I'll coordinate with the police."

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